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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    This video:


      This site:


        My mate just sent me this, two days after I bought and played the game for the first time ever:


          Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post

          I did try contact lenses with goggles once but was too worried about getting the water in my eyes by accident(my goggles weren't anti-fog) so stopped.
          As part of my SCUBA diving course, I had to fill the mask with water then clear it out. At the bottom of the ocean.

          That was also part of the Man Plan course along with crushing spiders in your bare hands.


            Is "the ocean" a swimming pool complex near you with a max depth of 1.4m?


              It's the ball pond at ikea.

              So I ordered talk talk adsl and was told 5th September. Lovely. Somehow I got it into my head that 5th September is this Friday. It is not. It is in fact tomorrow. Which means I get my Internet earlier than expected.



                See you in the irk thread soon. It's talk talk


                  There's a crazy ball pond at a soft play center in Devon, with a slide going into it (same place as that vertical drop slide). There were times when I felt like I was stuck and couldn't get up


                    I know Talk Talk are cussed bad but I went with them because:

                    1) My flatmates are clawing at the walls without internet; they're from a country that has 3G signal inside trains.
                    2) Virgin can't start any work until 16th Sep(plus is ?22/month)
                    3) It's ?13/month for phone and broadband
                    4) Talktalk covers the ?50 BT fee to reactivate our line
                    5) We're most likely moving out in 6 months so even if we can't take it with us(which they apparently do for free), it'd be ?26/month split three ways
                    6) Most importantly, the neighbours downstairs are on Talk Talk and their connection is rock solid

                    One thing I'm worried about is the speed. They say they just give you the max speed your line can handle and estimated it'd be 6Mb(between 3 and 9Mb) but downstairs theirs is 15Mb(they're not on fibre). I put the downstairs guys' address in the speed checker and it gave similar figures to ours so I remain hopeful. Reason I remain hopeful is that the speed they're showing is what BT's proper speed checker estimates if we're using ADSL only, but goes up to around 18Mb for ADSL2.

                    Fingers crossed!

                    Today's smiley:

                    My boss who's been on sick leave since Feb has asked me to join G+ so we can chat about work stuff. I'm smiling at what his reaction will be when Synthesizer Patel logs in.

                    Last edited by randombs; 05-09-2012, 10:30.


                      You do know they cover the reactivation so they can tag your line so when you hate them and need to change it will cost you ?105-130 for a new line (or go with BT only as only they can remove the tag)

                      And whatever you do don't plug a phone it, that's where they make the dollar my package used to be a ?15 pm job but was always ?35+ when calls were on
                      Last edited by ETC; 05-09-2012, 16:46.



                        Well, let's see what happens. It's not my line so I'm not too fussed about that, really, less so if we move within the year but thanks for telling me, it means I'll reconsider taking them with us if we move somewhere without Internet . So far so good, 11-12Mb and I expect it'll go up once the line stabilises.

                        When you say don't plug a phone in, do you mean just don't make calls on it? I don't need the phone as I have my mobile but not sure about my flat mates...



                            Watched the related video - Bayonetta bosses. I lol'd hard. That. Is not. A game.


                              So...Her summons involve her losing her clothes?


                                It's probably a metaphor for something. Or some ****.

