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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Just get a magicbox converter and be done with it

    Only mentalists such as Singho use an Xbox pad

    They're actually not too bad once worn in, a mate of mine came round with his pad at the weekend - I could actually get some moves out with it - shame the black and white buttons are in a horrible place on both the burger pad and s-pad).

    At least with the magicbox you have the option of several different controllers.


      Hey venom743

      Good games although it lagged a lot but now I see why, you?re in Tokyo.

      Probably best you don?t play me as I am only on a 128 connection right now. Its fine for playing people in the UK to Italy, but I think Tokyo is pushing it. With luck I should be on a 1mb line soon just waiting for NTL to pull their finger out.


        Originally posted by Lyrical Donut
        They're actually not too bad once worn in, a mate of mine came round with his pad at the weekend - I could actually get some moves out with it - shame the black and white buttons are in a horrible place on both the burger pad and s-pad).

        At least with the magicbox you have the option of several different controllers.
        I've started sussing out how to get fierces from my s-pad now - I've been using the right trigger for HP, and the black button is used for HK. with this, i've been able to contort my thumb into pressing the black button while having access to the other buttons. It's not ideal, but it works somewhat.

        I'll have to get a magicbox at some point, but I'm stuck on finding one at a really low price. I'm also thinking of grabbing a second-hand saturn pad - I can understand how people like it due to the button placement, and they're probably around for like 2p. Is there any specific maintenance that I can do to a second-hand saturn pad to make it nice and spiffy to play on, or is it low-maintenance?


          Yeah some good games Jakeway! Shame about the lag though. Let me know when you get your connection upgraded and we'll go at it again!


            I'll be ready to challenge shortly, just gotta get a magic box convertor for my DC stick first.

            Can't wait for this. Finally.


              Saturn Pads are ULTRA low maintenance.


                David - just remember that if you're using a DC stick, you'll only have four buttons.


                  Did I miss anything but do Hori RAP's work with the Xbox Magicbox joypad adapter?


                    They do


                      Originally posted by Firsty
                      They do
                      With all the buttons? Sweet...

                      Where can I get one in the UK from?


                        Originally posted by phillai
                        With all the buttons? Sweet...

                        Where can I get one in the UK from?
                        There is , but they are pretty expensive. I think play-asia do them for half that, but I might be wrong. I need one myself!

                        also, ta for mentioning about the saturn pads firsty. I can now confidently buy one safe in the knowledge that they're indestructable.


                          Just get it from consoleplus, once you've got it you're set with any controllers you want. ?20 ain't too bad considering you get it next day ^_^


                            I got my SC2 stick and Magic Box from consoleplus, if it's any help. Quite quick, considering the size of the box for the stick.


                              Cheers for those games, Lyrical. I'm not up to much, I know, but they were damn good fun. Would have stuck around longer with other people but just knackered after work. Is it OK to play primarily as Ryu? My Makoto is getting better, my Dudley's lousy... and as for that match where I played Hugo...

                              Hated the match where you were Ken, though. Ugh. But yeah, good laugh. I think I pulled off a red parry at one point... no idea how!


                                just had a huge set of GREAT matches with moodmon
                                i havent laughed so much for ages.
                                after a while when it bacame evident you were kicking my ass i thought it would be a good chance to try a few other characters that i havent used before.
                                thats the first time i ever used remy, and i quite liked him. i think i'll look into that guy more seriously.

                                ...and how did you like my attempt at a stereotypical gouki? i couldnt even do air fireballs half as much as i was trying though should have left ken alone after that first match i used him in though.

                                at the end there i was just going to keep picking the same character as you, so its lucky you didnt go for somebody i never used before.

                                thanks for sticking around so long for me to play around though, i had a lot of fun

