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Last night's Top Gear

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    The Challenger looks gorgeous I feel. Great episode 9/10


      Bit disillusioned with TG to be honest, got about halfway through Sunday's effort and said to the missus: "Are you enjoying this?", as she usually does, but she said no this time and I did agree, don't know why - I just wasn't enjoying it at all. Have removed it from the Sky Planner! Might come back to it next year but for now, we've had enough.


        Probably OD'd on the format.

        I wouldn't miss any though.


          i really ejoy this show....scripted it may be but it makes me laugh and thats all that matters


            It wasn't making me laugh anymore - as cutmymilk said, I think I am OD'd on the (never changing) format


              Dan you've lost your soul. Although parts were pretty standard many parts of the American road trip section were properly hysterical.

              I was glued to it just for the cinematography of the USA section alone, stunning.


                Bet you're back in a couple of weeks Dan, I felt the same halfway through the last series but soon got the TG love back


                  Sorry lads, I don't think so. @ Al - No soul lost here dude! I found the cinematography of Stephen Fry's trip across america far more enjoyable

                  @ DH - maybe, but I wouldn't get ya hopes up!


                    It's still the best bit of telly on telly.


                      Nah, Spooks is better!


                        I do still enjoy it but to describe it as 'hysterical' is pushing the envelope somewhat, mildly amusing or the occasional smile but hysterical, nah, not for me.

                        What exactly had people rolling around in uncontrollable fits of tears of laughter in this weeks episode ?


                          I thought it was usual tongue in cheek wry smile on my face Top Gear and enjoyed it. And captain slow actually went fast for once.


                            Originally posted by merf View Post
                            I do still enjoy it but to describe it as 'hysterical' is pushing the envelope somewhat, mildly amusing or the occasional smile but hysterical, nah, not for me.

                            What exactly had people rolling around in uncontrollable fits of tears of laughter in this weeks episode ?
                            Nothing I have ever seen on TV or film has ever made me do that tbh, maybe I'm too uptight.

                            I found the salt flats Winnebago test run with May on 'the throne' particularly funny. I'll have to re-watch to remember the other bits though.


                              Originally posted by wod View Post
                              didn't see it last night but anything for people to complain about this week lol
                              Well, JC did give a US cop the finger multiple times!


                                Well Ive had rolling around in uncontrollable fits while the telly is on but thats f all to do with the programme Next time I have one I must remember to hold some milk for a milkshake heh

