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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Originally posted by Paleface
    Cheers for those games, Lyrical. I'm not up to much, I know, but they were damn good fun. Would have stuck around longer with other people but just knackered after work. Is it OK to play primarily as Ryu? My Makoto is getting better, my Dudley's lousy... and as for that match where I played Hugo...

    Hated the match where you were Ken, though. Ugh. But yeah, good laugh. I think I pulled off a red parry at one point... no idea how!
    Good games man, your Ryu wasn't short of a surprise or two, that's for sure

    Sorry about the Ken... not quite sure what came over me


      Crap... destroyed my 3rd ps2 pad last night in a hissy fit coz it wasn't doing what I was telling it to and I'd just come off Jungle Beat so wasnt really tuned in for 3s. Forgot who I was plaing but the fights were ghey and he was mainly Ryu, Ken Akuma and the odd Dudley

      Got some Saturn pads in work the other day, might have to pick them up and try with a saturn pad and get myself a magic box instead of this PS2 convertor (which has also almost broke but not sure how) see what I make of that. All I seem to be able to remember was it giving me uber blisters playing Virtua Fighter with Shend back in the day.

      Refuse to use Spad again, might have to play Halo2 some more. Spad far to expensive to break. Tho we did get like 10 huge official xbox pads in today. hmm, Maybe I'll borrow one and see if it survives a night


        GG's Lyrical. Going from 5-0 down to 7-6 down wasn't too shabby

        Your Dudley is an official bastard. What I'm still loving about the game is learning new tricks from players, I'll definately practice that "scoop" into dashing Uppercut into SA3


          Yeah, pick a saturn pad up for me Teodi!!

          You didn't complain about the pad when on dramatic battle mode in SFA ^^


            Boog - you're right about Lyrical's Dudley. I saw a lot of that crouchingHK "scoop" into "hellish combos of death". Usually just as I was getting up off the ground.

            Later last night I played I guy who was quite good, but had a very average Elena - and he pummelled me. I'm in half a mind to try and pick up some Elena, purely because she's so confusing to play against.


              Elena aka the woman of no recovery!


                It's Elena's throws that get me. She's a right cow for them, she's got massive range and high priority on them, it's hard to tech-throw out of them.

                I just can't find any decent uses for most of her moves either...


                  Woah! I'm getting too excited about all this! 1.5mb NTL should be installed by now, Magic Box should be here by thursday! I might whip me knob out! How good would that be?

                  Who's up for a heavy weekend of teh 5tr!k3?


                    Originally posted by Fuddle
                    just had a huge set of GREAT matches with moodmon
                    i havent laughed so much for ages.
                    after a while when it bacame evident you were kicking my ass i thought it would be a good chance to try a few other characters that i havent used before.
                    thats the first time i ever used remy, and i quite liked him. i think i'll look into that guy more seriously.

                    ...and how did you like my attempt at a stereotypical gouki? i couldnt even do air fireballs half as much as i was trying though should have left ken alone after that first match i used him in though.

                    at the end there i was just going to keep picking the same character as you, so its lucky you didnt go for somebody i never used before.

                    thanks for sticking around so long for me to play around though, i had a lot of fun
                    Yeah, fantastic set of games. Bit suprised I beat you, you should have stuck to that evil Makoto. I also like the way you kept destroying my Yang, can you tell I've only just started with him? I was only slightly angry at my Dudley getting beaten to a pulp, but that's normal

                    I actually got my first set of A's last night. One A+ against Fuddle, and I think another one (maybe against Fuddle or Mr Dark, can't remember), both with manly pink Sean. The one against Fuddle was a bit special. Both rounds I got battered in the corner, and got a super art in the face. Then I manage an insane comeback, with two SA finishes. I was well chuffed

                    Good game's to Mr Dark as well. I would have stopped longer, but I needed sleep.

                    Who's dissing Elena? You pimps know nothing Great for me as she has bob all chains (or is it links? I can't tell the difference). Just use a simply high-low game, mixing in those f+mp/mk overheads, hcb+p and 4,2,1+k moves when the opponent gets up. Great thing is, people forget she has the scratch wheel, so they always come in close to punish her. Mwhahaha. Rhino horn is easily the worst move in the game though.

                    Elena's throw

                    EDIT - Fallows, a gamertag would be nice


                      Originally posted by Moodmon
                      EDIT - Fallows, a gamertag would be nice
                      I'm sorting that out you Moody bast!

                      I'll sign up at lunch to see what names are available.

                      MAGIC BOX QUESTION!

                      Is it possible to assign the Z+C buttons using the Dreamcast stick? I'm really worried about that all of a sudden for some reason...


                        Nope, you can't... 4 buttons only with a DC stick. You really need a Hori (RAP or Soul Cali 2) stick.

                        I've just got my TV capture card sorted so I can hopefully record a few games when I work out how to use it! \o/


                          DAMNIT! I thought as much...

                          *Sigh* - more cash out of the Amsterdam savings fund.
                          (I need a stick for Evo anyhow)

                          What about the SvC sticks? I don't fancy a SC2 stick.
                          Last edited by dataDave; 08-02-2005, 10:34.


                            Silly question time. How do you do Dudley's crouch-hit punch. The one where he brings his arm in at around 45 degrees, to punch the turtle's face?

                            You think that's bad, I only learned how to do Yang's swan dive yesterday >_<


                              Originally posted by Moodmon
                              Silly question time. How do you do Dudley's crouch-hit punch. The one where he brings his arm in at around 45 degrees, to punch the turtle's face?

                              You think that's bad, I only learned how to do Yang's swan dive yesterday >_<

                              I need an answer on the SvC Sammy sticks guys...


                                SvC sticks have an octagonal gate and the stick feels quite "heavy" compared to any Hori equivalents I've used.

