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Battlefield 2 Server now up - Uber fast connection

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    Made an interesting discovery this evening. The huge amount sof input lag I've been getting on the menus and network browser seem to be greatly exaserbated by installing the latest NVidia drivers - something the game tells me to do when I first load it. In fact the demo comes with new drivers which are not Windows XP certified and not available for download on NVidia's site.

    Reverting to the previous drivers cures most (but not all) of the menu lag.

    However the downside is that it now crashes when loading in a map almost every time.


    ..the new NVidia drivers also cause lots of screen corruption in Maya.


      works fine for me. Should have an NTSC-UK Server up soon. Hopefully Linux server release soon though,


        Originally posted by NeilMcRae
        works fine for me. Should have an NTSC-UK Server up soon. Hopefully Linux server release soon though,
        Hi Neil,

        I'd very much like to be in a team for the mighty NTSC.

        Game played fine all high settinsg for me, R9800Pro, 1GB, 1.8Ghz. I think the memory helps the cpu slowness!

        Nice game, but I really wanted to get on a server with better "Teamplay" this would be great if we had organised NTSC evening.

        The game didn't seem drastically differnet so far, the eye candy was pretty good.



          It's pretty much the same as the original. To take advantage of the new stuff i.e. squads, satellites, UAVs, artillery fully is only going to be possible to people playing in tightly knit clans. Nothing more annoying than becoming commander and then instantly someone initiates a mutiny.

          Also, being on the receiving end of artillery is amazingly annoying.

          It's not too bad, but the sniper rifle is still as inaccurate as ever. Glad to see they've made vehicle respawn times faster. Nothing worse than in 1942 when they just kept on twatting your base and planes with their planes, and you never got a chance to get off the ground. I'm all for winning, but let the other team have fun as well. No need to spawn-kill repeatedly, especially if you're not actually co-ordinating a ground assault at the same time.

          But I teamed up with someone from another forum I frequent, and we had great fun. I was wondering if anyone would be up for a game tonight? **** Finals, it BF2 time!


            Lovin' it. Had a hairy moment when I first began, a Aussie giving it all that because he got in the way of my Artillery Strike :P ...still, ended up getting like 69 kills from Artillery alone in that round.


              This game is really beginning to annoy me now, I keep trying to play it, have a really stuttery almost unplayable experience that eventually crashes

              Then a couple of hours later, I see the icon sitting on my desktop and go through the experience all over again.


                Crispin, I'm well up for a few games.

                [email protected] is my msn. I don't have XFire...

                Neil, how soon is soon in getting that server up? I can't wait


                  I tried playing again and the game browser lag was a bit better and I managed to stay on most of Sunday. I think it's quite good fun but I doubt I'd buy it (not for ?35 anyway), it comes off as more of a BF1942 (same old crappy sniper rifle) mod than a seperate game to me. I do like the squads option, makes you feel a bit more included rather than just one of 64 people running around doing their own thing.

                  I have to say that the in-game browser is one of the worst I've ever used, I'm just amazed at how utterly lacking it is. Have I missed something or is there really no option to add favourite servers or filter by ping?


                    We are playing with some rllm peeps - *ip*
                    The server may change though...

                    edit - that server has just died
                    Last edited by PeteJ; 13-06-2005, 18:34.


                      waiting on a linux version of the server code... if its not out by thursday will put up a windows one.


                        Fantastic, got it working at last. Just had some great games, no crazy stuttering or crashes. Only the occasional lag but that is to be expect when you have 64 other bods running around and nothing drastic.

                        Server browsers is still just embarrasingly bad


                          The filters for some stuff are near the bottom, the ping can be found by clicking the word ping or the arrow next to it at the top of the server list.

                          Originally posted by Edame
                          I tried playing again and the game browser lag was a bit better and I managed to stay on most of Sunday. I think it's quite good fun but I doubt I'd buy it (not for ?35 anyway), it comes off as more of a BF1942 (same old crappy sniper rifle) mod than a seperate game to me. I do like the squads option, makes you feel a bit more included rather than just one of 64 people running around doing their own thing.

                          I have to say that the in-game browser is one of the worst I've ever used, I'm just amazed at how utterly lacking it is. Have I missed something or is there really no option to add favourite servers or filter by ping?


                            I know about ordering them by ping, but there's no option to say, filter out all servers with a ping greater than 100 as far as I could see. Tribes 2 had stuff like that 4 years ago. I'm just bitter as All Seeing Eye has no filters for this yet.


                              Just had one of the best online moments ever.

                              Had about 10 people defending a base against wave after wave of attack with medics keeping us stocked up on health. We literally took to C4ing tanks and knifing people when they started to overrun us. Best thing was, just as all was lost and I was down to my last bar of heath a relief party came storming in and saved the day


                                Enemy submarine spotted!

