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Wii U - thread 3

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    Basically, if you're moaning at lack of 60hz and you're NOT importing, you are indeed petty. When I bought an original Wii to play Twilight Princess I knew damn well that I'd be selling it on shortly after as I'd have no interest in buying anything from the VC until I replaced it with an NTSC unit.


      Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
      neither do you
      Lucky me.
      Kept you waiting, huh?


        Originally posted by dataDave View Post
        Basically, if you're moaning at lack of 60hz and you're NOT importing, you are indeed petty. When I bought an original Wii to play Twilight Princess I knew damn well that I'd be selling it on shortly after as I'd have no interest in buying anything from the VC until I replaced it with an NTSC unit.
        Ah but you shouldn't of bought a Wii to play that you should of played the non flipped Gamecube version


          Blame Importaku. I was happily going to do that until he brought his Wii round.


            I think on this forum of all places, a place that was founded on avoiding 50Hz in games, we're perfectly entitled to complain about issues such as 50Hz-only games. Remember NTSC-UK?


              Remember importing? 50hz was a non-issue here originally.

              It's like... A once-upon-a-time Klu Klux Klan forum complaining about black people all of a sudden.
              Last edited by dataDave; 13-12-2013, 09:52. Reason: I got my analogy totally wrong.


                Yes, but im not sure Kate was around at that time. Complaining im pretty sure i and all Scots were born to do it.


                  Originally posted by nakamura
                  Not for us. It's important.

                  Tit for tat mud slinging that results in 'WELL WHY DON'T YOU JUST IMPORT IF YOU CARE SO MUCH' every 3 posts is not really getting us anywhere though.

                  I know, welcome to the internet, etc
                  Last edited by wakka; 13-12-2013, 10:05.


                    It would get us somewhere if people still imported.

                    If it's that important. See? It's even part of the word.

                    The fact is, it's not that important to people. If it was they'd import still, like me. It's important to me now. Screw 50hz.


                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        It's not like people are totally out of options, is it?


                          If Nintendo turned around and went "HAHAHHAHA!!! We're giving the US and Japan 50hz versions too!!! LOLL!1" then I'd be pissed off and start complaining myself.


                            What happens when you DL say... DMC from the UK PSN? Is it 50hz?


                              Well that's just it. It's irritating that Nintendo needlessly give PAL users a poorer version, but there are about a trillion ways of playing SNES games anyway.

                              So it's sort of important, but not really. It's more just mildly annoying.

                              All games on the PAL PSN are 50Hz with borders. Even the brand new ones. Just how I like 'em.


                                Then no need for all this hoo-hah.

