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    Yea checked already, It's not covered. I'm not the policy holder anyway, and i'd rather have something I could deal with personally if I were to lose it again, think the price i've just paid is reasonable anyway, ?60 upfront for the full year, that price is worth my peace of mind.


      Originally posted by EvilBoris View Post
      2. Hotmail has IMAP Support, found an article telling you how to set it up, FROM SEPTEMEBER!
      I've tried the stupid IZYMAIL Forwarding, which barely worked and I only bought an app 3 weeks ago that cost me ?6 to replace the mail app.

      Go to Settings ? Mail, Contact, Calendars
      Click on Add Account?
      Choose Microsoft Exchange
      Fill in the fields shown (Leave domain blank and your login should be your email address)
      Click next and it will ask for server. Use
      Choose if you want your email, contacts or calendar synced.
      Thank you for this Boris!

      My iPhone just decided that everything in my hotmail was unread and kept loading messages every time I deleted some. I set up a new account like this and bam, problem gone.


        My 3GS is on 4.0.1(jailbroken using that jailbreakme site) with baseband 5.13.04

        I just downloaded 4.3.1 and jailbroke using pwnage tool(Mac) so will retain the baseband but am in two minds over whether to bother or not. Seems like a lot of hassle trying to restore my stuff back onto it. If I do the whole DFU->restore custom ipsw route and then use my latest iTunes backup, will it restore everything? Seems I could lose important stuff like my Angry Birds save and I wouldn't want anything going awry with my work email/etc. Seems I can copy all the files manually to my Mac and restore the bits I need afterwards but looking on the net is making me more confused!

        I'll most likely wait until the weekend as I doubt it'll be a one-hour jobbie like it used to.

        Does anyone know if these baseband updates actually do anything useful/fix issues? I often have signal problems although I reckon they're related to some Cydia apps I used to enable tethering which I later removed. I'm not interested in unlocking it myself but wouldn't want to needlessly lower its value, should I decide to sell it and get a 4 or 5 or something later on.


          iTunes will carry over any official saves and settings; only jailbreak specific apps will not carry over. Also, any jailbreak tweaks which affect things like folder limitations will not show up until the tweak is installed again.

          It's a little bit of a faff but just make a list of all the jailbreak stuff you have and reinstall them after iTunes has reloaded.


            I'm actually not particularly fussed about jailbreak stuff - the only Cydia app I have is a wifi scanner but I use it a lot for work(almost every day), everything else is from the App Store. If there was an App Store wifi scanner I'd probably just use the official update and be done with it.

            I'm more worried about emails(my email setup slightly different on the Mac and iPhone so I wouldn't want it to sync them with the Mac), SMS, settings and things like that. Even Angry Birds I can take or leave as I barely play it now, but I remember last time I did a restore I lost some saved data.

            I'm finding out where the relevant files are kept and will probably back those up and see what happens.


              Well I installed IOS5 onto my phone the other day, some nice nice little features, unfortunately it's not in a decent enough state to use all the time just yet.


                Incase anybody is bored and wants to install Ios5 now, the final releases are out there if you look and they don't require a developer account, just Itunes 10.5 beta 7 and onwards.

                I've been using it on my phone for quite a while, but it's nice I can finally install it on my Ipad2 for some tabbed browsing action! Hoorah!


                  Notice any performance problems on the iPad? With my iPod Touches over the years, every time a new OS came out, while having great features, I'd notice a performance hit and, with the previous upgrade, more battery drainage.


                    I don't think they have introduced enough changes this time to actually cause that , I know things like the spotlight search really battered overall speed and battery useage in previous updates (worth turning off on older devices).

                    The main big changes are

                    Notification centre (a new panel that you slide down from the top of the screen, stops notifications appearing right over the app you are using)

                    Icloud support (Your photos,contacts,docs will backup whenever the device is plugged in/locked/in wifi area)

                    Everything else is just new/updated native apps such as the native twitter support, camera can be fired from the volume - key. Newstand (e magazine store).

                    Then various little interface improvements such as on the Lock screen 'swipe to reply'

                    Overall you could easily install it and not noticed anything had changed until you came across a new option or saw that the buttons are now a different shape.


                      Excellent. That's great to hear. Looking forward to getting it on to my iPad.


                        When will the iOS update be officially out on iTunes?


                          Wednesday, I believe.


                            Is anyone else picking up a 4S tomorrow?

                            There doesn't seem to be much chatter from excited people at the moment.


                              It's not out till Friday is it? As for the excitement the launch response seemed a little muted to me (after there being no new 5 which was highly speculated) though Apple have said they got pre orders for 1m (up from 600k on the 4) so what do I know!!


                                Oh goddammit, got my dates mixed up. Yep, Friday it is.

                                I'm upgrading from a 3G so I'm pretty stoked by the new hardware but I understand the disappointment.

