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Your Opinions on the Prices of 2nd Hand Games

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    Most of my games have probally been bought 2nd hand the highest has been ?45 for mario kart the cheapest in Limerick and the same price for the wind waker and Oot master Quest the rest have been ?25 wich i think is about ?15


      I never trade stuff in. The prices are alway complete rip offs. I would rather just keep it or sell it myself as the prices they want are insanely poor.


        Not true: I got far more than I paid for for plenty of trade-ins at Gamestation and Another World: cha cha maracas, Pokemon Stadium etc


          GAME sniping the bargains

          Chance would be a fine thing to find any great second hand RPG bargains at any of my local stores.I have seen staff at four GAME stores sniping the RPGs as they are traded in by customers.Most of them never even hit the store for me to buy.This make me so angry.Its the customers that keep them in a job.I complained to head office but it made no difference.


            Originally posted by kittyN
            Chance would be a fine thing to find any great second hand RPG bargains at any of my local stores.I have seen staff at four GAME stores sniping the RPGs as they are traded in by customers.Most of them never even hit the store for me to buy.This make me so angry.Its the customers that keep them in a job.I complained to head office but it made no difference.
            It certainly is annoying when you consider they are paying a couple of quid for a game that you would happily pay ?20 for.


              Perk of the position that i used to encourage with my staff when i used to work at Gamestation.

              If a member of staff wants it and is willing to pay full price for it (as in no discount) you are entitled to it.

              It's not company policy, but what are they going to do?

              Besides, if customers want their opinions to be taken seriously, the vast majority of them should discover soap.


                forget it old thread
                Last edited by df0notfound; 20-10-2004, 11:12.


                  Stupid high 2nd-hand prices are good for trading in crap you've picked up in Crime Generator for a fiver or so, tho...

                  I made about ?18 profit in credit after vomiting Sonic Heroes at Gamestation.

