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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    If I ever get into a lift that is made by 'Schindler'


      I want to add "music" to this thread. It really is amazing, isn't it? I used to buy tons of CDs, but when I moved in with my girlfriend a couple of years ago I stopped listening to new music. She has this weird thing against radios. She either wants music or DJs talking, but the fact that radio programmes contained them in unison was A TRAVESTY. So I could never listen to the radio. Since we broke up and I moved out, I've been listening to the radio all the time, and discovering new music is just brilliant. I remember now why I used to buy so many CDs. I just love that feeling of listening to a great new album.


        Starting a new box DVD set, in this instance Dexter season 4!

        Also, been for a 6k run so guilt free chocolate and crisps tonight!


          when my dad was on the phone for at least 15 min and i find out its a wrong number


            Originally posted by eastyy View Post
            when my dad was on the phone for at least 15 min and i find out its a wrong number
            Lol, classic.

            Ignoring my alarms, having an extra nap but still getting up on time for work.


              Being home for the weekend and getting to see my dog, taking him out for a 5 hour walk, getting him home and watching him fall over in to a snoring sleep tired out......


                Kimchi Oden for lunch


                  The cash machine outside the nearby Tesco Express can now dispense five pound notes. Haven't seen a cash machine that gives out fivers for years. For some reason I found this terribly exciting! It clearly doesn't take very much to make me smile


                    Pie in the oven. I try to limit myself to how often I do pie and chips for tea because it's such a nice comfort food that overdoing it might ruin the effect.

                    But pie. It's merely a Pukka one rather than the really excellent Dorset ones I've been buying lately, but still pie.



                      Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                      The cash machine outside the nearby Tesco Express can now dispense five pound notes. Haven't seen a cash machine that gives out fivers for years. For some reason I found this terribly exciting! It clearly doesn't take very much to make me smile
                      Oh yes. I remember when they changed the machines at Barclays on London Road in Brighton to dish out fivers and it became my bank of choice for withdrawals. Took me a while but have now found that the far right machine in Lloyds in Guildford dispenses them (the other 2 don't!) and not only are they fives they are always BRAND NEW, CRISP NOTES. It doesn't get much better than that.


                        Finishing and handing in my dissertation!

                        Knowing I've only got one more 2000 word assignment between me and finishing Uni!

                        And perhaps not what the spirit of the thread is about but anyway - getting my hair cut and spending 45 minutes with the best view of the girl behinds peachy little rear end in the mirror!


                          Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
                          Oh yes. I remember when they changed the machines at Barclays on London Road in Brighton to dish out fivers and it became my bank of choice for withdrawals. Took me a while but have now found that the far right machine in Lloyds in Guildford dispenses them (the other 2 don't!) and not only are they fives they are always BRAND NEW, CRISP NOTES. It doesn't get much better than that.
                          I am that sad too....I always end up getting 55 or 105 out to ensure I get one


                            Went to bed at half four, but still naturally woke up at 10am, just in time for Adam and Joe. And one of the first songs they're playing is The Bay by Metronomy, which is basically my favourite thing in the world right now.

                            Good start.


                              At the moment this ad is making me smile all the time :

                              I think its kinda cute & I love the way he moves/his mannerisms. Kinda reminds me of my little nephew & the way he reacts to stuff.
                              But what makes me chuckle even more is that after watching Star Wars, altho there are plenty of good guys, how such a young boy has decided to make the evil Darth Vader his role model! Mwwwahahahahaha!!

                              And check this out:

                              And who does he look like?
                              And the little fella has had a pacemaker fitted due to a heart defect!
                              Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 04-06-2011, 11:19.


                                yesterday saw a boy racer pulled over by the cops...that made me smile

