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    So.... it's just about to start on CH4, so will the UK overtake the US?


      Originally posted by charlesr
      So.... it's just about to start on CH4, so will the UK overtake the US?
      Nope. Sky now have the rights, they will be running with Episode 7 on Sunday 11th Feb, 4 days after the US. It will be in glorious HD. :-)


        here in ireland they just showed the second episode of series 3


          As Dirty Sanchez said, the UK will end up a few days behind the US when it returns, but I may actually wait and watch it on Sky since it'll be in HD...however, I'm wondering if Sky will take a break as well like in the US to allow the US to get back in front? If not then I can't imagine how much it cost Sky to get this close to the US!


            Expect a much shorter lead time between the US and the UK, Sky is waking up to the broadband revolution and realising it is losing potential viewers to torrents. By closing the gap some people won't bother and will take the convenience of getting the show on their HD box.


              Originally posted by Dirty Sanchez
              Expect a much shorter lead time between the US and the UK, Sky is waking up to the broadband revolution and realising it is losing potential viewers to torrents. By closing the gap some people won't bother and will take the convenience of getting the show on their HD box.
              Good to hear, but personally it's certainly not inconvenient the way I watch Lost currently, though I could imagine it would be for people who burn to disc etc...


                Well, I was expecting great things from that last episode before the break, but I have to say it was pretty disappointing.


                  Originally posted by Jebus
                  As Dirty Sanchez said, the UK will end up a few days behind the US when it returns, but I may actually wait and watch it on Sky since it'll be in HD...however, I'm wondering if Sky will take a break as well like in the US to allow the US to get back in front? If not then I can't imagine how much it cost Sky to get this close to the US!
                  same thing happened with Invasion

                  E4 was only 2 days behind the states near the end and they didnt take a break


                    Wow, I loved that episode, great situation to end on for the time being. At least we know stuff is happening now and when its eventually back, that we should have some good stuff on the line with both

                    Kate and Sawyer trying to escape hopefully and Locke noticing that scripture on Ecko's stick which obviously meant something important.


                      i didnt see it like that at all.
                      i dont really see that there is a cliff hanger at all.

                      we and kate/sawyer all know that theres no where for them to run to, so surely they just wont bother. the others will threaten them and kate will just lie to get jack to his surgery. i hope i'm wrong and something cool happens, but i reckon they'll all be back in their cages half way through the next episode.
                      what locke will do next is the interesting part, but really that hasnt changed since the end of the last episode.

                      one of the most dissapointing episodes of the whole thing so far for me. i really thought something monumental would happen to make everybody look forward to the next one after the break, but it was a let down imo.


                        Thats a shame fuddle that you didn't enjoy the latest episode, it's the first episode in a long while where I flapped my arms in the air like a monkey at a banana parade when it ended.

                        Classic episode, a definite cliffhanger worth clinging on for.


                          I thought it was a good episode, cliffhanger was big enough.

                          By the time this starts again 24 will be in full flow. 13 weeks, piss-take, no other word for it.


                            It was an okay episode I thought but nothing spectacular, this season has been really enjoyable recently actually. I don't really think this episode was good enough to go out on though, I mean we're talking nearly FOUR MONTHS until the next one.

                            I think it's obvious that Ben won't die, Jack is a doctor and I don't think he could knowingly **** an operation up...

                            I was saying to my wife whilst watching, you just feel so bad for Jack though...he's got nobody and nothing, and while he maybe thought he DID have someone in Kate...well, we know what's happened there. But some of the looks from Sawyer whilst Kate spoke to Jack on the walkie talkie were odd.

                            All in all the only thing I come away is wondering why none of my other favourite shows have to do this absolutely ****ing ridiculous break...if they do it's only a few weeks or a month, not FOUR.

                            I really don't understand.


                              I love lostpedia! It brings up such awesome snippets of information such as:

                              # In season 2, Sun asks Kate whether she has ever taken a pregnancy test. Kate says "yes" with a faraway look in her eye. Most likely Kate was referring to the pregnancy test she took in this episode.
                              # The two-way radios (Walkie) used by the Others are Motorola CP100. This is 2W power UHF or VHF radios. The power is allowing speaking distance of about 3 to 4 miles in open terrain. However, the jungle and the concrete building of the Hydra station will shorten the range significantly.

                              * It is possible they have have a repeater on the island, since the CP100 is designed to operate on either the VHF/UHF Business bands, where repeaters are allowed.

                              "I Do" is the sixth episode of Season 3 of Lost and the fifty-fifth produced hour of the series as a whole. It was originally broadcast on November 8, 2006, and was the last of a six-episode "mini-season" before a thirteen week hiatus. As Jack considers whether or not to treat Ben, he is motivated by Kate's claims that if he does not comply, Pickett will kill Sawyer. As the scene where the Others watch the plane crash on the Island is shown, Ben tells Jack, "Two days after I found out I had a fa

                              It was a very good episode, though, as has been said, I thought there'd be a more "cliffhangery" cliffhanger!


                                Sure it's a while to wait, but come on we're used to six episode seasons here so I can't see how people can complain too much

