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Team Fortress 2 (360) "KA-BOOOOOOOOOoooooom"

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    Originally posted by Jebus View Post
    Nice, your medic would compliment my Soldier!!
    "Nice beret!"

    "Ohhh! *blush*"


      I came to sign up but I`m already on the list, you`re a little preemptive superstar Yoshi!

      This is the game I`ve been waiting months for but I fell at the first hurdle that was Portal. I stuck it on for a quick go and couldn`t put it down until I finished the 19th chamber! I`d better get some TF2 praccy in!


        Are you being suggestive Swallow?

        So what makes our team up then? With me and the Daz we have a soldier and a medic (or violent brute!).

        Lets look at the list of players, cos we need a scout and from the list I guess there's at least one person who'll be a brute, wanting to bum the scout when battle is on hold.

        Ahhhh yeah.

        Malc, you a spy then? Careful, when you use your spy powers you can choose what class you transform into, don't choose scout though, see above i love the taunt (x button) as well, the bomber guy lifts his trousers up at the crotch area and shows a piece of paper flapping there with an X on it...
        Last edited by Jebus; 17-10-2007, 16:05.


          I'll be adding everyone here, (if i haven't got you on my list anyway) in preperation for this.


            Add my Team Fortress ass to that list and torch me up. It's a gonna be da bomb, innit? Bo!


              I will have this on Friday so add me


                Add me up, you bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys


                  ^ Says as I knife you in the back.


                    Stick a Fist up there.


                      Just had a fantastic session on this with Jebus, Yoshi, Bleeders & a few others This game is beyond awesome, first time i've played online with a lot of you guys but can see myself becoming hooked to this... some genuinely laugh out loud monents in there, cheers fellas

                      Edit - Just noticed there's only 6 maps, and each has the game type locked to it? Am i missing something there, or won't that be a bit limiting to say the least?...
                      Last edited by Oh_Mutants; 17-10-2007, 20:48.


                        Picking this up from Tesco on Friday.

                        Was really tempted to just go for the PC version but none of my mates play games on PCs so 360 it is.


                          Originally posted by Oh_Mutants View Post
                          Just had a fantastic session on this with Jebus, Yoshi, Bleeders & a few others This game is beyond awesome, first time i've played online with a lot of you guys but can see myself becoming hooked to this... some genuinely laugh out loud monents in there, cheers fellas

                          Edit - Just noticed there's only 6 maps, and each has the game type locked to it? Am i missing something there, or won't that be a bit limiting to say the least?...
                          Hate is such a strong word but y'know...


                            Feel free to explain to me if you think i'm wrong, i'm interested in people's opinions, but i'm kind of used to fully customisable game types on numerous maps... if this is set up or focused in a way where the strengths lie elsewhere i'm all ears?
                            Last edited by Oh_Mutants; 17-10-2007, 23:17.



                              I'm just winding you up mate cause you have the game and I dont. Chill.


                                Originally posted by Rossco View Post

                                I'm just winding you up mate cause you have the game and I dont. Chill.
                                Aaah ok sorry buddy, thought you were getting at me for not 'getting it' or something (cos i've been on the receiving end of similar elitist posts before on various forums, on the rare occasion i've disagreed with general concensus)... apologies

