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Team Fortress 2 (360) "KA-BOOOOOOOOOoooooom"

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    Everybody on the nicht then for some big games ? Mrs is out I'll be on for the duration.


      Aye, from 8 onwards am all over this.


        Everybody on the nicht then for some big games ? Mrs is out I'll be on for the duration.
        I hope to be on tonight, Mrs Peeveen permitting.
        Failing that, tomorrow morning, and also during that stupid dancing programme, I'm a rock solid certainty.


          Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
          He was on last night trooping on - I saw him
          Actually I was watching TV and I'd forgotten I'd left the 360 on.

          Shows how rought I'm feeling that I can't hear the bloody thing!

          Though I've recently got a premium 360 and it's a LOT quieter than my old CORE...and I mean a LOT.

          Might be on tonight though, depends if the boys go to bed on time, if so then I'll be on.


            Im ready for some action now! You about Yoshi?


              finally got it tonight, me and killbot been owning all night

              add me to all your future game sessions, i LOVE this game, it is miles better than halo and twice the fun


                I've never played TF 1 before and only seen TF2 mentioned breifly when looking up stuff on Orange box,

                Got orange box today and tried out TF2 (after portal of course), and i didn't know what was going on and who i was!? then i got a bit of a hang of it and managed to kill a couple people but overall i still don't have much idea of what im doing, the different classes, etc?


                  playin atm as medic, just about got my medic achievement and then im gonna be a dirty little spy :P


                    Good fun stuff yesterday - this is so much fun once everything starts clicking into place - it can only get better as everybody becomes more adept with the classes & maps !!


                      ya I played some games on my own last night and was owning it as Engineer! Setting up a well placed turret and staying on top of it with repairs and upgrades can be deadly!

                      Got 4 or 5 achievements for it last night when playing too, one of the ones for winning a round in under 5 minutes, cant remember which map it was for but we just tanked through it so fast, and then one for so many kills without dying, the turret one too, and a few others I think.

                      Really liking it now!


                        Things like turrets can easily **** you up but like I say once you know what you're doing a quite change to spy, disguise and then use the sapper to disable the turrets don't waste them or anybody as you give yourself away just take out the necessary guns and shout your teammates to charge

                        Also, spotting a spy amongst your team is so satisfying


                          I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally enjoying this but I am finding a lot of games unplayable due to lag. It'll all be fine till someone joins and then it dies for a while.

                          I'm hoping the patch that is supposed to be due next week will sort it out as this is some of the best multiplayer I have ever played.

                          Will people be on tonight?


                            Yeah, last night I spotted a spy, it said he was Rossco UK so I was like "eh thats me....!! " and shot him in the face!

                            Should be from about 9 tonight after Top Gear!


                              can you boys give me a holla when you play, i need the 7 friends achievement and you boys always seen to be offline of playing halo3

                              Plus, it gives me the chance to get some fun killing with yas :P


                                Is anyone on tonight?

