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iOS recommended games and applications

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    It's one of those things, it's just pure goodness.


      I'm soooooo buying this when I get home!


        Eurogamer seem to like it.

        What if the games industry was one big party? Picture the scene. As you walk in you pass Blizzard and Activision, snogg…


        Last edited by The Glider; 15-02-2010, 16:45.


          3-6 now...CANT STOP!!

          Encounted another mid-level mini game that I think is new to iPhone...


            I've never been a particular fan of tower defense games in all honesty, huge final fantasy fan but really didn't think much of that version. Sadly I'm a WiFi user at home so I've no excuse other than my own ignorance

            Still, will check it on youtube. I folded and bought Peggle based on the praise without knowing anything about it (only 59p mind) but I found that really quite tricky after the first couple of levels so gave up on it.


              Ok I just wet myself...

              Arcade fighter fans should probably sit down for this news. As IGN reports, Capcom has just announced that the latest installment of what is perhaps the most popular fighting series ever created will shortly be landing on the iPhone and iPod touch. That's right, Street Fighter IV is on the way.


                Why? Do you think it's going to play particularly well? I don't.


                  That remains to be seen... so yeh I am hopeful and more than that I feel the more high profile games like this that make it out on the platform the more possibility Apple see's it as requiring some form of tactile add-on.

                  Regardless a good write up here at IGN.


                    Originally posted by nonny View Post
                    the more high profile games like this that make it out on the platform the more possibility Apple see's it as requiring some form of tactile add-on.
                    Apple added that functionality in the 3.0 firmware. Since then no one has done a thing about it


                      Yeah I know mate and I'll agree it's a sore sticking point for me that restricts the device to being a decent gaming platform more than an amazing one.

                      Of course I am reluctant to get too excited about this given that virtual stick controls dont work very well but it's still SFIV on my phone.

                      I notice Apple just submitted a patent for mobile gaming device recently (it was on engadget) so for me I am just waiting to see what the 4th gen iPhone is going to look like and if it'll offer any more gaming enhancements.


                        Was it this ?

                        It was from a few years ago

                        Its crazy though really... if you do a google for iphone joypad, you'll find dozens of different rumours and even designs (even Belkin ones!), but I am seriously surprised none have surfaced. I guess its all down to getting software support for them.


                          Yes it was that... bugger I misread it before my morning coffee. Oh well...

                          Yeah I've seen the iControlpad and a few others and it is shocking no-one has pursued it further than that. Really I forsee the best approach to this being some PSP Go type slide out tactile controls. I guess feasibly for the iPhone or Touch this could be a clip-on type affair.

                          I know with 3.0 firmware, as you've said... they opened up access to the port and permitted 3rd party joysticks to be feasible but surely the increasing weight of quality ports or franchises that use conventional controls will eventually be too much to ignore?

                          I've still got my fingers crossed anyway... though it dont think it's going to arrive soon. I just want to play Quake on my phone, with dual analog controls and an plugged in headset with voice comms on an inline mic... playing online over Wifi against several of my mates.

                          Is that too difficult!?


                            I don't want buttons and 'more of the same' games, for me some of the best games on iphone, like the DS, are those that are aimed specifically for its interface.

                            Flight Control, Harbour Master, Sword & Poker, Implode, Crush the Castle & even Doodle Jump could all be on other systems but all gain from the interface, or lack of it.

                            There are enough formats and variants of street fighter around, anybody really need it for the bus ?
                            Last edited by merf; 16-02-2010, 08:37.


                              Played a bit of PvZ this morning and loving the gentle way it introduces the game to you. Really nice title so far!


                                Originally posted by merf View Post
                                I don't want buttons and 'more of the same' games, for me some of the best games on iphone, like the DS, are those that are aimed specifically for its interface.

                                Flight Control, Harbour Master, Sword & Poker, Implode, Crush the Castle & even Doodle Jump could all be on other systems but all gain from the interface, or lack of it.

                                There are enough formats and variants of street fighter around, anybody really need it for the bus ?
                                Yes, yes I do... me want.

                                I agree the best games on the device are those that make use of it's main UI in interesting or intelligent ways but to me that is only half of what it's capable of achieving. On a long enough timeline we are going to see some genres flourish like Tower Defence, Strategy or RPG... but by that same point many mainstay genres become extremely limited.

                                Dont get me wrong, I really love the iPhone/Touch and it is an amazing platform but it has some real potential to be even more than that.

                                I've actually sold my DS since getting into iPhone games simply because it's the one and only device that I need to take with me anywhere. I dont think I am wrong to then want it to alter or accommodate some conventional controls via an add-on to enhance games that benefit from them.

