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Portal 2

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    It is indeed a bloody awesome game.

    I can really appreciate how some feel that the way forward was at times a little too abstract, but equally I cannot help but applaud Valve for having the guts to be so abstract. Never, not once, was the way forward obscured to the player - similar to Limbo, if the player looked hard enough the answer, the way to progress, was always there, right there, waiting to be observed, waiting to be seen. Portal 2 may seem too obscure to some, but I think that is why it is so grand, because it really doesn't care - if you've got the right frame of mind - you WILL find the answer because it is right there, you just have to find it for yourself. It is awesome level design, amazing, and is very inspiring indeed.
    Last edited by Adam Stone; 08-05-2011, 20:01.
    ----Member since April 2002


      Oh, while I can appreciate Wolpaw doesn't seem that bothered about the wider implications of the story - and I don't entirely blame him - I would... kind of like to see Portal 3. I understand that on some level the ending was a joke, a wink at the player, but still - I want to know what happens next, damn it!


        This may sound odd but I thought the 'story' of the first game was better.
        The second game goes at length to explain what has happened and why Portal exists but what made the first one better was the lack of in depth story, just titbits and lots of mystery. For me that made my imagination think more sinister darker things about what was going on. I would have preferred a more adult and sinister style story for Portal 2 than the slightly quirky trying to be funny one, but other than that it's great.


          The art direction in this game is absolutely phenomenal.

          Gameplay is a delight.


            Another area that hasn't been getting as much love out there as others, game soundtrack and general sound direction. It's pretty awesome throughout.
            Just LOVED the music that plays on chapter 9

            The part where he kills you.

            Soon as you escape that bit and the music kicks in, epic.


              The soundtrack to this game is just amazing, totally agree.

              The writing...actually, tbh, everything about this game is magnificent.


                Yep the soundtrack is ace. I love how they've also taken a cue from Nintendo and made the soundtrack dynamic (think thats the right word) in places - ie an extra layer is added to the background music when you jump on an aerial faith plate or into an excursion funnel.


                  Anyone want to Co-op tonight or tomorrow? I added Golgo but he isn't online.

                  PS triple but I don't have a mic for voice chat. Gestures FTW.

                  edit, Coolio #45.
                  Last edited by Bort; 15-05-2011, 21:09.


                    I should be able to do tomorrow night hopefully.


                      I'll be up for some tonite, can't get on til about 21-30 gmt, tho.


                        Yeah, I'll be on from around 22:00 hopefully.


                          I'm up for some portal co-op action tonight if there is an odd one out?


                            Seems there will be an odd one. I'm free all night now.


                              Anyone tried their PC/PS3 version yet between both the console and the PC? Does it work?


                                I haven't done any co-op, but I've activated/downloaded/played my "free" copy just fine.

