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What films have you watched this week?

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    ^Yeah, I didn't really like Animals but Politics was good, though I watched it on TV. Will look out for the DVD cheap, there are always decent extras on Gervais DVDs.


      Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
      Chronicle was quite a nice film, but I didn't like the ending at all. Combined with how tortuous and contrived the whole 'everything has to be filmed so that the audience can see it' thing had become by that point, it left a bad taste in the mouth. The bits when they were learning to use their powers and flying around was cool though. If the 'villain' kid hadn't been so unrealistically stupid, it could have had a better ending and turned into a really great film.
      Thanks for the mini review, but my point wasnt how good chronicle is(its great), rather that it is a well received film, and he slated his cool theory doesnt stand really.


        Hey even I can be cool somtimes too you know! (though chronicle wasn't as well received as the above mention films, it only has a 69 percent on metacritic compared to avatars 86 and a 7.2 on imdb compared to avatars 8. So I'm not that cool).

        Seriously though. I didn't really mean that everyone does it just to get cool points, I know most of the time it probably isn't true, I just meant that's how it somtimes looks to me.

        Also, just so you know, insisting that you don't do somtthing just makes you look more guilty .
        Last edited by rmoxon; 22-07-2012, 16:52.


          Well I think it's only naturally that people pick on the successful films more, if they are actually terrible. Nobody is going to bother posting a negative review of Gigli. Where's the debate or interest in that?


            Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
            Watched a couple of DVDs last night, Predators and Ricky Gervais' Fame. Preds was OKish, was ?3 in Morrisons, quite good for a pseudo-remake, but too much mindless action for me, I did start getting bored once the first hour had passed.
            I hated it when I first heard the news they were making a Predator remake/sequel, but I ended up really enjoying it.

            I found the build up to the part at the end where the two Predators duke it out really fun to watch - agree it is somewhat on the mindless side.

            Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
            Ricky Gervais' standup has been fantastic (check out the audio commentary from Politics, it's hilarious! Poppa!) Science, however, was an incredibly lazy cop out, lifting a large amount of material from the podcasts with Karl, and just overall being a lot shoddier than previous efforts.
            Gervais has lifted so much material from the xfm shows it has me questioning if Karl really is as daft as Ricky makes him out to be. Oh, and 'Karl Pilkington has a head like a ****ing orange!


              ^Yeah, I liked that bit, too, was very well's just that Arnie was at the top of his game in the original, and to be reunited with Bill Duke, too....ruddy meathead bliss, this could never compare! Also thought it was all a bit dark, too, as in hard-to-see dark. And I was drinking warm San Miguel whilst watching it, which probably didn't help.

              It's decent though, ignore my grumblings, it's much better than it had a right to be.


                Had a film watching weekend...Dark Knight Rises at the cinema (excellent) and on DVD we had...

                Attack The Block - Didn't enjoy it...same as all these types of films the constant "blud,fam,bare,bruv" slang makes my brain switch off.
                Fright Night (remake) - Not too bad...mega cheesy and some awful fx but not bad otherwise.
                Limitless - Was pleasently surprised by this, fancied watching Source Code but it isnt on Sky GO and this was the nearest thing to it. I hope I find an RC that does the same to me as it did to Bradley Cooper!

                But special mention must go to Transformers - Dark of the Moon. Now, I loved the first and hated the second but my god is the third one AWFUL! Not a single redeeming feature at all...Rosie wotserface is the worst actor ever. I know the dolly birds in these films are just to look at but...she is english yet even her english accent was unconvincing!! So awful it makes me envious of the blind/deaf...


                  We seem to be watching the same movies
                  Attack the Block - Same as you I couldn't stand the chav stuff and just didn't like the characters. It's a shame as the film was well made and the aliens were awesome.
                  Fright Night (remake) - Wasn't expecting much from this as the original is a bit of a classic in our house and it scared the hell out of me when I was a kid, yet I ended up finding this to be alright. Didn't take itself seriously and even though I don't like Colin Farrell he was actually ok in this.
                  Source Code - Didn't know a thing about this so it was all a surprise to me. So glad I watched it as it was bloody great. Now I want to watch more films like this that take me by surprise!
                  Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows pt1 - Load of crap basically that is catering way too much to the Twilight crowd. Pretty much turned into a weird alternate Lord of the Rings when they were trekking around the countryside only with really bad acting....yes, I'm talking about Hermione.
                  Green Lantern - Not a fan of the hero himself so I was never going to love this movie even going by the trailer alone but I ended up liking the scenes on the GL home planet with the other heroes.


                    Have you seen Moon? If you like Source Code, you'll probably like that.


                      Indeed I have, that was the only thing I knew going into Source Code that it was the same director
                      Have really been trawling the internet to find something new and sci-fi to watch and I'm kind of stuck so any suggestions are welcome if you have found anything that I may have missed. Same goes for horror - I found Eden Lake by chance last week too and found that to be alright.


                        Have you seen Sunshine?


                          Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                          Have you seen Sunshine?
                          Such a great movie, some of the final portions notwithstanding.


                            Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                            Well I think it's only naturally that people pick on the successful films more, if they are actually terrible. Nobody is going to bother posting a negative review of Gigli. Where's the debate or interest in that?
                            Well in my case I didn't actually think chronicle was terrible, it was just nowhere near as good as it could have been. Not much actually happened in it, and the story was basically Akira for 15 year olds.

                            In fact it pretty much is "Emo Akira".
                            Last edited by rmoxon; 22-07-2012, 21:55.


                              Lol, I find that quite accurate.


                                Just watched Real Steel with the gf's family as we are down here. Was told it was about "robot boxing" and that was that, so didn't expect much but was pleasantly surprised. Sure, it's cheesy as hell but very good for what it is and the robots looked impressive!

