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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    I use amazon marketplace whenever I can now but unfortunately, Ebay remains the only place to really sell electronics and PC gear.


      Originally posted by FSW View Post
      I just heard a song called Swagger Jagger. Seriously WHAT THE HELL IS THIS GARBAGE!? It was being played on a radio. Broadcast. To the nation! There is no publicly acceptable outlet for my rage!

      P.S. I'm with you on eBay Smurf. It's a place for shops now. They don't want private sellers.
      You have done well to have only just heard it! Damn thing has been about for a month now and rapes the ears of all who listen.


        Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
        You have done well to have only just heard it! Damn thing has been about for a month now and rapes the ears of all who listen.
        Awww f*ck I just heard this. Its bad enough having to listen to 'artists' constantly sampling other songs or doing different versions of songs only just released in the last few yrs, but to take an old songs sound (Oh My Darling Clementine) & destroy it like this just unbelievable.

        Music died a long time ago


          Why does that sound familiar?


          Ahh, Cher Lloyd. I haven't heard it yet. Nearest I've come to it is someone on FB posting about how annoying it was but that was just a video thumbnail.

          I'm lucky enough not to have to listen to things I don't like most of the time. At work, the speakers are mine and attached to my PC so I choose whatever I want to listen to and none of the other departments are allowed music so I don't have to worry about ear rape when on site visits. I usually flick between Magic and Heart with the odd Classic FM thrown in to feel cultured, so I miss a lot of this nonsense.


            I love Cher Lloyd.


              If this is justa general irk thread, I get really annoyed by people in shops waiting till they have paid for everything THEN spending a few minutes rummaging about in their purse for money.

              Then to top it all off they slap the money on the counter while the cashier awkwardly picks it all up.

              makes my blood boil


                I hate at the checkout when the cashier is a lifeless idiot who refuses to show any enthusiasm. Had this in Sainsburys the other day as I was rushed through the checkout and then I was bagging up all the food myself from a weekly shop and made to feel awkward.

                Would prefer to use self service! I have more of a rapport going on with them and I can take my time but unfortunately you would never get ?60 worth of shopping in that small area.
                Speaking of that, has anyone seem the self service at Morrisons? The bagging area has enough room for literally just a tin of beans.


                  I hear you, man. The bagging area in Morrisons is DEMENTED. The area that holds the bag is actually recessed from the rest of it, so you have to scan, then walk around to place the item in the bag. It's impossible to do it with any speed, unlike in Tesco where you can scan, and drop it in the bag in one movement. Drives me mental.


                    I always try and use self service - so long as the machine is working properly then I trust myself to do a decent job!

                    The space for items is tiny it has to be said but I never buy more than ?25-30 worth of stuff and a sainsburys guy actually showed me that you could just take the bag off and put it on the floor, wait a few seconds for the machine to realise what had happened (in the meantime it shouts "item removed from bagging area, please replace item before continuing") and carry on like normal


                      Every time I use one of those, I press the "I brought my own bags button" and it's as if the machine is so baffled by this that it can't cope, and it just gives me an error until the member of staff comes and fixes it. I just pile it up and bag stuff at the end.


                        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                        I just pile it up and bag stuff at the end.
                        This is my "plan b" and works quite well too.


                          Same as ttk. The I brought my own bags thing is plain broken.

                          Also I don't want the machine to speak to me. It takes it too long to say each thing so it's constantly interrupting itself:

                          Please scan the next.. Please place the item in the.. Please scan the.. Pleas place the.. Please scan.. Please place.. Please.. Pleas.. Plea.. Pl.. P..ppppppp


                            Unauthorised item in bagging area!


                              I'm too generous with my time. I'm not helping ppl (which includes my family) out anymore.

                              This wk I was asked to help out on something big that needed some assembling. I was up for it, along with a few mates.
                              The guy didnt have a clue what he was doing or what needed to be prepared b4 hand (young guy - no experience), so again I gave him my wise old man knowledge on the subject.
                              Then he decided he wanted to build 1 from scratch instead. Again he needed my help regarding info & to be there to help with the build (seeing as he hasnt got a clue).
                              He's bought all the bits n bobs he needs, & the build is going ahead on Monday. I told him that I;ve organized it so that I'm free so he can pick me up on the way (as he said he'd do previously).
                              Now I've had no answer from the fella, which I assume means that he doesnt need me.

                              So I've booked time off for nowt now. Thanks a lot!!
                              Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 17-09-2011, 13:33.


                                EA's Origin Sale:

                                For a limited time certain titles are ?4.99!!!!!

                                Fifa 09 on PC

                                Available for a pound all over the land and has been for about a year. I wasted 30 seconds visiting that link and another minute here documenting my annoyance.

