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Team Fortress 2 (360) "KA-BOOOOOOOOOoooooom"

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    Definitely cumulative cos I've not got 3 in a match before...

    At least, I think it is!

    The turret achievement is gonna be hard to get.

    I love the general stats of this game, as its loading = stats...hit the "my achievements" and it tells you how close you are...after each match it tells you if you've progressed toward any as well.

    Awesome game.


      I just had my first game and after starting confused I really enjoyed it.

      When will people be online over the weekend?

      It'd be great to play with a good team.


        Add me down for this.
        Had some fun, yet laggy games with some randoms tonight, would definitely like to get some decent team games going this weekend.

        Medic ftw!1


          I`ll be on tonight for some TF2 loving. I`ll probably be appearing offline so chuck us an invite anyway. If I don`t join it`s because I`m not there and not because I`m a ****!

          I had a wicked session on my own last night with what must have been a group of new players. I spent the whole game as spy and just spent the whole time laughing to myself. I was running around in their base constantly changing disguises and stabbing them in the back, comedy!!


            Sounds like you lads are having a blast on this. My copy still hasn't turned up. D'oh!

            Hopefully it will be waiting from me when I get home and I should be able to join you guys for a few games tomorrow night.


              My mic is broke so dont wanna join in games with you lot until I can actually talk and enjoy it!

              Any ideas where the best place for a cheap 360 mic is?

              Or headset, whatever its being called now..


                Try Gamestation Rossco - I'd imagine there might be people with a 360 who never bothered with live and probs traded in their (worthless to them) headsets.

                If you're really stuck shout me - I have two

                Also, Mrs is out tonight so I'm hoping to get some reet good sessions on this - I was hosting 12 the other night OK (though it warned it might be laggy it was fine) so if some uberhost (Soi) is on we might be able to push it to 16 !!!


                  I expect this to arrive at my house for around 8pm so I will be on from then for some games, cant wait to try this and the rest of the Orange box package out.
                  Last edited by Mardigan8; 19-10-2007, 12:21.


                    Ill get this today and I do have an Uber Connection these days :P


                      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                      Might be on tonight, not sure. Just got back from hospital. Went for a blood test, afterwards proceded to pass out and have a seizure (don't normally do either)...just got back after lengthy tests so I feel ****ed.

                      If I feel better though and I'm on, ping me an invite.
                      Now THAT is commitment.

                      If I'm about - I think I share one or two NTSC-ers on my Friends List - ping me an invite.


                        He was on last night trooping on - I saw him


                          MY HEADSET IS WORKING!! Miraculously(sp? ) I tried it again for my umpteenth time in the last few days and its working now somehow. So I shall be on tonight and making full use of my new found communications ability!!

                          And also to whip you lot at your own game! Never played this yet or even know what its about really but I'm still gonna kick ass!


                            I didn't get added to the list


                              Neither did Rossco but he was too busy freaking out about a headset to care

                              Updated it now !


                                Still not played this yet. Come on Yoshi, sort it out.

