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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by prinnysquad;1787644At least Plough Boy is ruining his [I
    own[/I] daughter's future with his foul language and questionable rowdiness.


      Sounds like poor sound insulation to me!

      Another irk for me is Amazon not knowing their arse from their elbows. Placed two orders recently, one on 04/12 and one 05/12 and neither are here. Sent a note on Sunday asking for a refund on both things. Had to send a separate e-mail for each item as their online returns thing made me do it that way.

      Last night had an e-mail back about one item. We're sorry, blah, blah have processed a refund. Great, I went to bed happy as I could rebuy at the shops instead.

      Woke up this morning to 3 more e-mails. One confirmed the refund had been processed but another about the same order said they had placed the order again but it's unclear if they're doing this gratis, which would be amazing service, or charging me, in which case I don't want them to as I'd now rather go to the shops. I can't cancel this new order as it has already dispatched.

      The third e-mail about the second order is annoying. They blather on about the weather then ask me to wait until 20/12!!! I live in the north-east which was second worst hit by the bad weather and the roads were passable at the day my last order was placed and they've been clear for the past 5 days and probably passable for longer. I could accept a couple of days over the estimated delivery but not until 20/12.

      Amazon will now only be used for digital purchases. I think as long as I can find things on the high street within a couple of quid of online I'll buy IRL. Any good tips for shops that price match their own web sites? HMV are particularly bad at not matching their own online prices.

      Last edited by NW2013; 15-12-2010, 08:22.


        I'm also North East based and having the same problem. The post is all over the shop.


          Originally posted by kernow View Post
          Sounds exactly like the people across the road from me, nothing worse than noisy adults. They act like teenagers most of the time mind you. Idiots.
          Yup. My neighbours are exactly the same.

          I'm struggling to think of a reason why someone might suddenly burst into song at the top of their voice at 3am (the "woman" did this once before I put a note through the door). And I occasionally hear one of them exclaim "WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!" loudly for no discernible reason in the middle of the day. Why would anyone do that?

          Worst of all though were the time the decided to have an argument at 3am, which culminated in the vile, female abomination stomping heavily out of bed (so loud that I thought my ceiling was caving in), waking me up in the process. They then proceeded to argue at the top of their lungs at an hour when they knew people above, below and beside them would be fast asleep.

          Also, when they first moved in, they decided to throw a little party which went on around the same time (3am); so there I was trying to sleep because I had work the next day, and all I could hear was their drunken shouting and stomping.

          As for their taste in music, I am often subject to the infernal strains of Michael Bolton, Wet Wet Wet and Lady Gaga. Mercifully, they appear to only have a cheap CD player so the music isn't anywhere near the problem it would be if they had a decent system.

          My living room is above their bedroom, so I have, on occasion been tempted to start playing games at an ungodly hour to return the favour (my consoles are hooked up through speakers and a subwoofer system, so they'd definitely hear it). I can't bring myself to be so incosiderate though (particularly as it would upset my other neighbours who I don't have a problem with). However, I do come home for lunch and when I do, I'll play music from my page via my 360. Also, knowing the fat, lazy whale doesn't work and is most likely still in bed, I make sure it's nice and loud. Don't like it? Get off your arse and get a job you pathetic waste of space.


            This sounds like it's going to end well.


              Originally posted by Ady View Post
              I am often subject to the infernal strains of Michael Bolton
              ohh, not all bad then.


                Yes the people across the road have some crap but loud system, I think one of them used to be in a band or something because it honestly sounds and is loud as a PA system. I have a nice setup but never annoy the neighbours with it. Quite often you'll hear them whooping or arguing also midday. The windows and doors are open 20hrs of the day and there used to be music most of that time too. But I honestly think they've moved out. I haven't heard anything for weeks.

                The girl was in a car outside once drinking beer and pumping some ****e euro beat at 3:30am, I got dressed and went outside and went mental at her o// asking her if she was fking stupid because people had work the next morning.

                It's amazing you have to actually tell these people such things.

                You could always complain to the council, and they'll send you a diary to fill out daily for 3 weeks, then send it back and they might do something about it. There were so many issues over the road I phoned the old bill a couple times because of domestics etc and they said they could do nothing about the noise because the government had taken their dealing of noise pollution issues away and you had to phone the council - who were obviously never open when it was happening.

                You basically couldn't do anything about it, especially as sometimes it'd be so sporadic but incredibly annoying when it happened, not to mention ridiculously loud - that meant the diary basically got thrown away as it wasn't getting filled out much.



                  The fact that as I get older, so increases the likelihood i'll have to get up in the middle of the night to go for a pish. Drinking anything after 9p.m. is pretty much just loading the gun, then waiting for it to go off at 3a.m as the safety trigger is obviously knackered.

                  And you younger one's might read this and laugh at it, but it'll come to you too, mark my words.




                      Living in a flat I can totally relate to noisy neighbours, as I've had to endure far too many over the years. As far as I'm concerned they're ignorant scum who should be taken outside and beaten with their crappy hi-fi equipment.

                      The most annoying aspect for me though is what kernow has highlighted, being that it's so bloody difficult to get any action taken against them. Police won't touch them as they have no power, and the council's diary system is a joke - endure it for three weeks, affecting your life, work, and general well-being, and if you're lucky they might give them a slap on the wrist at the end of it. Pathetic.


                        Originally posted by kernow View Post
                        Yes the people across the road have some crap but loud system, I think one of them used to be in a band or something because it honestly sounds and is loud as a PA system. I have a nice setup but never annoy the neighbours with it.

                        My main setup is actually in my bedroom and hooked up via my computer (which I listen to my music on now). If I wanted to be an arse, I could blast the whole building off but no, I actually have consideration for others and try not to play my music too loud.


                          And another thing. I drove past the Houses of Parliament today on the way to one of our sites. Nothing says intelligent protest like the amount of flourescent giant cocks spray painted over every monument there. Arseholes.


                            People incapable of reading or having zero common sense.

                            Have some PSOne games on FleaBay, was asked a question whether or not one of the games would work on a PS2. Fair question, so I reply saying it would and a link to every PSOne game that doesn't work.

                            24 hours later the same person asks the same question, but on another one of my auctions. I send him the same reply word for word.

                            Then later on, the same question on another auction from you guessed it, the same guy.


                              1. Having a child suffering sleep apnea for 18 months, due to restricted airways.

                              2. Turning up for an operation to fix the issue, having physiologically prepared her, and waited patiently without sleep for more than a year, only to be told the doctor called in sick & we have to wait until "Some time next year."

                              3. Trying to explain to a child who has been looking forward to said operation that they have to wait some more.

                              Merry Christmas.


                                Damn, sorry to hear that capcom - hope that gets sorted sooner rather than later.

