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America & World IV: Trump's Taxing Day

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    Originally posted by Sketcz View Post
    I hope Russia absorbs Ukraine completely. They don't even have their own language. They literally speak Russian. They are Russia. It's like saying Cornwall should be independent
    Cornwall have their own language and a distinct culture predating the Act of Union. Same goes for the territory we call Ukraine before the rise of Soviet Russia, I believe. Just wanted to highlight that one unhinged point among many.

    Unless you're trolling, in which case I fell for it - and a hearty bravo to you, sir!


      Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
      There's only one suitable way of resolving it which is to give Ukraine the choice. If they opt to rejoin then the west should back off, if not then Russia should pack up..
      That would amount to 3% of the Ukranian population from the last polling.


        Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
        Isn't it more like saying the Republic of Ireland should be able to invade and take over Northern Ireland? Basically robbing Northern Ireland of any say in its own future.
        It’s more like saying Britain should be able to invade and conquer Ireland, because the Irish republic is made up of territory which was part of the UK.

        Or saying that Hitler was right to annexe Austria because of the Holy Roman Empire being a thing once.

        Basically ultranationalist, if not explicitly fascist, political positions.
        Last edited by Protocol Penguin; 28-01-2022, 13:06.


          Originally posted by Golgo View Post
          Cornwall have their own language and a distinct culture predating the Act of Union. Same goes for the territory we call Ukraine before the rise of Soviet Russia, I believe. Just wanted to highlight that one unhinged point among many. Unless you're trolling, in which case I fell for it - and a hearty bravo to you, sir!
          Aww shucks

          Thank you good sir; I am aware of the facts you've stated, I agree with you, and in fact having Polish ancestry I also have an understanding of one's homeland not existing. Between 1795 and 1918 Poland did not exist, instead being divided by three neighbouring countries:

          So when I suggest that a sovereign nation be absorbed by another sovereign nation, perhaps I'm really just working through the trauma and culturally inherited PTSD of knowing how one's own heritage has suffered through that. Not to mention Poland falling under Russia during the communist years. Perhaps I'm seeking schadenfreude at Ukraine's expense. Perhaps I'm working through my own cultural identity crisis? Or perhaps I feel that Ukraine, to be truly free, needs to fight on its own and emerge from this struggle like a chrysalis.

          Originally posted by briareos_kerensky View Post
          That' Completely speechless. I was eating a sandwich I'd made and reading your post induced an anxiety in me that perhaps this food item was sentient and trying to control me. What is this arcane sorcery you wield?
          Oh, bavarian_koudelka, after all these years I thought you'd realise that I like to mix a little madness into my method. By sprinkling absurdity over truth, some will see the absurdity and deny truth, which is amusing, whereas others will see truth and then absorb the absurdity sprinkled on top, also amusing. Like mixing strawberries and brussel sprouts. I am not trolling, merely conducting my own personal social experiment.

          The question is, can you delineate the two? Perhaps I should adopt text colours to aid this?

          I feel that a nation such as America, on the other side of the world, should not be destabilising Europe by sending arms and stoking Russia, that this situation should be mediated by neighbouring European countries, because if it clows up it will blow up in our faces not the US, but also that Ukraine just needs to stop behaving like a petulant child, sit down, and embrace the warm bear hug of daddy Russia.

          Green = facts
          Purple = nonsense


            Ukraine is a sovereign nation. This is just garbage.


              Kyiv has called on Moscow to withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border as NATO calls on Europe to begin moving toward permanently withdrawing dependency on Russia for energy supply.

              Negotiations for severe package of sanctions against Putin ‘on the one-yard line’, says Bob Menendez of foreign relations committee

              The US is planning a series of sanctions against Russia, some of which may be implemented before any invasion takes place. The moves would be targeted at crippling Russian Banks, crippling their economy and at the nations sovereign debt.


                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                Kyiv has called on Moscow to withdraw troops from the Ukrainian border as NATO calls on Europe to begin moving toward permanently withdrawing dependency on Russia for energy supply.

                Negotiations for severe package of sanctions against Putin ‘on the one-yard line’, says Bob Menendez of foreign relations committee

                The US is planning a series of sanctions against Russia, some of which may be implemented before any invasion takes place. The moves would be targeted at crippling Russian Banks, crippling their economy and at the nations sovereign debt.
                A few Russians stand around on their own sovereign territory and the whole world ****s the bed and imposes sanctions. Who cares if Putin puts even 2 million Russians near the border. It's their land their boots rest upon.

                Just look at the language used. Sanctions before anything actually happens.

                Let's ban MartyG from the forum for linking people to warez sites. He hasn't done it, but let's ban him anyway before he does it, Just in case he does do it. Just in case. Hell, let's ban me, and Neon Ignition, and everyone in this topic.

                Just in ****ing case.

                I demand a temporary ban for crimes I have not and never will commit. It is the only way I will learn, god damn it!


                  Did you miss the part where Putin has already done this?


                    I used to work with a team of Romanians who said a large contingent of the older generation wish they were still under soviet rule. Maybe times were good, who knows. The young hated the idea.
                    I think Ukraine has a similar situation and Putin hears it as a call for aid. Except his aid comes with explosions and death.




                        Ruxin maybe?


                          Vladdy Ruxpin


                            Facebook/Meta has 23% of its stock value knocked off. ~$200b


                              Russia accused of planning a faked video to accuse the Ukraine of attack on Russian forces thereby justifying war.


                                Originally posted by Neon Ignition View Post
                                Russia accused of planning a faked video to accuse the Ukraine of attack on Russian forces thereby justifying war.
                                Guardian accused of accusing Russia of accusing Ukraine of accusing a war.

