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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Now THAT is an angry smiley!

    Or has he had too much fibre?


      irk of today after so many years why havent they invented a silent dentist drill


        Oh man, just got back to my desk gasping (its mad hot in central today and I'm having to wear a suit), crack open my Diet Coke can and get a whiff of Cherry...ARGHHHH!!!! Why do they make the cans so damn similar?!!


          Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
          Hey Japan! Let me introduce you to a wonderful invention called Blu-Tack! We use it to stick things like posters up on the wall without ruining them with pins, sellotape etc.! It is one of many great inventions that you have missed out on, along with central heating and debit cards!
          You can actually get something very similar to blu-tack here. It's sold in hobby shops as a means of fixing plastic model parts onto stands for airbrushing. I guess they never saw the wider applications of the stuff.


            Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
            Oh man, just got back to my desk gasping (its mad hot in central today and I'm having to wear a suit), crack open my Diet Coke can and get a whiff of Cherry...ARGHHHH!!!! Why do they make the cans so damn similar?!!
            Cherry coke is lovely, quit yr whining


              I thought that was the point of this thread...but if it irks you then I guess your comment is OK with me


                I like cherry coke. I like diet coke. But diet cherry coke is revolting


                  The more annoying change is an extra draw on Tuesdays. Camelot obviously haven't learned that, far from generating extra income, the Wednesday draw on the main lottery diluted the number of players and reduced the jackpots. People only go mad for Euromillions when it gets to ?80m+.

                  And Absolute balls!
                  Last edited by NW2013; 08-04-2011, 17:54.


                    The fact that it's friday night and everyone else seems to have a life while I'm in chat alone!


                      Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                      The fact that it's friday night and everyone else seems to have a life while I'm in chat alone!
                      I'm busy trying to get banned from


                        Divulge, Sir Neilos!


                          ...people not being aware of others and how unintentionally hurtful that can be...


                            Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
                            The fact that it's friday night and everyone else seems to have a life while I'm in chat alone!
                            I would have been in there with you but spent the day running to bathroom for one end or the other and just watching tonnes of random stuff on Netflix.


                              After everything that's happened to me over the past 5 months I went to my Doctor yesterday and she's prescribed me more sleeping tablets and has also started me on antidepressants which is something I told her at the beginning I didn't want to do. She also recommended that I take some time off work.

                              What irks me is that I know I should take this time off to try and level out but due to staffing issues I feel that I have to power through all my **** to keep the place running.

                              Also, the stigma that seems to exist around things like stress & depression. If you tell someone that you're being signed off for one of them they look at you like they're not real things and you should just "man up". What the hell do you think I've been trying to do since December? There's only so much a man can take!


                                Easier said than acted upon, but what do you value more? Your health and the way it affects those around you. Or your money. Hope you get sorted soon dude.

