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Street Fighter Anniversary Collection & CFJ: Gamertag list & Online Impressions

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    Also, learn against teh kens! You learn so much against basic Ken players, You learn the basic Tatsu Maki parry, the basic Shin Sho RyuKen Parry (The basisis of all other parries, as well as all heightmap parries.


      Nice games Shend. I've got the worlds worst hangover, officially. I took a pasting


        Good Games The Shend unsure why u left arfter so few games



          I'll hopefully be back tonight!


            Good games Shend,

            It was cool when you parried Hugo?s SA3 in to Mokoto?s SA? I really thought I had you then

            Sorry I left so promptly but a friend of mine just got live after weeks of trouble with NTL/AOL, so when he came online I couldn?t refuse his invitation.


              GG's Salter, Phix and Jakeway.

              Sorry about the lack of games Phix, jakeway sent me an invite and i haven't been beaten by him yet ^^

              Btw Phix, you've gotten very good, i took quite the beating from you, Ta!

              Salter, your Makoto needs a government warning! I can't handle her >_<

              Jakeway, they were refreshing matches, you keep a very tight game my friend. ^_^


                Had some gorgeous matches with jake
                We both got some nice perfects. Mine made me SO wet!


                  Nice to finally play some decent games against MadMarc. At least our connection was somewhat playable this time, eh?

                  My ISP is doing some major works tomorrow which will hopefully fix all the problems we've been getting here over the last month, so hopefully I'll be able to join in on some of the tourneys doing the rounds. *rubs hands in anticipation*


                    After talking to Monsieur McFirsty, I had a quick go last night, to see if I could actually stop playing when I wanted. Set myself a time, and I finished at that time. It's going well, eventually I'll be able to get my friends list back to where it used to be.

                    Luckily, I was able to play Donut for some games last night. Shockingly, I won Probably thrown by me, as I kept choosing different characters. Got to love the first 5 or so fights. Always followed a certain pattern. I cane Donut 1st round, super finish. He canes me second round, super finish. We both end up with 1 nanometre of health, someone gets a super finish.

                    Nice Dudley, much better than my spam button style one. Who is almost as bad as my Hugo (I don't even know his moves ). Though that perfect you got with Alex was due to the lag. Yes, the lag


                      Yeah, great non shoto/chun-effing-li set there

                      At least you had some kind of consistency. Without Dudley or Makoto I was pretty much lost (and even then I was on shaky ground!). Should be remedying that this weekend, provided Resident Evil 4 doesn't swallow up all my time.


                        I'm a bit late hijacking this thread so please forgive me.

                        I've been wanting to play SF Anniversary for a long, long time but couldn't due to me having a modded US Xbox. Now, I've just actually gone and bought a UK Xbox and will pick up this game soon... It's the only reason for me to go on live!

                        I will give anyone a good game on this, just ask ex-mosquito!
                        My E-honda will crush you all! Muhaha

                        But prior to me kicking some arse, I need a compatible joypad adapter for either my Dreamcast arcade stick or my Hori Real Arcade Pro Stick...
                        Anyone know where I can get one?
                        I hear the Magicbox ones only work with 4 buttons, is that true?

                        All replies much appreciated! I wanna go on live ASAP to kick some SF butts!


                          Yeah, only 4 buttons through magic box with a DC stick.

                          Real Arcade Pro works a treat, though.


                            That's utter ****e...

                            Do the Magicbox work fine wtih the Hori RAP joysticks though?


                              Yea the HRAP's and any Hori PS2 stick's work perfectly through the Magic box.


                                GG's again Shendy You've improved loads, your Oro is a little bastard ;p

                                It looks as though I need a new stick. My SC2 stick is on its' last legs, I can't do a super art on 2P side at all, because I can't quite hit that bottom left diagonal. Looks like it's time to get some Sanwa parts

