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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    Originally posted by koopatroopa90 View Post
    Enjoying this cold chill in the air today - it's a nice sunny day with blue skies and nice white clouds but for the first time in ages I'm not sitting here sweating my balls off, in fact I'd go as far as to say I'm on the verge of being cold
    This. Good walking weather that.


      Originally posted by ikobo View Post
      When ebay goes my way.

      Seller puts game up for ?35 or best offer.
      I offer ?25.
      Seller rejects, no way will he go below ?30.
      Item doesn't sell.
      Seller relists in auction format.
      I win it for ?20.

      Happy days.
      Yeah I love that. Happened a while back with a Jp SMK. He listed at ?20 or best offer, I offered ?15. He said he can't really go below ?20!!

      I left it, got one cheaper and his item remained on ebay for months unsold.


        ?20 or best offer.............but can't go below ?20???? Mentallist! I hate ebay, shame it's one of the main places for picking up retro these days. I miss all the import shops.


          10% off on = ZoE HD collection, Luigi's Mansion 2 pre-ordered, Syndicate and AC Horizon Legacy on the way.

          Every episode of Community being on Netflix = mainly for the Alison Brie factor.


            Originally posted by Kryss View Post
            mainly for the Alison Brie factor.
            Had to google image. Completely agree. (I should maybe watch more TV)


              Stingray skin wallets bring a smile to my face.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Allison Brie is one of the best things to happen to telly in a long time. And she's bloody hilarious as well. Spraying the pepper spray while running is a scene I go back to time and again.

                I take it that's only on US Netflix? We're getting internet hopefully by the end of this week and I'm thinking of signing up anyway(already with Lovefilm Instant but Netflix has Rugrats which makes it insta-join)


                  I'm in Canada but I'm guessing you guys might get it sometime. We only had season until yesterday.


                    I was in an Oriental supermarket in Kingston on the weekend. Wasn't paying much attention to the music being played over the loudspeaker until I heard one of the songs from Donkey Kong Country and smirked to myself.


                      @Kryss: I had no idea if it even airs in the UK but turns out it's on one of the free channels. Hope it's not far behind the US but I doubt they'd do a Lost/Prison Break and air eps a few days after the US. Plus the channel is Viva which is a pretty cheap one(you should see how they crop Fresh Prince episodes )

                      Last night my flatmate made sushi and I bought sake to have with it. I learned the proper procedure for sake consumption. It goes something like this:

                      *fall over*
                      *get back up*

                      Good times

                      Originally posted by fuse View Post
                      I was in an Oriental supermarket in Kingston on the weekend. Wasn't paying much attention to the music being played over the loudspeaker until I heard one of the songs from Donkey Kong Country and smirked to myself.
                      Recently a busker at Oxford Circus was playing one of those Zelda forest songs. Kokuri or something I think. Loved it!


                        My little sister got married on Saturday. She looked amazing and it was a bloody brilliant day.



                          And on an entirely unrelated note:


                            Swimming with goggles. Never tried it before. I think would have enjoyed swimming a lot more if someone had forced them on me when I was little.

                            The ones I got were Zoggs and have a small green xboxish logo in the nose

                            Also if you go here: and look at slider 2, it looks a bit like they are suggesting you "have fun in the poo!!"


                              lol I wear glasses so when I used to go swimming(not regularly) I had to choose between seeing underwater blurrily or wearing my glasses but not being able to open my eyes much underwater.

                              I did try contact lenses with goggles once but was too worried about getting the water in my eyes by accident(my goggles weren't anti-fog) so stopped.


                       << says something about being good for people with contacts - no reasoning though.

