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Nintendo Wii

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    Originally posted by fiendicus_prime
    You'll wear your arm out waving around at that thing. Small TV FTW, or something
    There's more truth in that than you know. I've gone through 6 teles in under 4 months - plasmas, lcds, HD crts, all ranging in price from ?370-?1700, and I haven't been happy with any of them. 28" 50hz 4:3 crt ftw.


      24" CRT 4tw tbh ;p

      I prefer LCDs in every way apart from response, and it's a really annoying niggle, but I guess once I get my own I'll get used to it eventually. Until then my trusty Toshiba is serving me pretty well.

      Tbh the Toshiba is probably the best display for the Wii :P


        ?149 - Nov 24th and loads of stock....HURRAY!

        And we get it before the bizarre?!?!?!

        Oh man, how can I wait for an ntsc machine when they'll be running Zelda et al as I walk past whatever shop on Oxf St. Impulse purchase...
        Last edited by Len; 08-09-2006, 09:42.


          Originally posted by Len

          ?149 - Nov 24th and loads of stock....HURRAY!
          Was just about to post this myself. Sounds almost too good to be true. Can not wait now.

          Is this confirmed though or just more speculation on MCV's behalf ? There's a little 'But MCV believes' , 'planned release to coincide with Thanksgiving in the US is anticipated' in the article
          Last edited by Concrete donkey; 08-09-2006, 09:43.


            nice credible source, all we need now is people to start pre orders, COME ON BABY


              Yr not wrong, I've being trying to contain it but now I'm very excited. Zelda in 10 weeks or so....


                Great news for Europe, reading elsewhere that Nintendo want to establish it in US and Japan beforehand, so hoping for mid-October in Japan.


                  MCV believes that Nintendo has chosen to launch its next generation console at ?149
                  it beliveves??? come on that whole article just seems like pure specualtion, arent they jumping the gun a bit, no "An industry source tells us" or "we have insider inforamtion" wtf???


                    I'll be honest, if any other website posted this news i'd call BS on it, but for MCV to post something like that for attention would be a bit mental. If it was spong on the other hand


                      Agreed and to plaster it all over the front of this weeks copy as well. They're just being careful how they word what they know to be true.


                        The resource for people who make and sell games.

                        First chips are in as well apparently...


                          Cant decide whether to import Wii or not, for an import forum, I'm going in the wrong direction as I've got a PAL 360, wont even bother getting a PS3 til its alot cheaper and cant be bothered with the hassle of importing a Wii. As long as theres no downside to using a PAL one like lack of prog scan on most current gen games, since Wii isnt HD.

                          And if it launches at the same time worldwide, theres no point, I may import a second one at another date. What are you lot doing?


                            Wii launch on November 24th and for ?149....

                            MCV is reporting today.


                              Perhaps even earlier:

                              There's still a week to go until Nintendo officially announces the details of the Wii launch, but MCV can reveal that the new console will hit retail by November 24th, it will be priced at ?149 and stock will be plentiful.


                                Assume at that price that it will just be the machine and a wand (although be great if it is two).

                                Perhaps a nice ?250 bundle with extra wand, Wii Sports and then two other games?

