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The Witcher 2

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    Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
    A few questions!

    - How hard is this for an Action RPG person. (I love ME2, Fallout 3 and Oblivion, but don't have the skills for a JRPG)
    - Does it work well with the 360 Pad?
    - Can you save anywhere?

    360 pad works fine for me, as for the difficulty, its quite hard in places, takes some getting used to.

    Can usually save anywhere, maybe aside from mid boss battle type stuff.


      Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
      A few questions!

      - How hard is this for an Action RPG person. (I love ME2, Fallout 3 and Oblivion, but don't have the skills for a JRPG)
      - Does it work well with the 360 Pad?
      - Can you save anywhere?

      1: It's very hard, often in a frustrating way. The combat is heavily focused on hanging back, getting in some carefully timed hits then doging their counters and sorting out your positioning. It's more calculated strikes than hack and slash. Once you get used to the system, only the bosses should cause problems though.
      2: Controls seem designed to work well with a pad
      3: yep, the autosave is poor though, make sure you quicksave often.


        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        1: It's very hard, often in a frustrating way. The combat is heavily focused on hanging back, getting in some carefully timed hits then doging their counters and sorting out your positioning. It's more calculated strikes than hack and slash. Once you get used to the system, only the bosses should cause problems though.
        2: Controls seem designed to work well with a pad
        3: yep, the autosave is poor though, make sure you quicksave often.
        Thanks very much, sounds a bit out of my patience level. Appreciate the info guys!


          I don't think it's overly difficult, once you get some decent weapons and gear and learn to use your signs and bombs things get a lot easier. In fact, with the upgraded Quen sign you can pretty much play the game as a hack and slash affair.


            If you have played and completed Demon Soul's is it easy?


              It's a lot easier in my opinion.


                Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                A few questions!

                - How hard is this for an Action RPG person. (I love ME2, Fallout 3 and Oblivion, but don't have the skills for a JRPG)
                - Does it work well with the 360 Pad?
                - Can you save anywhere?

                1. Very hard. Makes ME2, Fallout and Oblivion seems like childs play. Demon's Souls is the closest comparison I'd make, but it's not quite that hard imho. Use block and keep distance from the enemy, and also focus on getting your "block from every angle" skill unlocked too. Don't spam anything and you'll be ok.

                2. I'm using a wired 360 pad. If you want inverted Y axis you'll have to change it in the USER.INI file, but that's easy to do. Other than the inverted quick-fix, it feels designed for consoles/pad imho.

                3. Yes, save anywhere, and I'd reccomend it as the auto-saves are kinda "start of area" things, meaning you can happily lose 20 minutes of play time if you die without manually saving.
                Last edited by Jebus; 30-05-2011, 08:09.


                  Loving this game now. Got very fustrated in the Prologue with the amount of dying, but spent some time reading the tutorials in the Journal, and taking my time. Once i understood how it hung together it was amazing. Glad it took a bit of time to read.

                  The GoTY edition hopefully will spend some time focusing on making it a bit more understandable to what is happening at the begining. For instance showing the Tutorial popups for more than 1 second...

                  This game should be experienced by all RPG fans. I think it just raised the bar..


                    blimey this is rather hard definetly have to be more cautious and planning about battles...only on the first chapter doing some side quests the wraiths are troublesome

                    i guess really i would like perhaps a bit of a early warning so i know when to use potions in advance rather then realising it by dying first

                    Thing is with this game while it has bugs compared to other european games like gothic/divine divinity it feels a hell of a lot more polished
                    Last edited by eastyy; 31-05-2011, 21:19.


                      Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                      i guess really i would like perhaps a bit of a early warning so i know when to use potions in advance rather then realising it by dying first
                      You do often get a warning but mainly when there's really strong enemies nearby, Geralt's medallion will vibrate. I do dislike the fact you can't drink potions in battle any more, I end up not drinking very often because I'm always afraid of wasting them.

                      I just started chapter 3 and chapter 2 has been truly epic, such an awesome game. I'll be very surprised if this doesn't end up being game of the year for me. Although, Dark Souls is still coming out...


                        with demon souls i found that not really knowing where should go first or what order was a pain (if you went to the wrong place at the wrong time would not last that long at all ) when i found out where and when to go i found it really not that hard

                        definetly seeing comparions between this and demon souls especially against the wraiths the combat had the same cautious approach


                          I got this yesterday.
                          It seems hard like most of you were saying, but not through combat, but just trying to understand what's going on with the menus, information given to you and stats and data that pops up. Need time to grasp what the game is before I can start to feel the love.

                          Also, does this game look a bit too bloomy? I can barely see my surroundings with the amount of bloom and brightness going on, but perhaps as I'm in the beginning of the game it changes later?


                            Turn off bloom in the options. Bloom in every game i've played has been rubbish, so i just turn it off.


                              The bloom in this game is a bit weird, in some places it can look really overdone, but in others it makes things a lot more beautiful. All in all I'd recommend playing with it on.


                                I love the glowing bits of paper in dimly lit rooms that the bloom provides.

