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CoronaWatch 2019 - 2023

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    Hopefully all your beers taste positive!


      Lol [MENTION=9333]kryss[/MENTION]


        Ha! Quality iPhone autocorrect!


          Guess who's caught the Covid...ME

          Had a little sniffle since Saturday but nothing sore throat, no loss of Smell or taste, no high temp, nothing, not a thing but thought I'd better check so test tonight & bam lit up like a firework in seconds

          I feel absolutely fine, it's so bloody weird

          Ah well I suppose 2 years before I got it is pretty good going I guess



            Sounds like how I was, completely asymptomatic. Hit the missus like a brick rhino for two days though.
            Lie with passion and be forever damned...


              Originally posted by Colin View Post
              Absolutely brilliant to be honest. A fantastic atmosphere for the whole day, and it was nice to receive multiple messages from customers who had tasted positive so we’re staying away to keep the event safe. Over a week past now and as far as I know it didn’t turn in to a covid hotspot. My wife and I, family and friends have all been testing clear since.
              Glad to hear it went well! Nice to hear those taking things carefully too, makes you feel a little better about society.

              In other news flu absolutely floored me this weekend, especially yesterday. LF and PCR tests all came back negative. Slowly on the mend though.


                Despite the continued "freedom" nonsense each Saturday, all mandates are done here. Wife and I are still masked up everywhere we go. I have a colleague who has decided he is done with masking once we're back from spring break, so we'll see how that goes. I have ~12 unused rapid tests at home I should start using I guess.


                  Originally posted by Mayhem View Post
                  Sounds like how I was, completely asymptomatic. Hit the missus like a brick rhino for two days though.
                  So weird

                  Popped in to work this morning to get my System so it's home working for me now until I test negative...just what I need before the increase in Electric lol

                  still feeling absolutely fine, Smell still ok & can taste still not temp or cough not a damn thing.
                  If I hadn't tested last night I would swear to god it's just a spring cold brought on by the constant weather & Temp changes

                  Hopefully the rest of the Fam steer clear of it though



                    So I might be getting it officially now.

                    I met up with my mother in London on Friday and that night in our twin room at the hotel my stepdad calls to say he has tested positive after feeling crap for a few days. My mum has been away from home for a few days before hand and was panicking about potentially giving it to me if she gets it. I reassured her that a) I have been wearing my mask the majority of the time I have been with her but yeah I don't wear masks to sleep b) it was always a risk seeing her and going to London and c) I would rather catch it now a month before flying to the US than be positive when I go in May. I hope I don't get it but I'd rather have it now than in a months time.

                    We left yesterday evening and she has tested positive this morning meaning she can't go for her delayed hospital procedure again (she's never had covid but covid keeps cancelling it) and no mother's Day party at my sister's sadly.

                    Obviously me and the bloke might not have it, not gonna test till late in the evening. Part of me wants it over and done with but I am so anxious about testing positive the day before our honeymoon


                      Pants. Fingers crossed.


                        Tested again 5 & still showing positive but a much fainter line & took a while to show up
                        Really aggravating now as still no symptoms whatsoever so was hoping I'd be clear & could back to the office...working from home is ****

                        Still no symptoms meant I could still do the weekend housework chores & got the lawn mowed & car cleaned as well



                          Same here, finally symptom free but LFT still shows a clear positive meaning getting back into the office is looking to be later in the week


                            Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                            Same here, finally symptom free but LFT still shows a clear positive meaning getting back into the office is looking to be later in the week
                            Yeah think I'll be back in Thursday at the earliest now

                            Would like to be earlier to be honest but thems the breaks I guess



                              Felt a bit rough at work yesterday but mainly thirsty/ dry throat.

                              Woke up this morning feeling like a bog monster and yep, I've joined the Covid club.
                              Just over 4 weeks till the holiday so we should be ok...


                                Faint but still a positive test today. The next two days are isolation days 9 and 10 meaning it's pointless testing any further to go back early as that option is now gone.

