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Team Fortress 2 (360) "KA-BOOOOOOOOOoooooom"

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    Nae worries, shows how much I suck at humour!

    Anyway, I should hopefully have this tomorrow evening to play when I get back from work, and I dont know what to start first. If I put Portal on for a quick bash I'll probably end up just tanking through it in a oner (is that even a proper word? ) but I do want a shot of TF2, never played it, barely know what its about, only heard good things.

    Trying to avoid all talk about The Orange Box though so its nice and fresh when I play it but I reeeeeeeally want to just go and read like a hundred different reviews now, must stop myself!!!


      "AdCook is dominating Yoshimax" *

      Oh yes, oh yes.

      It's great fun this game! I can see maps being released as DLC cos they are locked to game types at the moment, which does mean there isn't much choice going on.

      *He did get revenge though


        Superb games last night.

        Hosted a 12 player open lobby (several people on here ignoring invites - that'll be remembered ya bastards ) and we had about a 50/50 split of UK & US participants and it ran almost entirely lag free.

        And it was ****ing sublime. Bleeders spy activities, Nembots engineering, me tearing across the map as scout only to be cut down by a sentry gun - so many moments.

        Pyro guys hadoken is superb And I'm over 50% of the way to the dynasty achievement now.

        That revenge/nemesis mechanic is a great idea - it even flags the ****er on your HUD so you can aim specifically for them


          Is this more fun than Halo?

          If I can play the PC version vs. you slackers on 360 with lolDualsticks consider yourselves pre-owned.


            I wouldn't like to say as "fun" is too subjective but it's an absolute hoot to play - It really is like playing a pixar movie.

            Much more restrictive than Halo3 (will be a while before we see anything that flexible I'd hazard) but I think it's controlled nature (the maps are designed for specific gametypes) is part of what makes it.

            No PC/360 crossover I'm afraid for keylol and mouse pwnage.


              I got carried away with demomans "KABoooooom" last night - I hadn't realised but this is possibily the first game/movie/tv/anything like that I've seen that features a black Scotsman (the fact his cosh is a drink bottle should've given it away to be fair).

              Lifting the front of his crotch whilst shouting "Kaboom" is the stuff of legend - At one point I stood at capture point C on Hydro (it's high up) shouting and exposing me crotchzone to anybody who'd look


                Originally posted by Oh_Mutants View Post
                Edit - Just noticed there's only 6 maps, and each has the game type locked to it? Am i missing something there, or won't that be a bit limiting to say the least?...
                I`m hoping and I`m sure that there will be some more maps for us to play via DLC soon, but in responce I`m not too bothered about the lack of maps right this second because they are still new, that may change after 20th time of playing them though.

                Also on the locking of gametypes to specific maps, that works for me. The maps in this game have been designed specifically for those gametypes, I`ve played too many FPS games where they`ve introduced an objective gametype on a map that is only suitable for deathmatch.

                Last nights session was great fun though, loads of comedy moments without the frustration I felt when I was playing Halo. TF2 has it all, stabbing people in the back as a spy, blowing someone limb from limb as the soldier of setting some **** on fire before running off with the intel as pyro, top drawer!

                Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post
                I got carried away with demomans "KABoooooom" last night - I hadn't realised but this is possibily the first game/movie/tv/anything like that I've seen that features a black Scotsman (the fact his cosh is a drink bottle should've given it away to be fair).

                Lifting the front of his crotch whilst shouting "Kaboom" is the stuff of legend - At one point I stood at capture point C on Hydro (it's high up) shouting and exposing me crotchzone to anybody who'd look
                Yeah that was very funny! At one point he lifted up his crotch to expose a piece or paper with a attatched to it!!

                Some of the taunts are very funny but extremely impractical in teh heat of battle!
                Last edited by Nembot; 18-10-2007, 11:03.


                  Invite me tonight lads, I'll be on around 10 for some action!


                    About time

                    I'm watching PB and Heroes then I'm all over this !!!


                      Might be on tonight, not sure. Just got back from hospital. Went for a blood test, afterwards proceded to pass out and have a seizure (don't normally do either)...just got back after lengthy tests so I feel ****ed.

                      If I feel better though and I'm on, ping me an invite.


                        No way man I'm not gonna be responsible if you have an epileptic episode mid-game

                        "Jebus get the flag"

                        "gnf fn flr gzzt"


                        "snort snort"




                          I had gastro enteritus (spelling?) a fortnight ago, and I've been forgetful and had dizzy spells and headaches ever since. Doctor referred me for blood tests, I was holding the cotton wool over the area she'd taken it from and suddenly felt dizzy, I asked her "Is it normal to be really dizzy?" and she said "No".

                          Then I woke up. Had no idea where I was, what had happened or who was staring at me. One of them told me I'd passed out and had a seizure. I'm not queesy (I delievered my own son at home) at all, so it wasn't the sight of blood.

                          **** knows what's wrong with me, but I feel like ****!

                          I will hopefully be on though, might play something in a bit, see if I can handle it. I could get acustomed to seeing "AdCook is dominating Yoshimax"...did I mention that happened last night by the way?


                            Yes I must say I found that message quite motivating !!

                            Be on. Ill or not


                              I will be if the wife lets me, seriously. She works with ill people and she doens't want me playing flashing games!!

                              Oh and I know what you mean about finding it motivating...suddenly you don't care about objectives, you just want that revenge kill... 5 = achievement...I'm up to 3.


                                Is it 5 cumulative then ? I must be not far off now between you and somebody else last night it happened far too many times - Your ****ing turrets were a bastard (scout falls at the sight of them it seems).

