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    Super pics, Alastair. I am going to expose my total noobness now and ask how did you do it? In PP?


      Why do I sometimes not get alerts for this thread but all others work fine

      Thanks guys. I've loads more to play with but they can take a little time to do the sequences.

      Richard, it's just 4 exposures on a tripod, copy/paste them into a new layer each and then get creative with the eraser and selection tools. The BMX shot was a right bitch though as he did the hip so was behind himself a lot.

      Nothing clever in camera about it.

      I'm starting to feel the limits of the 300d however but don't have the budget for much better. Anyone got opinions on a 2nd hand 20D? I really can't afford a 30d and there aren't any 2nd hand really anyway that would cheapen them. Isn't the smaller screen the main difference with the 20D anyway?


        Alastair, cheers for that.

        In regards to the 20D, you can see the difference between it and the 30D here.

        Why not hold out a bit until after the PMA show in March as if they update the 30D to a 40D or whatever, the other two models will drop in price.


          That's a good point Richard, guess I'll have to try and sit on my bonus until the announcements at least. Doubt a 40D will be out until late summer/autumn though, may prompt a drop in 2nd hand 20D prices before then though.


            From what I have read, when Canon announce a new product it hits the shelves within a couple of weeks so you might not have to wait that long.

            Of course the 30D is just one year old so it may not get replaced until the autumn anyway. I am not sure what they can do to it anyway apart from a sensor increase. Digic III is guaranteed I suppose.

            Why do you feel the need to upgrade? Is the 300D showing its age?


              I've been doing some reading since you mentioned it earlier. I'd say over 10mp (maybe 12), anti dust sensor like the 400D. Dunno other than that really.

              The 300D is still functioning perfectly (has needed a little TLC recently as it thought it had a flashgun attached when it didn't). I'm just trying to use more features than it has unfortunately, specifically I'd like a higher frames per second and higher burst mode than 3fps and 4 shot burst Also I'd like AIServo on some occasions too. Being able to alter when the flash flashes would be nice too. There's other things too but I can't quite remember them now and the cam's not to hand. EDIT, just remembered the other major thing, less noise at higher ISO's, 400 and above are TERRIBLE on the 300D.

              To be honest I really am lusting after a 30D as I love the big screen and it does everything I want in a camera but I simply just cannot afford one. I keep pestering my Dad to upgrade again but he swears that the 30D will see him through now


                Not too sure if a replacement is likely soon. The usual replacement cycle for consumer cameras is 18 months which would be in September. The problem with camera bodies at the moment is the market seems to be pixel count driven.

                The 300D would produce just as good images at A4 as my 5D. As for me, i'm looking to see if a new 1D (mark IIn - ie the cheaper of the 1d) is out at the PMA show - not that i'll buy it, i'm just interested in the older model at a cheaper price! At 8.2mp the older 1D would be fine


                  Blimey, the 5D is big enough...would you really want to lug a 1D around? And, apart from weather seals I cant see much advantage to the upgrade.


                    My 5d has the battery grip so its almost the same size!

                    The 1D AF is superquick, which is the main reason for wanting one. I'll still keep the 5D though as 2 bodies is a nice thing to have.


                      Too much money GT. I totally agree about the pixel war though, anything above 8 seems like total overkill to me. Rumours abound about a 1DmkIII as well!

                      Some more from the skate park:


                        The Official Canon Outlet on ebay might be worth looking at. That said, some people pay almost full retail price for refurbs.


                          I am no expert but there must be a point where you have too many pixels on an APS-C sensor. It is a shame that the makers feel forced into a megapixel race to satisfy the marketing men. 8.2 on the 30D may well be the sweetspot.

                          I love my 30D, though I do lust after a 5D and maybe one day,in my dreams, a 1D series.
                          Last edited by Richard.John; 02-02-2007, 00:28.


                            Aye, seems no end to it at the moment. It was rumoured at the world cup Canon had people testing a 24mp 1D.

                            Anyway all will be revealed soon at the PMA show in March - or maybe slightly before then. Though our older obsolete cameras aren't suddenly going to turn rubbish overnight. I know a good few people that are still happy with their D30,D60 & 10D's.


                              24MP 1D!!! At least it is FF though, that's the point. APS-C must have its limits.

                              Also, I am thinking of buying a 'normal' lens (for 1.6 crop) as I have received a tax rebate (yeah). Possibly the Canon EF 28 mm f/1.8. I find my cheapo 50 mm too long for indoor shots and low light stuff and my 17-40 mm can't really hack it either due to its f/4 limit.

                              So has anyone used this lens, and what do you think? I don't want to go third party but I know that Sigma have a 30 mm f/1.4 as well.
                              Last edited by Richard.John; 02-02-2007, 01:01.


                                Don't know about that lens sorry Richard.

                                GT, thanks for the canon ebay link. I was searching for it yesterday but couldn't remember what they were called at all.

                                Final skate park sequence, have been through all of the shots now.

