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iOS recommended games and applications

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    PC ENGINE GAME BOX!!! Need I say more?

    The bad news is that if you're phone is set to English you'll get the ****ty dark Turbo Grafix splash screen and the God awful American artwork for the game covers. Set your phone to Japanese and you'll get a fresh and bright PC Engine splash screen along with all the great art work.

    There is a good selection of Konami, Irem and Hudson titles to start you off with. Each day you'll be able to play a 3 minute sample of a different game. Today's game is Gradius. Games cost 315 yen here so they aren't too cheap. Also on my 3GS I found the emulation to judder a little at times. Then again I was downloading in the background so that could have been the reason.


      Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
      PC ENGINE GAME BOX!!! Need I say more?

      The bad news is that if you're phone is set to English you'll get the ****ty dark Turbo Grafix splash screen and the God awful American artwork for the game covers. Set your phone to Japanese and you'll get a fresh and bright PC Engine splash screen along with all the great art work.

      There is a good selection of Konami, Irem and Hudson titles to start you off with. Each day you'll be able to play a 3 minute sample of a different game. Today's game is Gradius. Games cost 315 yen here so they aren't too cheap. Also on my 3GS I found the emulation to judder a little at times. Then again I was downloading in the background so that could have been the reason.
      Thanks for this.


        Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
        The bad news is that if you're phone is set to English you'll get the ****ty dark Turbo Grafix splash screen and the God awful American artwork for the game covers. Set your phone to Japanese and you'll get a fresh and bright PC Engine splash screen along with all the great art work.
        If you have a jailbroken iphone you can edit the folder called Japanese.Iproj to English.Iproj and also a few PNG files which have _jp_ in the title to _en_ to get it to load the PC Engine version without having to switch languages. Only thing I can't change is the opening splash screen.


          Ohh, good idea. I think everyone with an iphone should have it jailbroken. Not for pirate games but to fully utilize the hardware.


            Augmented reality fix for colour blindness. If it works, it should probably have its own thread.


              'Cause of Death' is pretty cool - imagine an iOS Heavy Rain-esque police thriller/mystery where different decisions affect the outcome. It's under a quid and it got me engrossed enough to finish the entire thing in one sitting on Saturday morning.


                Originally posted by Yakumo View Post
                Ohh, good idea. I think everyone with an iphone should have it jailbroken. Not for pirate games but to fully utilize the hardware.
                Yeah I couldn't go back to the standard firmware, much prefer the backgrounding and catergories management on a jailbroken device, also bought something called PwnTunes from the cydia store which allows you to drag and drop music onto your iphone without itunes being installed on your PC, it's worth it for that alone.


                  Aug reality translator -

                  It has in-app purchases for English - Spanish and Spanish - English but the free version has Word Erase and Word Reverse so you can see it working. If the lighting is good then it works surprisingly well!

                  This could be massive if properly supported.


                    I've been showing that to people, it's pretty amazing.


                      Originally posted by Phar View Post
                      Yeah I couldn't go back to the standard firmware, much prefer the backgrounding and catergories management on a jailbroken device, also bought something called PwnTunes from the cydia store which allows you to drag and drop music onto your iphone without itunes being installed on your PC, it's worth it for that alone.
                      Tell me about it. The Apple background crap was annoying as hell. I removed it from mine with a nice app.

                      I'm interested in that PwnTunes. It would save a lot of messing about. I never use iTunes anyway because it's far too slow but I still need to use some other software. Drag and drop would be perfect. Does it also work for video?


                        Anybody got hold of TRON yet?

                        Utterly brilliant Snakes clone & free as well

                        Also has a Tanks mode but I'm addicted to the Light Cycles so haven't tried them out yet

                        Well worth the download.


                          For some reason, my brain can't make sense of the directions in the Tron snake game.


                            Anyone picked up Secret of Mana yet? I can cope with a virtual d-pad but I've heard mixed reports regarding the frame rate and sound quality. For ?5.49 it needs to be a perfect port.


                              Piyo Blocks 2 is free today. Don't be a fool and not download it.


                                [QUOTE=parkinho;1789899]Anyone picked up Secret of Mana yet? I can cope with a virtual d-pad but I've heard mixed reports regarding the frame rate and sound quality. For ?5.49 it needs to be a perfect port.[/
                                Last edited by ne0star; 21-12-2010, 13:17.

