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Last night's Top Gear

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    Mark Wahlberg is tonight's SIARPC, so it must actually be worth watching that bit for a change


      Even jezzers drawing attention to the fact that Olga might have a penis


        That was an atrocious pile of ****e. Have the production staff and writers gone on strike.

        Also Mark Wahlberg came across as a total **** while promoting his dross film.


          Bobbins episode.


            I enjoyed the bit with Hakkinen.


              Wasn't the best eppy but still good. Glad to see that James is featuring more.


                I've been slating this for a while but didn't find this weeks that bad, the Finnish bit with James May was ok as was speeding up the odd looking Renault at the end.

                Only bit I'd class as a waste and cheap filler (other than SIARPC) was the V8 blender, which I ffwd thru.


                  God, the blender was DIRE. As was Marky Mark.

                  Loved the Hakkinen bit though (how they get every shot to look so good is beyond me, they must spend hours filming each segment) and the Avantime was OK. So that's 60-65% good to me. Must do better.


                    Just think, if they dumped the SIARPC, we could get another review per week. I didn't enjoy TG stroking Finnish egos with best at F1 (even if per head) bullcrap. I don't think so, the stats don't lie.


                      Enjoyed Mkka. WTF was the point of the wheelchair in a car programme. Sorry to be anal but if your in the UK it wont work as you would need insurance for it (I have to have one insurance even for my leccy chair) and as it goes over 4mph you wont be able to use it on pavements as its a road vehicle so you would also need a full driving liscence and it to be registered with DVLA (same as the chuffing gets on scooters thats why they dont have kerb lifters) and our roads are so bad you would get wiped out in 15seconds and if you parked it it would get nicked. Id rather we have had something descent than that joke and the meat grinder this week.


                        Originally posted by Alastair View Post
                        God, the blender was DIRE. As was Marky Mark.

                        Loved the Hakkinen bit though (how they get every shot to look so good is beyond me, they must spend hours filming each segment) and the Avantime was OK. So that's 60-65% good to me. Must do better.
                        Hence I now make an effort not to watch this live, V+ it and forward through the dross, same with the Gadget Show and most programs of the same ilk it must be said.

                        Know it's not easy to cater to everyone's tastes, but the Producers do have some sh*te ideas at times.
                        Last edited by VR46; 23-11-2008, 22:35. Reason: missed out an all important "not"


                          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
                          WTF was the point of the wheelchair in a car programme.
                          Well, as a car/motorbike/technology/anything with wheels or style fan I thought that 'thing' was very cool and I was glad to see it on the show. The article itself was a bit poor but the actual product was pretty cool I thought.

                          You could say (and many people do) "what's the point of a Carerra GT on British roads" but that's just to miss the point. The point is "because we can".


                            No the point is its aimed at people to use instead of a bike or car and they made it out you can use it indoors and out which you wouldnt be able to do in the UK. You wouldnt be able to go do your shopping in it in Tescos or ride around an office like they made out as its a road vehicle but would be ended up classed as the same range as a disabled scooter not a car. It aint a car so dont see the point of it being on Top Gear so its nowt to do with whats the point of a Carerra GT totally different argument it wasnt even a concept car they might as well start doing motorbikes as well. Anyone that uses one is just a lazy sod get walking. I watch Top Gear for the fast cars and to have a laugh at what they get up to with them if I wanted to watch about a wheelchair id go to my motobility shop
                            Last edited by Guest; 18-11-2008, 13:37.


                              You do like to push a point don't you Daz.

                              I imagine the TG people thought, "that's a cool little thing, it'll be entertaining for people to watch a short piece about it on our entertainment show. As we are entertaining rather than educating it wont matter too much about the facts as people are clever enough to realise that we wont actually be using these in the UK in the next 10 years and they'll also notice that we're having a sly wink at the state of the world where people envisage a future of rolling around in a mobile armchair with a fancy wi-fi computer in it to talk to our friends rather than do the conventional thing of walking".
                              Last edited by Alastair; 18-11-2008, 15:14.


                                It's from Japan, a country known for its technical wizardry at all things automotive. Enough said really. It was actually in last season's preview but wasn't shown for some reason.

