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Portal 2

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    Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
    I think them bits where supposed to feel like that and i think it adds to the atmosphere

    i loved the underground labs they had a very cool lost vibe to them and Cave Johnson was fantastic too. Barren? you must be mad isolated, spooky, atmospheric yes.

    loved the single player and its one of the few games that has made me want to go back through it as others have said cant wait for the DLC or half life episode 3, in fact i want to go back and play some half life 2 because i love this universe.
    I've actually started playing HL2 again because I can't get enough of vavle.


      Originally posted by Number45 View Post
      My only other little niggle is more to do with the controller really - where quick reflexes are required, not having a mouse is a hindrance (in that respect it's a shame that Move support wasn't added).
      I don't recall the game requiring quick reflexes. You will do for achievements/trophies that ask for a speed run of a test chamber, but for the main game, I don't remember any parts that did. I also had this worry coming into it since I played the first on PC, but there are very few sections where you absolutely must fire portals when in the air so the controls on the PS3 for fine for me.

      I've watched an 18 year old girl play the game at my house. She hadn't played the first Portal, but it was interesting to watch her progress. Amazingly, I saw her solve certain test chambers in a different manner to the way I did it. It is testament to the game design that it allows for this. That Youtube video made my jaw drop.


        I'd definitely say a mouse is better than a controller. Not only for control, but the games looks better with it, in the way the camera moves making it more natural, instead of a controllers square movements.


          Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
          I don't recall the game requiring quick reflexes. You will do for achievements/trophies that ask for a speed run of a test chamber, but for the main game, I don't remember any parts that did. I also had this worry coming into it since I played the first on PC, but there are very few sections where you absolutely must fire portals when in the air so the controls on the PS3 for fine for me.

          I've watched an 18 year old girl play the game at my house. She hadn't played the first Portal, but it was interesting to watch her progress. Amazingly, I saw her solve certain test chambers in a different manner to the way I did it. It is testament to the game design that it allows for this. That Youtube video made my jaw drop.
          You've probably answered your first paragraph with the second. The way I chose to solve a few of the puzzles (which I afterwards realised I could have solved in a different manner) definitely required me to aim quickly and accurately. Not a show stopper by any means (I had the same complaint in the original in places, which I also played on the PS3), but they would definitely have been easier with a more direct means of input.

          Originally posted by Supergoal View Post
          I'd definitely say a mouse is better than a controller. Not only for control, but the games looks better with it, in the way the camera moves making it more natural, instead of a controllers square movements.
          I only ever notices things like this when I'm watching someone else play, I'm oblivious to any aesthetic differences when I have the controller in hand and I'm focused on playing.


            Originally posted by Btang84 View Post
            I don't recall the game requiring quick reflexes.
            The first Portal had a rake of levels that required quick reflexes where you had to aim and shoot portals while flying through the air to gain speed and trajectory to get through certain sections of levels. Portal 2 only has a handful (if that) of levels later in the game where you have to be on the ball shooting alternate portals one after another.

            Tbh, after playing the SP again and the MP, i was probably a bit harsh on this giving it a 7 out of 10 as the SP is actually quite a long game on reflection. I just blasted through it fairly quickly first time round probably due to the fact that i had played the orginal and addons to death so the mechanics of it held no surprises for me. Though i did like the

            Gel sections and can see these elements making some fabulous DLC levels down the line , but i would have liked to have seen a few more turret levels to negotiate

            I'm upping to a 9 as i don't think it has enough innovation over the first for a 10 but it is a very good game.


              I tried playing portal 1 on my mac when i got it for free in the stream sale (had the orange box for ps3 so had already completed it) and found a mouse and keyboard completely unplayable, simple tasks on the controller i found utterly impossible with k&m.


                So, what else is due out this year. I'm calling it, GOTY right here and now (it's the first game I've played this year. ) and I haven't touched anything other than a single play through of the SP.

                Aristotle versus smashy spiky thing

                - hahahahaha!

                The [gameplay] ending is epic too. I stared at it for a good few moments thinking, "surely not"?

                EDIT: Oh noes, I clicked on the 10!
                Last edited by Number45; 03-05-2011, 22:57.


                  Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                  I tried playing portal 1 on my mac when i got it for free in the stream sale (had the orange box for ps3 so had already completed it) and found a mouse and keyboard completely unplayable, simple tasks on the controller i found utterly impossible with k&m.
                  Strangely, the keyboard and mouse are a lot more accurate and feel more natural than a controller, but only if you're used to using it I guess.


                    Just started this last night and, well, everything's been said already by everyone else in this thread. It's immense. Has anyone mentioned the front-end and menus yet? No? OK: I love the amazingly clean, seamless menu screens. Controls are superb too. Thought I'd struggle with PS3 controller after Mouse/Keyboard on first Portal, but if anything I much prefer it. None of that hassle of lifting up and repositioning mouse when you need a good look round and run out of mouse mat.


                      To add to the glowing praise - what a stunning masterpiece of a game! It's been a very long time since I enjoyed a game as much as I did this. Before going back though the main game with the developer commentary on for achievements I was thinking of playing though the co-op campaign, but given what I've heard about the rarity of finding a good co-op partner though matchmaking I'm hesitant. So, does anyone fancy teaming up to play co-op?


                        Originally posted by Nocturne View Post
                        To add to the glowing praise - what a stunning masterpiece of a game! It's been a very long time since I enjoyed a game as much as I did this. Before going back though the main game with the developer commentary on for achievements I was thinking of playing though the co-op campaign, but given what I've heard about the rarity of finding a good co-op partner though matchmaking I'm hesitant. So, does anyone fancy teaming up to play co-op?
                        Me too, finding a co op partner randomly isn't as much fun since they tend to quit on you and mess about.


                          Originally posted by Nocturne View Post
                          So, does anyone fancy teaming up to play co-op?
                          I am, but can only oblige if you're PS3 or steam.


                            Originally posted by mekanor View Post
                            I am, but can only oblige if you're PS3 or steam.
                            You're located in Australia? I'm in Japan so if you fancy a co op session let me know. My Steam username is Higashibashi.


                              Local co op split screen is what it's all about with this. Great, but sometimes stressful!


                                The PC version doesn't officially support split screen unfortunately. Though there are ways around it, it's a pain.

