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Dead or Alive 4

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    It was a video of them winning a DOA4 match, presumably against us lot? It's now a photo montage effort.


      Who's that I see lurking ?


        Ignore me, I've just found it.



        Bad winners?

        Good winners?


        You decide...


          They beat yer, indeed. But would it be a proper gloat worthy win? Nay, too much power combo repeating.

          Someone has to record us when we kick their arse at Halo 2


            Congratulations I have arrived... My name is The Fabulous KAI XX and you may know me as the DIVA who was part of the group of FABULOUS DIVA'S who destroyed four of your little friends...

            Okay now let me just get some things straight...

            1- All this random rubbish... Are you guys shy or something. We heard one guy whisper "so are we going random?" and we were like "no why should we"... Nothing else was said. They were quiet for the whole two hours and then in the last fifteen minutes someone said "go random" and so I did. I got Zack the first time. Kicked your arse. Then I went random again and got Bass. Kicked your arse..... again! LOL! I don't put my hands anywere near those two EVER so shame for not even getting close.

            2- Hmmmm the lag. Vixen, Siren, Minger and my DIVALICIOUS self were fighting for about an hour and a half before the four children joined our game. We were PERFECT. No lag what so ever and then as soon as the children arrived it started lagging like crazy. The A was fine though. The b's were dodgy but OH MY GOD that C had just Dreadful lag... But then thats what you get for having pigeon broadband. And talking about the C, that brings me onto number...

            3- If thats your best players then God help you. I could find better players just joining a room at random. Gosh you were all AWFUL! And I would not really say stuff like this normaly but it's just all the **** your stirring. Excuse me but im the only one round here with a big wooden spoon so hush your lips boy. A C!!!!!!!!!! LOL! I thought that Vixen had made the room puplic by mistake when I first saw him join... Had a good old giggle when she said she didnt!!! And the B's and A were hardly tournament quality... Laughable.

            4- DCNK1 OH MY GOD! Bull ****ter of the week! You fought my Lisa twice young man or are you suffering from fish brain dissorder? You got truely DIVARISED by her. Did you enjoy the two greats you got from me? GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT! Shame kiss my Lisa's arse... Oh wait... You did already! LOL!

            5- Vixen, Siren, Minger and I have known each other for AGES. Minger was going to join up on the website anyway even if that tournament did not happen. If that really upset you then have a little cry about it... Don't hold it in as you shall just feel worse.

            6- Ummmm so I repeat the same combo's do I? Well the video showed different and I was Lisa. Want me to take a picture of your name? Unless you have a wall it very hard to look impressive combo wise with her. She is a power character. I picked her because I was aware of the lag from watching the first fight. She is one of my three favourite characters. If it was not lagging soo much then you would have seen my Helena and Christie. But im not an idiot cause I know they would have been countered like hell in pigeon broadband conditions. Maybe next time when you plug your wires into a router. Plus it's not doing the pigeon any good.

            7- At the end of the day it's a GAME. Yes it's fun to be competitive during the matches but when it's all over you should simply say good game and not start trying to stir all this **** and lies. You are quite clearly bad losers. And plus pussys cause you don't be little bitches to us on the game but instead do your little posts on here were we can't give you a mouthing back. You are like totaly UNDIVALICIOUS and a bunch of sad little hippercrits... Just smell some air and have a life... Cause there must be more to it that losing at video games? Am I right?

            Here are the videos again just for your fabulous viewing pleasure...



            Don't mess with Versus...


            So you know what? You just been...



              Stop watching Big Brother, its bad for you.


                Can we ban him (?) now...


                  I say keep him (or her?), heshe seems like a rather entertaining indiviual.


                    Originally posted by KAI XX
                    load of prepubescent, sexually confused bollocks


                      Awwwww... Well if putting up little pictures makes you feel better then go for it DIVA! I would not want you feeling down so go on... Have some fun *wink wink*


                        There is a good point in there though, we were beaten (I say 'we' despite having no involvement cos I'm a team player.. eh kernow?! lol) and some folk don't seem to be able to accept it! I thought that was S.O.P for online gaming.. you think you're good then you play online and find out you aren't.


                          Originally posted by KAI XX
                          Awwwww... Well if putting up little pictures makes you feel better then go for it DIVA! I would not want you feeling down so go on... Have some fun *wink wink*
                          Oh no! He's using the internet to insult us!

                          Anywho, I assume you're bored?


                            Originally posted by KAI XX
                            Awwwww... Well if putting up little pictures makes you feel better then go for it DIVA! I would not want you feeling down so go on... Have some fun *wink wink*

                            Ok maybe pictures that arent of trannies or old hags aint your thing.. I'll just say it with simple words instead

                            Christ on a ****in bike


                              As I said, Don't feed the troll. Indeed the DOA4 palyers were beaten....and they were bitching about it, but it is on our forum. Maybe he'd had some right to attempt to annoy us if we had decided to attack their forums about it.


                                Originally posted by KAI XX
                                Awwwww... Well if putting up little pictures makes you feel better then go for it DIVA! I would not want you feeling down so go on... Have some fun *wink wink*
                                Oh jesus!

