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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    No more tests until next Thursday, plus had an insanely easy multiple choice test today (after 3 bloody awful ones on Mon/Tues) -yay!


      Originally posted by JazzFunk View Post
      A few weeks back I was walking to work up Briggate (the main pedestrianised shopping drag in Leeds) and it was really, really hot and I got a glimpse of this very old man sitting on a bench near Currys, he was wearing shorts, a fisherman sunhat and had a white beard and he was munching away on an ice cream with this very determined look on his face (the kind of no-bull****, utilitarian, "shame is NOT a concept" type of expression), totally at one in the act of enjoying that ice cream, oblivious to all who passed him. Had ice cream daubed all up on his nose, beard, moustache, totally focused on getting the maximum fun from that ice cream as he could, locked in that act. I thought "good on 'im" and it made my day a tad happier than it would've been otherwise.
      Haha nice story, I smiled just reading it. The world needs people like that.


        Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
        Handed in stuff for two modules at uni, so barring an exam next week I'm done for the year!

        Nowt to do until October.
        Aaaaand done! Really not sure how that exam went at all. I think I maybe did enough, but it's impossible to tell. Some of the questions were totally crap and stuff we never covered and wasn't even covered in the textbook I've got.

        Oh well, free now.

        L.A. NOIRE.


          My cousin's daughter gave me a piece of paper wrapped in a ribbon to open on my birthday that read "Claer pleas invit me to youer birthday partay i love yoo". When I asked about it apparently she was telling everyone I was her best friend, awww.

          Also, good luck to anyone taking exams!


            That footballer who had an affair with Imogen Thomans (and whos name is completely a mystery, even if you google it) was stupid enough to sue twitter...

            Which instantly makes the story big international news! Now thousands of international websites based outside the UK have ID'ed him in a very visible manner.

            Don't really care about gossip and stuff but Super Injunctions are immensely worrying in the way they're being misused so it's amusing watching him completely ruin his one.
            Last edited by abigsmurf; 21-05-2011, 00:05.


              Just downloaded this add-on to XBMC (called Modland) which let me instantly listen to tons of game music. Currently have Big Blue from F-Zero playing in the background.


                Neil2k answering the phone to me, despite knowingi've basically been on a two day drinking bender. I love the guy. My mrs is mental, I think that makes e sm"e too. I'm happy!


                  No no no I love you mate, I love you more you're the besht


                    I'm bursting with happiness tonight. I'm sat here with Anne just basically laughing at how lucky I am. Met a couple in the pub tonight who were celebrating being married 30 years, and their craic with each other was awesome, it was life affirming.


                      Otafest yesterday reminding me that I'm not a total freak.


                        Went to London today with some friends and my mate has Vincent Price doing his satnav!!

                        "The speed limit we will observe it...always"


                        "Stay on this road and everything will be...fine"


                          The forum's "ignore" feature. My browsing experience has just improved by 97%.


                            Cheeky! You've been got.

                            The Canucks getting to the final of the Stanley.


                              New woman at work's kid having a birthday today and telling her mother that she was going to call me and shout at me if her mother came late. 5 years old today.


                                A couple of comments about marriage to Japanese women on japantoday made me chuckle.

                                My wife suggested kozukai once, I thought about it for roughly one billionth of a microsecond and told her where to stick it. Now I have two houses with no loans and large amounts of savings instead of lots of shoes!

                                Married life for most men married to a Japanese woman is like a deck of cards. It starts out with two hearts and a diamond. A few short years later the guy wishes for a club and a spade.

