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Star Wars Episode 7

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    Newest TV spot (with some new footage) just released by 'StarWars' via Twitter:



        Nope, learned my lesson from Batman/Superman. Going dark on this now.


          Yeah you better!


            great new trailer - good few spoilers in it though


              Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
              I think Lucas had an incredibly difficult task, essentially creating a backstory from scratch, that even came close to the success of EP4 onwards. Regarding Ep1 - Most people snivelled because there were no stormtroopers/x wing/tie fighters/empire etc in it....

              i think in the Star wars fraternity, its cool to hate Ep1. Thought it was decent myself (bar jar jar). Pod racing and duel lightsabres battles were the high points. I think its a much more kid friendly movie as well - i remember seeing a poll years ago of pre 10 year olds who watched Ep1 and Ep4; Most prefered Ep1.

              From the new Ep7 trailer -the only thing that is attracting me to it, is references from the older movies - tie fighters/x wings etc, being in my 40's. Will it be enough though? Time will tell.

              The whole chapter on tatooine was actually fantastic in episode 1. You had the really decent(deceptively deep actually) and clearly ciryl sneer inspired character watto, a nice bit of nostalgia with 3po, a style that seemed nicely familiar, and then that EPIC podrace being a stunning and very memorable set piece. Its just everywhere else where it tripped up...along with the midichlorians lol.

              Episode 1 can be seen as:

              boring, boring, boring, AWESOME, boring, boring, ffs someone kill jaja.

              If it wasn't for the whole tatooine section i think the film would have actually won a rasberry.


                Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                great new trailer - good few spoilers in it though
                That's me staying away from it then!


                  Originally posted by thetrooper View Post
                  That's me staying away from it then!
                  to be honest, its improved my opinion of the movie; it really looks great now!


                    Originally posted by Asura View Post
                    Nope, learned my lesson from Batman/Superman. Going dark on this now.


                      Originally posted by dvdx2 View Post
                      to be honest, its improved my opinion of the movie; it really looks great now!
                      Have you got you tickets booked yet, mate?


                        Originally posted by thetrooper View Post
                        Have you got you tickets booked yet, mate?
                        sure have! going on the 18th


                          Originally posted by PaTaito View Post
                          The whole chapter on tatooine was actually fantastic in episode 1. You had the really decent(deceptively deep actually) and clearly ciryl sneer inspired character watto, a nice bit of nostalgia with 3po, a style that seemed nicely familiar, and then that EPIC podrace being a stunning and very memorable set piece. Its just everywhere else where it tripped up...along with the midichlorians lol.
                          This actually reminds me of the thing I probably dislike more than anything else about the prequel trilogy - the part in the second film, when

                          Anakin goes back to Tatooine, and after losing his mother, he goes berzerk and slaughters an entire tribe of Tusken Raiders, men, women and children.

                          I disliked it because that heel-face-turn for Anakin, where a hero jumps right over the line and does something unforgivably evil, could've been one of the most memorable moments in cinema history if handled correctly.

                          Instead, we have a camera cut, Hayden Christensen's awful acting and clumsy scripting, where Padme stays with him even though he's just mercilessly ethnically cleansed an entire group of people.

                          It could've been amazing.


                            I keep telling myself I'm not going to look at anything relating to the film now, but then I just can't resist taking a peek. The new trailer, even watching it on a tiny screen it's just, well, stunning. I can't wait to see this even though my nephew has asked me to wait until he breaks from uni so we can see it together.


                              Originally posted by Colin View Post
                              I keep telling myself I'm not going to look at anything relating to the film now, but then I just can't resist taking a peek. The new trailer, even watching it on a tiny screen it's just, well, stunning. I can't wait to see this even though my nephew has asked me to wait until he breaks from uni so we can see it together.
                              You would win the uncle of the year award for just that alone.


                                The Star Wars hype has reached a new level of insanity. I was on the phone to an insurance company earlier on and the on hold muzak was the RotJ theme apparently being played on Pan pipes. Those damn Ewoks get everywhere!

