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iOS recommended games and applications

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    I've never been a fan of playing apps on my iTouch, but I've been loving my time with Plants Vs Zombies so far. Thinking of buying Peggle now.

    Only downside of playing portable games is the awful battery life. 2 hours of Plants Vs Zombies and the battery is almost dead.
    Last edited by Malc; 18-02-2010, 11:26.


      Space Miner is down to £1.19, I have heard nothing but "omg it's amazing" so absolutely buy it.


        I've been playing Dotopop. Really addictive! Very simple... just pop bubbles.


          Not an App as such but I just had an email from "Craig" of the iControlPad team. I've no idea who they are either but I've obviously signed up to get notifications sometime in the past.

          There's more details on their site and it's for jailbroken phones only but may be of use for people interested in emulation I suppose. It looks a bit daft to me as it doubles the size of the iPhone but I suppose it does the job.

          iControlPad is a hardware review site covering, Bluetooth gaming controllers for smartphones to mobile tablet, laptop gaming or gaming desktop computers.


            Anyone played GeoSpark? Worth buying?


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              Anyone played GeoSpark? Worth buying?
              Not really. It's alright, but the scoring is so messed up that it's pointless playing. Basically, the score you'll get is based on how much time you can be bothered to invest rather than how skilled you are.


                Just seen an ad for an app that lets you unlock your car, looks pretty useful, especially since my key no longer works remotely it might be pretty cool. Anyway does anyone know what its called, just scoured the app store and couldn't find it.


                  is that the car rental app thing:


                    Taiko no Tatsujin has just come out.

                    It's very polished but it don't have many tracks.

                    I can't read Japanese - Maybe you can purchase more?


                      haven't noticed these being mentioned before but I've just been having a play through a couple of retro Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone Fighting Fantasy classics. The Warlock of Firetop Mountain & Deathtrap Dungeon are currently available at ?1:79 each.

                      Anybody who knows the series will know exactly what to expect from it really. The presentation is really good, you can play through with custom soundtracks, custom fonts and you shake the iPhone to roll the dice.

                      I'd love to see City of Thieves in this format as it was my favourite by far.


                        A Crystal Maze game has come out. The Crystal Bloody Maze! It's almost certainly rubbish but they're selling it to me...

                        START THE FANS PLEASE!!!

                        Richard O'Brien is back with his inimitable style to escort you around the daddy of TV gameshows. Yes you have guessed right, The Crystal Maze is finally available for the iPhone/iPod Touch!

                        Let Richard guide you through the famous TV Maze with his leopard-print coat, magnetic charisma and jaw-droppingly funny anecdotes!

                        GAME FEATURES
                        * 4 Challenging games from the original zones: Medieval, Futuristic, Aztec and Industrial
                        * The Crystal Dome itself
                        * Richard O'Brien as your enigmatic host
                        * Mumsie!

                        * TV Show Mode & Challenge Mode
                        * The original Crystal Maze Theme tune
                        * 3D Zone Videos, just like from the TV Show!
                        * Add-on game update packs after initial release
                        * The game also comes with a FREE Crystal Maze soundboard with 16 classic quotes and sounds from the TV show!
                        * OpenFeint technology for online high scores to challenge your friends

                        GAME MODES
                        'TV Show Campaign Mode' - where you are able to partake in the full Crystal Maze challenge with lock-ins, meeting Mumsie herself, collecting of crystals all to try and conquer the Crystal Dome at the end of the game.

                        'Challenge Mode' - Once you have managed to complete a game in TV Show Mode the game will be unlocked in challenge mode for you to play anytime you wish, the you can challenge your friends by beating their high scores in our online leader board.

                        OPENFEINT LEADERBOARDS:
                        Once you master the Crystal Maze you will be able to submit your best time to a global OpenFeint leaderboard to see how good you really are!!!

                        FREE SOUNDBOARD!
                        The game also comes with a FREE Crystal Maze soundboard with 16 classic quotes and sounds from the TV show!

                        Hear Richard welcome you to the Crystal Maze, speak to his Mumsie, the Futuristic computer, and even play his famous harmonica solos! Carry this everywhere you go and continually ask your friends to START THE FANS PLEASE!!


                          Originally posted by phillai View Post
                          Taiko no Tatsujin has just come out.

                          It's very polished but it don't have many tracks.

                          I can't read Japanese - Maybe you can purchase more?

                          Not at the moment. They might add some more for free like they are supposed to be doing with Ridge Racer but they don't say so and seems almost certain they'll start charging as they charge a monthly subscription for it on other phones (think it was about ¥300/month which allowed upto 5 downloads when I had it on my au phone a few years ago).

                          However, they did have quite a huge selection to choose from so if they can do something similar on the iPhone ¥300 for 5 tracks wouldn't be too bad if you can pick out the stuff you want. Would guess they're more likely to offer a bundle of tracks, tho.


                            Still addicted to Plants vs Zombies at the moment, 5-4 now

                            A perfect example of how good gameplay in a game can be.


                              Stompem, cool puzzle game, currently free! Hundreds of levels

                              TileStorm isn't free but is also excellent. On offer at present
                              Last edited by toythatkills; 21-02-2010, 18:22.


                                Finished Plants vs Zombies campaign, when you go to quick play all the minigames are there! Well, not sure if they are all there but there are LOADS.

                                Just about makes it the bargain of the year, surely?

