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Pilot Wings Resort (3DS)

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    They could have allowed you to bail from planes in the squirrel suit in free flight mode. There could have been many more squirrel suit courses of varying difficulty. I imagine with an ounce of thought, there's probably loads of potential in the squirrel suit.


      Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
      They could have allowed you to bail from planes in the squirrel suit in free flight mode. There could have been many more squirrel suit courses of varying difficulty. I imagine with an ounce of thought, there's probably loads of potential in the squirrel suit.
      Exactly. With an ounce of thought.

      I love the game. But it just seems lazy as they could have made it so much more enjoyable with more longevity if they just *thought* for about 5 seconds before they made it.

      Oh well, just need to wait another ten years for the next sequel on the Nintendo Hologramcube.

      I'm still loving playing it though. It's addictive as hell. But I think that will end quickly once I've collected everything which is gonna happen pretty fast.


        Originally posted by Rossco View Post
        Exactly. With an ounce of thought.

        I love the game. But it just seems lazy as they could have made it so much more enjoyable with more longevity if they just *thought* for about 5 seconds before they made it.

        Oh well, just need to wait another ten years for the next sequel on the Nintendo Hologramcube.

        I'm still loving playing it though. It's addictive as hell. But I think that will end quickly once I've collected everything which is gonna happen pretty fast.
        The first two pilot wings games are increadbley revered (for some reason), which would explain why some people are bit disapointed with this.

        I think Ive actualy put more time into this than either of the previous games though, so in my opinion its certainly no worse than them.


          The comments floating around about this game taking 2 hours to finish are a bit off. I've been playing for 4 and haven't even unlocked gold, let alone touched free flight. Some of the missions are really tough if you want a perfect score. Chasing the car to pop the balloons is a nightmare, not sure how it is actually possible.


            I just spent the kast 2 hours on free flight having only just unlocked silver. Am I the only one who just likes to fly around and look at things?


              Originally posted by kryss View Post
              I just spent the kast 2 hours on free flight having only just unlocked silver. Am I the only one who just likes to fly around and look at things?
              nope, my mum who hates games and won't ever play anything loved flying around yesterday, she wasn't even looking for the rings/miis, just trundling round the locations until she complained it was making her eyes go wonky.


                Originally posted by kryss View Post
                I just spent the kast 2 hours on free flight having only just unlocked silver. Am I the only one who just likes to fly around and look at things?
                Nah I quite enjoyed it when it was in Wii Sports Resort, I just couldn't be arsed doing it again.


                  Completed. Well, not red 3 stars, that would drive me nuts. And well, I think completed,

                  as once finished you get another 3 special missions, and once done it says there is a new mission in freeplay mode, but all I found was the metal giant thing from the N64 version (not that I ever played it but thats what it says its from!) circling the golf island. It has one of those "i"s above it, which I have collected in all 3 vehicles and at all 3 times, with each giving a different message, but haven't been given anything else so am not 100% sure thats what the thing saying "new mission in freeplay mode" was referring to.

                  , but will count it as done and sell it now. Probably time I moved onto something else as have barely touched RR and SF4, and have only played Samurai Chronicles for a little longer. According to the stats I had about 8 and a half hours play time, which I feel is good enough value - it has certainly been fun to play.


                    So I'm gradually realising what I've gotten myself into. I highly recommend that you DO NOT go for red 3 stars. Some of the missions have me ready to throw my brand new 3DS across the room, and I'm not even up to platinum yet!


                      Well just got a copy of this today, and must say it's pretty awesome, done both free flight and up to bronze mission mode and its just so relaxing and a great charm about it, as others have said its perfect pick up and play, just done 30 enjoyable minutes.


                        This is great. however, I'm compelled to complete each mission at 3 star level before moving on so it's VERY BLOODY FAR FROM RELAXING! lol.


                          Originally posted by FSW View Post
                          This is great. however, I'm compelled to complete each mission at 3 star level before moving on so it's VERY BLOODY FAR FROM RELAXING! lol.
                          Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                          I highly recommend that you DO NOT go for red 3 stars. Some of the missions have me ready to throw my brand new 3DS across the room, and I'm not even up to platinum yet!
                          You didn't heed my warning!! I've had some serious rage after finally pulling off a glider mission perfectly only to loose 1 point for impact or something on landing. Infuriating doesn't even begin to describe it!


                            The flip side of that is that I decided to let myself off the hook and not 3-star everything.

                            Haven't played it since.


                              Not doing red stars but gotta get 3! Done the training one and bronze and it's already getting tough.


                                3 red starred everything upto the last mission in silver...and have found everything in free flight except 1 of each mii, gold ring and stunt ring.
                                even played it on the bus and train Ive grown to love it so much and I never play handhelds in public (odd tho that sounds).
                                Have become a general 3DS nerd too, even go into gamestation hoping to get their spam street pass hits to kill the bloody ghosts in the rpg

                                I am now almost as much of a fanboy as Party Boy

