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Anyone had a few drinks?

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    Back on tour


      Munted again ahh the joys of new whiskey... Whoops I probably shouldn't have drunk nearly half a
      a bottle of JW Gold hee hee
      Last edited by ETC; 29-10-2012, 23:51.


        I had 4 hobgoblin on sat night...very nice

        Real ale festival coming up son in Belfast. Yay!


          Yes. My GF is a bit under the weather and in bed, so i'm sat here a bit bored and i've had a few. I think i've already done some monkeyjuggleDX type drunken shopping, and I don't think i'm done yet..............


            watching serenity on itv +1 while loaded with a few vodkas. love this film. oh and just bought mos 80s anthems 3 off amazon mp3, trying to find an open WiFi so I can download it to my phone
            Last edited by Guest; 02-12-2012, 00:46.


              Me mum bought me 8 tins of LECH and (even though this will be highly unapproved by Prin) I fancied a beer (by beer I mean cheap Lager), I'm on tin 7 watching the new Ross Noble DVD its a bit strong like I'm a bit munted . I would play Zombi-U later but there is no drunken fisticuffs option after I chuck the cricket bat at them and have a slash down the alley whiskey next


                Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                Back on tour

                A couple of Punk IPAs for me last night, they are on offer in Sainsburys at the mo' - 2 large bottles for ?4.

                Followed by a San Miguel, a Manhattan and a shot of Monkey Shoulder - dinner with friends.

                Then a warming Jim Beam after the taxi ride home and an attempt to do a lost mission on Fallout 3 till 3am.


                  A lot of drinks last night after work. I didn't get out of bed properly until 3pm today and I'd gotten in quite early (11.30pm). I may also have agreed to go out next Friday but there is no way I'm drinking so much next time. I think it's time to do the adult thing and set a 4 drink max on nights out and stick to it. Too many wasted days otherwise.


                    Went out on a works night last night, a dozen of us from around the UK met up at The Crown in Soutwold, Suffolk at 11am and stayed over.

                    Started with Brandy and Coffee, had a couple and then at midday went over to another pub and had Fish & Chips along with 2 lovely pints of Ghost Ship.
                    Then did a tour and taste at Adnams and was back in the bar proper for 4pm, had around 5 pints before heading upstairs to get ready for dinner, then came down and started on the Red, the four of us on our table managed 6 bottles over the next 3 hours and then we moved into the back bar.
                    I was actually pretty impressed with myself, could feel I was starting to get close to 'that line' the one where I am pissed but in control versus getting rat arsed and making a right tit of myeself, so rather than join everyone else with Brandy I had a few G&T's and sorted myself out a bit.

                    Work up feeling damned fine, no worry gut about what I might have said or done and thus have a great memory of the night rather than one that fills me full of shame!! haha


                      Every now and then you have a beer that is off the scale in terms of quality.
                      The other day, courtesy of prinnysquad, I encountered such a beer.
                      We were out at the Head of Steam in Durham when I packed him off to the bar for his round. He came back with a pint of Wylam's Legless Santa, a 750ml bottle, 2 Chimay glasses and a bloody great big grin.
                      At ?20 a pop 'Speciale Cent Cinquante' by Chimay ought to be bloody tasty. And it was. A 10% beast that tasted so clean and crisp it could have been a 4% quaffer.
                      To top the evening off Wetherspoons actually had some beers on we'd never had. Miracles do happen.


                        ^Oooooh, that sounds futching beautiful! Was in Wethers tonite, Leffe on draft!!!!

                        Been on Xmas piss-up, only had a tuna sandwich to eat all day so seven pints of Heiny had me totally f*cked, don't even remember how I got back home but have no cuts/bruises/painy bits anywhere so assume I haven't made a futch of myself, at least publicly.

                        DID manage, however, to piss myself standing up, must've gone to make a pot of tea, flaked out, then woke up 45 mins later with overly damp jeanage. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, ie. in terms of pissing myself vertically.

                        Hey, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!...


                          PPS: just had a big batch of codeine. I cannot complain, simply.


                            You fell asleep stood up?


                              One time when I lived in my flat I got home pissed and decided to make one of those Heinz tinned chocolate puddings. I put it on the boil and then fell asleep on my sofa. I woke up 6 hours later a midst this blue haze of burning metal fumes, the pan had gone all brown, rusty and bowl-shaped, and to one side of it was the tinned pudding, the tin had warped to an almost perfect chrome sphere and it looked like it was ready to explode at any second, sending metal shards and molten chocolate death everywhere. It didn't.


                                Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
                                DID manage, however, to piss myself standing up, must've gone to make a pot of tea, flaked out, then woke up 45 mins later with overly damp jeanage. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, ie. in terms of pissing myself vertically.
                                It just needed quoting.

