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The Photography Thread

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    GT - I love the low angle you used on the swans.


      I love the angle too, very nice.



        On the fence Pete, can't tell if it's a man or a woman except for the nails. Would actually like a bit more detail in the face but it's a clever shot.


          Originally posted by Richard.John View Post
          Did you consider the 24-70 mm L at all? I know you are FF with the 5D, so did that have an impact?
          I did consider it, but at the time when i saw the 24-105 the 24-70 was and still is quite high. Stop difference is only 1 stop, but the IS gives you an extra 2 if you believe the adverts. Some do say IS gives a soft image, however i only use when i need too. I don't tend to shoot low light much anyway.

          Thanks for the comments btw. The low was achieved by holding the camera just above the water. I would normally lie down for such a shot, however I didn't want to be covered in bird cack!.

          Pete, a no from me. A bit of light to her face would have made it a yes!
          BTW you been taking pictures of that shipwreck?


            Originally posted by Ginger Tosser View Post
            Pete, a no from me. A bit of light to her face would have made it a yes!
            BTW you been taking pictures of that shipwreck?
            Yeah I know what you mean about the shot being dark, unfortunately her expression isn't particularly flattering if you view it lighter. That was one of the few shots which actually came out at all

            I haven't taken any shots of the wreck, I probably should try but so many people are heading over that the roads are jammed. Brandscombe is a tiny little village and getting to the beach isn't easy either. Maybe able to see it from Sidmouth beach so I'll walk down tomorrow lunchtime.

            I suspect it'll be a pain in the arse this wreck, the people trying to sort it out have already taken over part of our building!


              I've been meaning to post someting in this thread for a while i took this in new zealand last year, tell me what you think and be honest.

              Last edited by Shotski; 21-01-2007, 21:49.


                Fair point about the shadow, still nice outline.

                I had a tweak of the image on Photoshop, your right. Best left in the shadow. Singing does have that habit of contorting the face!

                Looks an impressive place Shotski, image is lacking colour, though that might be down to the metering and bright sky. Also it's not level. However i like the mist been highlighted by the sun. Shooting into the sun is always difficult.


                  Originally posted by Ginger Tosser View Post
                  Looks an impressive place Shotski, image is lacking colour, though that might be down to the metering and bright sky. Also it's not level. However i like the mist been highlighted by the sun. Shooting into the sun is always difficult.
                  Thanks i took it on a normal digital camera so theres only 1 ccd, and i was on a boat at the time. I'm saving up to buy a new camera but i'm not sure if i should go digital or use film because i have access to a devlopeing lab at collage and photography is involved in my course so i would like your opinions.


                    Film bodies are very cheap (2nd hand) at the moment and if you develop at cost then its more of a bonus.

                    Digital has its advantages in the fact that you can instantly review your shots and retake if necessary. The initial outlay on digital can be higher Camera/Memory/Image software but i find i shoot more on digital now than i ever did before. This year i've taken around 5000 shots. Probably more than my previous 10 years with film.


                      Another vote here for digital as you are able to experiment in way that is impossible with film (unless you can stomach the film and development costs). Film is great but the future belongs to silicon.
                      Last edited by Richard.John; 21-01-2007, 23:40.


                        when i first got here i had a Nikon film camera - but the cost of getting prints in Japan was stupid at the time (6 years back), so i switched to digital. While it's taken many years to get to results i'm at least happy with, i can't see me going back to film.


                          My colleague got the shout to take shots of the wreck in Branscombe -

                          I was in the wrong place at the wrong time!


                            Wow, never realised that sort of gear was on board! Tractors and cars all gone to waste, that's gonna be difficult and expensive to clean up isn't it!


                              Know that feeling! Nice shots of the debris, shame as its looks as if someones person possessions were being shipped.


                                Unfortunately half the stuff has already been nicked by the locals. Apart from the cars, jeeps and motorbikes! There were loads of trainers and cosmetic products that have gone. Best sale in devon at the mo! Local radio has been telling people how to get down onto the beach and get by the police which is pretty stupid...

                                The police are trying to shut down the area but there isn't much they can do (not easy to close a mile of beach!).

                                I think I've missed my opportunity to get some photos which I'm a bit annoyed about, but never mind.

