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    Sounds pretty strong *lights torch* I imagine it's still going to be tough to make an airtight case without a body. I'd be really curious, if they're guilty, to know how they managed to keep a body hidden and then move it much later with so much attention from media and the general public.

    I'm also curious how they're planning to pay the top criminal lawyers they've hired. They should not be allowed touch the donations and should have to challenge the charge like any ol' murder suspects, because that's what they are right now.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      if it turns out we were all fooled all along, the ramifications scare me.
      For the record they didn't fool me for a minute - call me a pessimist bastard or whatever but I had their number from the start - They're guilty of something make no mistake about it.


        Everybody is guilty of something.


          Didn't realise they had an online shop?!?!


            Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
            Sounds pretty strong *lights torch* I imagine it's still going to be tough to make an airtight case without a body. I'd be really curious, if they're guilty, to know how they managed to keep a body hidden and then move it much later with so much attention from media and the general public.

            I'm also curious how they're planning to pay the top criminal lawyers they've hired. They should not be allowed touch the donations and should have to challenge the charge like any ol' murder suspects, because that's what they are right now.
            They're both doctors aren't they? They probably aren't short a few bob, although why then the need for a donation fund? Why not spend their own cash on finding their child? Stupid Bastards, Hell would be too sweet a reward for them.


              I imagine even a double doctor salary would be eaten up pretty quickly. They've hired like three lawyers and they're all celeb 'we defend mob bosses, dictators and footballers' lawyers.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                I'm also curious how they're planning to pay the top criminal lawyers they've hired. They should not be allowed touch the donations and should have to challenge the charge like any ol' murder suspects, because that's what they are right now.
                The funds are set up as a private limited company

                Neither has it been filed as Non-Profit, so that probably changes things legally.


                  So, they're using public money to try and help keep their worthless arses out of prison? Bring back stoning I say and make an event out of their painful deaths.


                    No, it's Gerry McCann's wish to use the funds from the Private Limited Company - it's no longer public money.

                    It'll be down to the Directors whether this will happen.


                      Meh, they're still deserving of a stoning. Whichever way you look at it, they're the catalysts of this entire mess.


                        Anyone know who the directors are?


                          According to the paper in front of me, the directors include family members and friends of the McCanns, chosen for their "appropriate legal, business and charitable experience".


                            Fund Details

                            Madeleine’s Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, CRN 6248215. Registered office:

                            Madeleine's Fund: Leaving No Stone Unturned Limited PO Box 53133 London E18 2YR. Auditors: Haysmacintyre, Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6AY.

                            MADELEINE’S FUND Leaving No Stone Unturned

                            Madeleine’s fund is a non charitable not-for-profit company, which has been established to help find Madeleine McCann and to support her family and bring her abductors to justice. Any surplus funds will be used to help families and missing children in the United Kingdom, Portugal and elsewhere in similar circumstances. If there are surplus funds Madeleine’s Funds can be converted into a charity.

                            The Fund is following best practice governance procedures as set out in the Good Governance Code for the Voluntary and Community Sector. The directors of the company are Peter Hubner, Brian Kennedy, John McCann, Esther McVey, Doug Skehan and Philip Tomlinson. They have appropriate legal, business and charitable experience. An experienced Fund Administrator has been appointed to ensure the highest standards of transparency and accountability. This should enable the Directors to maintain an appropriate governance distance in the day-to-day operations of the Fund.

                            The Board and its individual Directors will ensure that the Fund is subject to required financial legal scrutiny. They will ensure that they receive reliable external advice and information, as the basis for making good decisions.


                            1.1 The full objects of the Fund are:

                            1.1.1 To secure the safe return to her family of Madeleine McCann who was abducted in Praia da Luz, Portugal on Thursday 3rd May 2007;

                            1.1.2 To procure that Madeleine’s abduction is thoroughly investigated and that her abductors, as well as those who played or play any part in assisting them, are identified and brought to justice; and

                            1.1.3 To provide support, including financial assistance, to Madeleine’s family.

                            1.2 If the above objects are fulfilled then the objects of the Foundation shall be to pursue such purposes in similar cases arising in the United Kingdom, Portugal or elsewhere.
                            Says there "not for profit" - but it wasn't filed with Companies House as such.

                            Note point 1.1.3 - I'd guess that Solicitor fees probably fall under that.


                              Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                              According to the paper in front of me, the directors include family members and friends of the McCanns, chosen for their "appropriate legal, business and charitable experience".
                              No ****ing way! Seriously?


                                Originally posted by Jebus View Post
                                No ****ing way! Seriously?
                                See Marty's post ^^^

                                Pretty damn cheeky isn't it. I hope they get a whopper of a Corporate Tax bill at the end of their accounting year.

