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Destiny 360/PS3/XBOX ONE/PS4 review

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    Went into the new raid cold last night. Ten hours later we got to the penultimate section. Initial impressions are that it's easily as good as, if not better than, VoG. It has everything that made the first raid great: essential team coordination, puzzle-solving, hidden secrets, epic scale, moments of shere disorienting chaos, This is Bungie back on top form. As with the rest of TTK content, some of the art direction and audio is outstanding. I'd say it's bigger than VoG too. What really makes it is the atmosphere, which they've absolutely nailed. This is the raid everyone was hoping that Crota's End would be.


      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
      Is that right s3m, 2-3 hours for the story? that's no more than the HOW story missions.
      No, the 2-3 hours figure is completely wrong. I played the story solidly, and it took around 5+ hours. Even that figure is misleading though, as the story mode doesn't include all the new story and strike missions, and doesn't include all the new quest content.


        Originally posted by bcass View Post
        No, the 2-3 hours figure is completely wrong. I played the story solidly, and it took around 5+ hours. Even that figure is misleading though, as the story mode doesn't include all the new story and strike missions, and doesn't include all the new quest content.
        Bcass your posts are coming across a bit to fan boy these days it's hard to take you seriously, watched one guy do the story missions in hrs 3:40 others have done it in much less. Sure the quests add in another 2 hours and the raid about 4 hours of gameplay (Not counting players deaths and trying to work out how to play it.).

        Panta Rhei, Nightfall and Weekly being removed if you don't own TTK tells you what a nasty company Activision are.
        Last edited by S3M; 19-09-2015, 14:26.


          Originally posted by Panta Rhei View Post
          Got 10 exotics within the hour. There is an exploit.

          Buy Three of coins at Xur. Start the Winter Kell mission. Run to his lair, pop a three of coins and hurt him until his health is critical. Suicide with rocket on him. Pop a three of coins again and repeat. He will drop exotic engrams.

          I did this on easy, have no TTK.
          Congratulations , you just got Rick Rolled by Bungie. You ask why? What can you do with your new exotics, absolutely nothing put them in storage, they are all level 40 weapons, don't have TTK then you cant move on from level 34. Im thinking it was Bungie and Activision who leaked the exploit. Can hear the Activision suit saying dangle a carrot in front of them , these sheep will pony up the 40 quid to get back on the grind conveyor-belt. The message from Bungie & Activision buy our product or get to ****.


            Well the good news is I managed to get my old psn back thanks to AOL reinstating my old email, after much headache that is.

            My roommate caved and bought the digital version and kindly downloaded it onto my ps4. Did the first few single player missions and can't say I'm impressed, all that kept running through my head was, this all should of been here from the start. I'll reserve judgement once I've gone through it, not like it cost me anything.

            Though the rng God did deem fit to bless me with a hawkmoon from a blue engram, go figure that one out.

            Also miss dinklebot, it was never something I had issue with. Shame Dinklage schedule didn't allow him to carry on.
            Last edited by fishbowlhead; 19-09-2015, 17:15.


              Originally posted by S3M View Post
              Bcass your posts are coming across a bit to fan boy these days it's hard to take you seriously, watched one guy do the story missions in hrs 3:40 others have done it in much less. Sure the quests add in another 2 hours and the raid about 4 hours of gameplay (Not counting players deaths and trying to work out how to play it.).
              Yeah, I'm an unashamed Destiny fanboy. I think it's one of the best games I've ever played, despite the unfortunate association with Activision. The main story missions took me 5+ hours to complete, and I can say with some level of certainty that all the quests will take a lot longer than 2 hours to complete. The new story missions are by far the best missions since the original release and will end up constituting well over 5 hours of gameplay, taking into accout things like Nightfalls and Weekly Heroic Strikes.

              The idea that you calculate gameplay time by just a single play-through is ridiculous, especially this kind of content that is designed for mutliple runs. Also, half the fun of a new raid is working stuff out yourself. It's satisfying beating a boss when you know the strat, but it's far more satisfying working out the strat then beating it.


                Been playing all day...have missed it!
                Beat the Crota and HOW story and am now into the new stuff.
                Just unlocked my Titans 3rd class...Sunbreaker is epic!!

                Already picked up a new legendary sniper too...can't use it til lv40 but it took me ages to find one first time around. Am about to hit 36 so not long to go.

                Melted all my old exotics into shards as none I had have made it over to year2...

                Don't suppose anyone bothers with the Crota raid now do they? Wouldn't mind tagging along with someone if they are doing it though


                  Can someone please help me as a new player? I haven't played this before and i was intending on buying it today but i was rather put of by GAME's price of ?55. I have seen the original version of Destiny is Asda for ?20.

                  As a new player is there any point in purchasing TTK at this stage or should i buy the DLC when i have reached a decent level etc or more to a point if i actually like it?


                    Go to tesco and the TTK edition is ?40!


                      You can essentially forget the game that was before TTK. TTK can jump you to level 25 instantly. From there, the most basic weapons you will get and will drop like flies eclipse anything we've ever found in Destiny until Sept 15. The most sought after vanilla destiny weapons are completely useless in TTK.

                      You can buy vanilla Destiny for a bargain and try it out, but the base game is terrible for newcomers and the 2 DLC packs didn't change that. Everyone hated the progress to level 20. There was barely any story too so you won't miss anything. Raids and elusive end game items kept us going but those end game items are weaker than squirt guns now and there is better stuff right in your face with TTK. Just too bad there is zero reason to do the Vault of Glass which was a great experience.

                      So i'd just go with TTK if I didn't have Destiny yet. And if you don't have it and never spent a dime on it, its actually a good deal. The gameplay of Destiny is nothing short of 10/10.

                      Originally posted by MisterBubbles View Post
                      Congratulations , you just got Rick Rolled by Bungie. You ask why? What can you do with your new exotics, absolutely nothing put them in storage, they are all level 40 weapons, don't have TTK then you cant move on from level 34. Im thinking it was Bungie and Activision who leaked the exploit. Can hear the Activision suit saying dangle a carrot in front of them , these sheep will pony up the 40 quid to get back on the grind conveyor-belt. The message from Bungie & Activision buy our product or get to ****.
                      Always nice to have this stuff in advance, I figure TTK won't be overpriced forever. The values are now dynamic with all that infuse going on, which means Y2 stuff is probably feasible for the whole year. No TDB Xur upgrades after 3 months and dumb etheric light stuff after it which was absolutely ridiculous when I think about it. In the end, we're looking at a massive jump from 150 to 170 att from launch to HoW. lmao.
                      Last edited by Panta Rhei; 19-09-2015, 23:48.


                        The new content is pretty good. There is a lot of quests that I can't keep up with at the moment.
                        Dismantle virtually everything you had from the first year. I haven't bothered levelling any weapons up yet as you constantly pick up better stuff as you raise your light levels.
                        I too have been using the 3 of coins and they are a great addition to the game and I'll abuse them until they hotfix it ha ha


                          Well my housemate went throught the actual new single player levels in 4 hours. Given that the single player missions are the stuff people will be most looking for, raid excluding, that's an appallingly short amount of time for ?40.


                            The story itself can be done in that time, but there are so many quests to do. It's well into double figures before you can exhaust all single player content in TTK.
                            Kept you waiting, huh?


                              Ok just so I'm clear, is the original Destiny disc/content redundant now compared to the purchase of the TTK version?


                                If you don't have TTK, you miss out on a whole lot of content.
                                Kept you waiting, huh?

