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The Witcher 2

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    this game is ****ing bull**** now tbh

    the quests are just fking stupid, go into some cave that you cant get out of, and fight about 20 of these demon little buggers, its fking impossible, it doesnt give me any indication if im too low or not equiped to succeed either, but that doesnt mean fk all because all the other quests, like "go get some herb thats oh yeah in another dark cave" is exactly the same, 20+ evil things that ripe me apart.

    what a crock of bull****


      Largo: 2 ways to deal with that.

      Proper way - grenades + quen

      Cheese way - let some of them run towards you, run away, they'll only follow you a certain distance before not being able to follow any more. Pick them off 1-2 at a time.


        Thing is, the game is freaking amazing, by far and away, but it just winds me up something rotten, i think im just crap without a little direction perhaps i just need to spend hours trading and crafting or something, but gets me raged

        *edit* oh yeah gameplay question, during the prologue

        escape from jail

        bit, i was doing in guys with the black jack in about 2 hits, because geralt would suddenly do this instant kill animation or something, anyway it was awesome, but i cant seem todo that anymore, (chapter1) would certainly make combat a bit easier rather than just flinging the sword wildy

        whats all that about
        Last edited by Largo; 03-06-2011, 22:41.


          Has anyone noticed any performance increase with the latest patch? Seems to be a major improvement for me.


            What and when was that patch? How can I see what version my version is?


              Been two patches now -

              If you view the readme file from the launcher - if it mentions 1.2 then you are 1.2.

              The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings ReadMe file

              Update - June 02, 2011

              PLEASE NOTE: Patch 1.2 may be installed differently depending on circumstances.


                Just finished it. Fantastic game, its making me want to go back but i'm holding myself off. Going to play through the original game instead first, might as well at least then i can transfer the save over and see what happens. Lost my original save ages ago. :/

                Overall story and journey wise i preferred the first game, but that doesn't mean this one is a slouch. As unimaginable as this sounds i found this game a bit more linear, but not in a bad way.

                Shame there isn't a new game+, would have loved to start the beginning with all my skills.


                  Hmm, I can't seem to update or find a patch for my version on Steam. I'm guessing Steam hasn't released a patch yet.


                    Just pray it isn't another 9gb download. I feel sorry for you guys.


                      Has there initially been a 9gb download? I must have missed that one too.


                        If you bought it after the patch, i'm guessing it just downloads the latest release instead.


                          When was the first patch? I think I've had the game about a week.


                            I think its been about almost 2 weeks since 1.1 was released.


                              still on the first chapter doing the troll trouble quest i beat him so he would talk but no idea what to do next about finding the she troll

                              wish they would tell you where to go via map markers or something


                                Read the spoiler if you don't want to find it for yourself.

                                Shes in one of the houses just outside the walls of flotsam

