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Dark Souls

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    I have become obssessed with this game since finishing the PS3 version last week, half way through NG+ and also picked up the PC version where i'm just just about to hit the new content

    Never really summoned/got summoned in my first PS3 run so i've been spending loads of time helping people out with the bosses. Great fun and a great way to earn souls!


      Originally posted by Golgo View Post
      Anyone who says this game isn't hard but only punishes you fairly for your own mistakes has clearly never made it as far as the cheap-as-F***

      twin-archers on the walkways of Anor Londo cathedral!

      That was a total mare. If you're a melee based light dex build you are super screwed on that part. The only way I was able to get passed him was to keep retrying until he voluntarily jumped off the ledge. I found holding your shield with both hands helped in that regard. You are right though, there are cheap moments in the Souls series despite what people claim about it being fair and balanced. Still love the franchise though regardless.

      Much like the 1st game, Mage characters seem to have an easier time of it because they can spam projectiles from distance and farm boost intelligence to become massively over powered.
      Last edited by Jimmyboi; 20-09-2012, 17:19.


        Yeah I was all magic in Demon's that's why I went the way of the melee for Dark Souls.


          Started playing again over the weekend (don't know why but I don't find this as compulsive as Demon's Souls but when I'm in the mood it's great to go back to). Anyway, cleared a couple of fairly simple bosses (Prowling Demon & Moonlight Butterfly) before having a mooch down into the depths of Darkroot Garden. I kept hearing clanking in the distance but couldn't see anything. Next thing I knew a knight was punching holes in me with his spear. I've have him next time. Maybe.


            Originally posted by Golgo View Post
            Anyone who says this game isn't hard but only punishes you fairly for your own mistakes has clearly never made it as far as the cheap-as-F***

            twin-archers on the walkways of Anor Londo cathedral!

            force miracle knocks the arrows out of the air.


              There are loads of ways to get around those annoying archers, the game is always fair as there's always a way around situations without even getting scratched, it's certainly a game where you're suppose to die quite often though, and a bit of trial and error is occasionally involved.


                Its not always fair. I don't know why so many people insist on claiming that. I think the game is the best franchise of this generation but to claim its 'always fair' is a great big fib. There are enemies that can catch you in stun-lock animations for example - that in itself is a straight up breach of videogame 101 no-no's. Not that I'm complaining really, its all part and parcel of the experience.


                  Best game I have ever played, I managed to platinum it a couple of months ago, I haven't touched it for a few weeks but with the downloadable content on its way in a few weeks I think i'll sharpen my sword, polish my armour and go find some pvp action.

                  I'm level 633 played through the game seven times have all the armour, weapons,items etc and still love it, I have been watching some videos of the new areas on Youtube, the new areas look amazing. I am looking forward to the new pvp elements as i'm sick of people using the dragon torso glitch.

                  my PSN is id Fuzzybee if anybody sees my summon/invade signs
                  Last edited by fuzzybee; 25-09-2012, 18:03. Reason: added exta


                    Level 633 is a little out of my jurisdiction. I've clean slated a few of my save slots to prepare myself for the DLC arena, since that's capped at Soul Level 100. Would be quite interesting to see what builds the 'Souls' community can come up with. Though peeps are mentioning Faith (as always) will probably be the most used.


                      Anyone know how the DLC is going to work? If you beat the final boss can you stay in the world on NG until the DLC is released or will you automatically end up in NG+, presumably starting from scratch with the DLC on NG+ too?


                        If you beat the final boss you automatically go to NG+, so the DLC content must be accessed before beating the final boss on the current playthrough.


                          Ah ok thanks.

                          I'm trying to work out how the weapons upgrade in regards to elemental damage or levelling with your stats etc. I've heard people claim that elemental weapons are not good enough for NG+ but from what I've seen +15 weapons with 40/50 dex/str still do less damage than +5 lightning, crystal, fire, etc. With NG+ in mind is it better to prepare a +15 weapon so as to avoid the elemental cap? If so what kind of stats do you need before you start to out class elemental weapons?

                          My other option is to go full on Pyromancy for NG+ as I've already got a maxed out glove. All I need is to up my atunement slots and pick up more pyro spells. I guess my options for NG+ are to build Dex and run with a +15 Uchigata or build atunement and use more Pyro.
                          Last edited by Jimmyboi; 01-10-2012, 02:20.


                            In the long run, weapons with high stat bonuses will be better than elemental weapons as elemental weapons don't scale with stats. I started as a knight and boosted strenght above all
                            and even during my first playtrhough I was dojng more damage with a non-elemental weqpon than with a non-special elemntal


                              The Claymore is the only weapon you need, a +15 does over 700 damage, it's the only weapon I use however I have several variants namely fully upgraded lightning,magic,fire etc its a devastating weapon in either single or multiplayer.
                              I am on NG+6 with my main character but have started several others capping then at level 99 and just hanging around the undead berg doing pvp, I will wait for the dlc before I venture further in again.
                              If anyone requires any help my PSN is FUZZYBEE, I have all weapons,armour,rings etc so can help out any way you wish


                                I tend to prefer mid-range weapons which are quicker to execute than the heavy swords like the Claymore. The Washing Pole has been my favourite so far due to its combination of reach and speed being a good balance.

                                I could do with some help in regards to trophies but I'm nowhere near your SL level and probably never will be as I like to stay relatively low with character builds.

