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Little things that irk you 2

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    Party hard.


      Yep. Booze, loose women?


        Get really ill again?


          Originally posted by Kieran76 View Post
          Stupid BT, they were meant to turn up on Thursday to set up my broadband, they don't bother to turn up or tell my wife whose waiting in all day they are not coming. After a 20 min conversation with SKY it turns out they claim there was a fault they had to fix on the line first.
          The next time they can come is 2 weeks away! Fuming. If they just send me all the equipment I could just do it myself. They send me the SKY Hub but not the modem.
          If there is a fault on the line then having the equipment wouldn't make much difference (not saying that is the genuine problem)

          Also depends if you are a FTTC or FTTP customer and depends on copper backup from drop points (DP) also if your house is brand new

          But since sky is the customer provider be happy they are fixing the line first rather than someone coming out to the House with a hefty charge in tow


            Mario Kart 7. Seriously infuriating. I've been doing the 100cc Leaf Cup for six hours straight, and I just cannot win four races in a row with 10 coins. Blue shell on the line every.single.time.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              You need to stay in second place until the last moment then overtake. Much easier said then done I know.
              No game cheats like Mario Kart.


                Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                Agencies are all bull****ters, without exception. The one I use for employing people hate me as I used to be with them as an agency worker and I know every trick they try to pull, so they can't try any of their crap with me.
                To be fair, this agency actually got me a phone interview that'll be taking place tomorrow afternoon. I've never had a phone interview before, so I'm absolutely terrified. It's an entry-level graduate position but I'm hoping that I don't get a full-on technical grilling over the phone as I'll be nervous enough anyway.


                  Back to school tomorrow, hoping to get 3 hours of sleep in first but we'll see.

                  Hottie from work went home for the weekend and is never coming back as her BF told her not to. WTF. Naturally I've text her to tell her she can stay at mine but she's already set on not coming back

                  1 day off this week.

                  No midnight release for MH4.

                  New Vita Slim not announced for North America yet (when I get one I'll just be changing it over to be my Japanese unit anyway).

                  Ran out of beer at home so came to work sober.


                    Have to apologise lads.

                    Russell Howard was eating breakfast next to me this morning at a hotel in York and I didn't punch him.

                    Glared at him though rah!


                      Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                      Glared at him though rah!
                      Harsh. Bet you ruined his day.


                        First day back at work, sat in head office in Staffordshire and I've already got the hump. I'm impressed that they've managed to irritate me this quickly.


                          If they've been making versions of the Nintendo Wii's new board game for 20 years, if Nintendo themselves are publishing it—choosing to sell this to us this holiday season instead of other Japanese games still awaiting translation—then surely it must be good and worth buying?

                          This article.

                          Can't believe they dismissed this game without even playing it properly. Seriously their main criticism is that it has Mario in it and they're tired of seeing Mario.

                          They quite blatantly didn't understand the game at all :@

                          Kotaku is just the worst. Stephen Totilo is an idiot and Brian Ashcraft is barely literate.


                            The best part about that article is that the intern is the only one that writes about how the game actually plays.

                            Oh, but wait. It's a "gut check". Because you'd trust a games journalist to judge a game without playing it properly, right?


                              "journalist" is a bit overstated no?


                                Originally posted by Decider-VT View Post
                                To be fair, this agency actually got me a phone interview that'll be taking place tomorrow afternoon. I've never had a phone interview before, so I'm absolutely terrified. It's an entry-level graduate position but I'm hoping that I don't get a full-on technical grilling over the phone as I'll be nervous enough anyway.
                                OK, this was a bit odd. Lasted for ten minutes and I'm getting sent a technical test via e-mail that I have until the end of the week to complete. Hmm.

