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Nintendo Wii

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    Perrin Kaplan: Well, let me see. We've been working on a name for a good year and have had this one in mind for some time.


      Originally posted by anephric
      If I recall correctly, people who insist on pronouncing Sega seeega (as people do sometimes) are actually using the Italian word for "wanker".

      So there you go. Masturbatory polymath that I am.
      Stupidly enough, Sega as it's properly pronounced is actually closer to the Italian for wanker. Spelled exactly the same too. Seeega would be siga in Italian.

      It always amazes me when companies release products with daft names they haven't thought through. Vauxhall/Opel apparently launched the Nova in Spain without realising that it literally means "it does not go" in Spanish.


        Originally posted by 112
        has anyone thought about how its pronounced in japanese? doesnt sound as bad when you say it in jap. Sounds like wuh-ee............ ok still sounds ****!

        Does anyone actually like it?

        The word 'Revolution' is a tough one to pronounce in Japanese. Wii however sounds like 'ii', which is Japanese for 'good'.


          Originally posted by knight_beat
          So... I wonder if NGC will bother to change their title. NWii sounds crap, NWC (Nintendo Wii Console) sounds crapper, literally.
          Actually, that's one possible way out of having to refer to Wii as Wii. I infinitely prefer typing and saying the NWC.
          Last edited by Concept; 28-04-2006, 09:35.


            NGC should change their name back to Super Play. You could use that title for any games mag now I reckon.


              Super Play is a Swedish magazine. They took the name after Super Play (UK) went down.


                I don't think anyone has picked up on some of the quotes from the Game Informer interview...

                GI: This is going to sound really crass and rude, but a child?s way of saying they have to go to the bathroom is saying they have to go wee. Doesn?t that concern you at all?
                Atwood: No. Anytime you announce a new name you?re going to get a lot of questions and the whys. If you look at what TiVo did or Virgin Airline for instance, a sort of tie in for example. Those names have become household names and it had nothing to do with that at all. We wanted a name that represented the fact that this system was really for everyone to play. And Wii, the word, is W-i-i, and the two I?s represent both people and the controllers. So, it?s really not about this sort of tongue in cheek.

                Again if you look at things like Yahoo! Or Virgin, or Caterpillar or Naked Juice, or Prius ? the car, or Napster ? these names either have funny connotations or don?t make sense initially. But if you look at how we support this, and what the name represents, I think it makes sense.
                The thing about those other brand names is that they may be a bit daft or silly at first, but they didn't have another connotation or meaning.

                I think they wanted a name that was very unique. Because this system is not about an upgrade of an old system. This is about an entirely new way to play, an entirely new type of system.
                Err, yes it is actually, it's not much more powerful than the GameCube, this is something they've been keen to point out. Plus early dev kits were a GameCube with the wand and nunchuck device attached.

                GI: Just seeing the reactions in our office and seeing what people are saying online ? it seems people are really shocked at this name, and aren?t really that thrilled about it.
                Atwood: I think the first time you hear any name, it sounds odd. I think one of the reasons is that it?s totally different and unexpected as you said. The first step will be getting to E3, and getting hands-on. We?re pretty confident it?ll become a lexicon like Google, or Amazon, or Virgin. Obviously there will be first reactions, but once you get your hands-on with the system and understand, and watch the video, and read the back story of what this name is supposed to represent, I think it all ties in.
                Until the journos get to question them properly at E3, I don't think they've realised the full implications of the name. This is such a poor excersise in public relations. They just haven't done their research.

                GI: Isn?t it a little tricky that you have to give us a one sheet to explain what the name means and it doesn?t say it by itself.
                Atwood: No, the point is we want it to be very clear what we?re saying. Again, we?ll go back to your traditional naming conventions for systems. They tend to be fairly literal. That?s not what we want at all. We want something that isn?t as literal. But once you understand it, it makes a lot of sense.
                That's a very good question actually. They've had to explain the name from the off, never a good thing. Though I remember MS having to do the same for the 360, there just wasn't the same hilarity. Public perception is going to play a huge part in the success of this console. Whether it's immature or not, calling it "wii" just won't work here.

                GI: Why reveal the name now? Why not wait until your E3 press conference?
                Atwood: E3 for us is all about the games. We understand that when you announce a name it?s going take a bit of time to get comfortable with it, and when we get to the show we want the focus to be completely on the games, and the gameplay. The focus of E3 is to get everyone to play this system. You can only appreciate the system when you play it. I know for a long time we?ve been talking about all the possibilities, and I know you guys have been talking about all of the possibilities of the system.

                The key is to focus on the games and the gameplay at E3, not a name, but anything but that.
                Yeah, good luck with that. This is going to be one of the first questions people will ask about. This is going to rumble on for years.

                There's a few other things in there, but you get the idea.

                I've spoken to a few friends about this, both gamers and non-gamers. Both sets were shocked, stunned then saw the funny side. None thought it was a good name.

                It's a good idea, but they should have stuck wth Revolution, or the even snappier Go. I suppose time will tell.


                  I know. The Revolution isn't catchy but it said all it needed to say about Nintendo's intent with their next console. It at least told people about what they wanted.

                  Go, while more simplistic, was catchy. Short, abrupt but very breezy.

                  Wii... on the other hand. It doesn't say anything. It confuses, the concepts behind it aren't easily explainable in a couple of sentences and on top of this, it sounds very, very silly. Who have Nintendo got in charge of their marketing department at NCL?


           - haha


                      Originally posted by Xephon
                      The thing about those other brand names is that they may be a bit daft or silly at first, but they didn't have another connotation or meaning.
                      I agree with all your other points Xeph but you have to admit that the Virgin brand does have a meaning that people can take the piss out of. Perhaps that's the meaning that Branson intended but it's still one that's open to subversion.


                        Originally posted by Concept
                        Actually, that's one possible way out of having to refer to Wii as Wii. I infinitely prefer typing and saying the NWC.
                        Not to be confused with -

                        Reggie with attitude.


                          I cant decide whether I like this name or not. On a plus side judging by the amount of activity on this forum and others relating to Nintendo's announcement they are definitely going to drum alot of discussion and get quite a bit of free exposure.

                          Now all we need on this forum is a best nintendo piss joke thread!


                            [QUOTE=Kaladron]take the piss out of. QUOTE]

                            I can imagine that being mentioned alot (with the phrase are they taking the.... with that name)


                              Ok, if the 2 "I's" represent the controller.
                              What does the "W" mean?
                              Serious question.


                                Supposedly the two sensors.

