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America & World IV: Trump's Taxing Day

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    Well, it's always taxes that bring down crooks.


      This will be the reason he runs in 2024 as becoming PotUS will shield him from prosecution whilst he's in office. Should he run, which I think is becoming more likely, I wouldn't dismiss his chance of winning either.


        Kathleen Zellner, the lawyer most recognised for being in Netflix's Making a Murderer documentary, has joined Johnny Depp's legal team in his upcoming court battle against Amber Heard, citing her experience in fighting on behalf of those falsely accused. Heards appeals to have the case thrown out have been repeatedly turned down and it will proceed in May 2022.


          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
          This will be the reason he runs in 2024 as becoming PotUS will shield him from prosecution whilst he's in office. Should he run, which I think is becoming more likely, I wouldn't dismiss his chance of winning either.
          Hate to say it, but I agree.

          Shocking Democrat complacency helped to get him into power back in 2016 and it might well do so again in two years time if they're not careful.


            The Russian Military has stated that 10 convoys have now left the Ukranian border to follow up their claims that they are withdrawing troops

            This contrasts with a US report that Russia has added another 7,000 troops to its border numbers


              Russia accused of using shelling to try and provoke war


                Russia has also accused the Ukranians of provoking it in the first place. Like getting that whole pretense to invade thing down.


                  Everyone knows that when an army turns up at your doorstep the first thing you do, as a much smaller less resourced nation, is assume their intentions are benign but bomb them regardless


                    This whole thing is a smokescreen.

                    Remember Iraq and WMDs? Remember how they "sexed up the documents"?

                    That single event means I can never trust the British or American governments again. I can't even be sure if there are troops near the Ukraine border, if the Ukraine even has a border, if the Ukraine is even a real place and not some sexed up location invented to pretend there's a fake war. Nothing is happening over there, nothing is going to happen. There is no danger of conflict or war whatsoever. Everything is absolutely fine and the media is lying to us.

                    This whole thing is to distract us from scandals closer to home. They literally made a film about this.


                      Russia has built up 130,000+ troops on Ukraine's border so that Boris Johnson can distract us? Not sure that makes sense.

                      It boils down to who you put more trust in, Russia who has a history of invading the Ukraine, or the intelligence coming out from EU, US, UK who have also on occasion misled the public. In this case tho, there is no need for a pretense for the US to invade anywhere.

                      It's also a bad strategy, given it isn't working.
                      Last edited by MartyG; 17-02-2022, 13:58.



                        Please please please. Stop.

                        We have all seen your trolling horse**** on this subject before; your 'Russia is innocent!' thread you made. You clearly like to stir the pot. If you had a genuine opinion or argument in regards to this, then that's fine, but please sod off with this 'I'm edgy' bull****. It's not clever, you look like a fool, and no one cares for it.


                          Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                          Russia has built up 130,000+ troops on Ukraine's border so that Boris Johnson can distract us? Not sure that makes sense.

                          It boils down to who you put more trust in, Russia who has a history of invading the Ukraine, or the intelligence coming out from EU, US, UK who have also on occasion misled the public. In this case tho, there is no need for a pretense for the US to invade anywhere.

                          It's also a bad strategy, given it isn't working.
                          Let’s be honest, every gov is as bad as the next for horsecrap and lies.


                            Originally posted by Cassius_Smoke View Post

                            Please please please. Stop.

                            We have all seen your trolling horse**** on this subject before; your 'Russia is innocent!' thread you made. You clearly like to stir the pot. If you had a genuine opinion or argument in regards to this, then that's fine, but please sod off with this 'I'm edgy' bull****. It's not clever, you look like a fool, and no one cares for it.
                            I'm going to level with you Cas. This is me being real. No edgy trolling.

                            My core argument is: none of us should be concerned about this, given it's so far away, and neither our government in the UK nor the US government should be stirring the pot in this situation. The bellicose rhetoric coming out of Joe Biden disgusts me. It honestly makes me so angry that an out of touch old fool on the other side of the world makes such inflammatory statements. It makes me angry that dirt rags like the Daily Mail can print insane headlines like "We're going to war this Wednesday!"

                            Seriously, what would it matter if the UK and the US just kept their nose out? Just ignored it? The rest of the EU isn't getting so worked up over nothing.

                            Cas - I want to read your thinking on this. Describe the scenario that you fear would occur if the US and UK just walked away and ignored the situation entirely. Even if we can't agree, I'd like to at least understand your POV. No judgement man, just respect and empathy for your perspective.

                            Cas, are you honestly telling me you feel concern over this scenario? All I see is old man Joe trying to goad someone else into a fight, and the UK acting like America's poodle as usual. The British government couldn't get Joe Biden's cock any deeper down their throat if they cut it off and used a broom handle to push it down.

                            You know what I want? I want the new gas pipeline from Russia to be completed so I can pay less on my heating bills. And I want everyone to stop sabre rattling at Russia. Leave them be. It really does not matter what they do there. Abandon the Ukraine entirely and instead sign a nice friendly trade pact with Russia for all their lovely lower priced energy resources.

                            That is my deep inner feeling, without the edgy trolling bull****.

                            However, when I see old Joe and the Daily Mail basically trolling the planet, i think to myself: **** it. Why try to make reasonable statements? Why be rational in an irrational and insane world, where I am governed by literal deranged maniacs?

                            TL;DR: the UK and US should pull back and ignore this crap. It has nothing to do with us. It's not important. I don't care. I also especially dislike how the media is rattling the chains of all the unthinking uneducated proles. It feels like Brexit again. The gormless morons in the street are getting all worked and scared and angry over literally nothing of consequence to us.

                            [MENTION=16707]Cassius_Smoke[/MENTION] I hope the above clarifies my views somewhat. I apology that I took those views and wrapped in colourful language. Out of respect for you and your statement, I will convey my views in a raw and more pure form.

                            EDIT: just to clarify regarding Brexit - I supported remain very strongly. What I meant was, the media worked people up with nonsense about sovereignty etc. in order to manipulate their vote.
                            Last edited by Sketcz; 17-02-2022, 19:22. Reason: Clarification


                              Double posting because I am making a bold statement of intent.

                              Here are some news reports that I trust. Yes, I know it's from Russia Today, but if Western media is going to gang up on them, the logical and balanced thing is to take information from all sides and make an informed decision. Think for yourselves people, read all the sources, come to an informed conclusion.

                              Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has hit out at intelligence estimates from US officials on when an invasion will happen

                              The US State Department stands by its assessment that Moscow could attack Ukraine at any moment

                              NATO needs to tone down its ‘hysteria’ over potential Russian aggression in Ukraine, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister has said

                              Russia tells NATO to 'calm down'

                              Western officials need to tone down ‘hysteria’ over an invasion, the Deputy Foreign Minister said.

                              The reasons for Western panic about Russian aggression against Ukraine are entirely fictional, and the US-led NATO bloc needs to tone down its “hysteria,” the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said on Thursday.
                              See? As I said, Cas. You all need to just calm the **** down and be cool. Nothing is going on, nothing. This whole situation is just fiction created by Western governments and media.

                              So I say this: there will not be any invasion of the Ukraine by Russia.

                              If there is, then I politely request the moderators of this fine forum ban me for 30 days. A one month ban. That will cool my heels, and should placate [MENTION=16707]Cassius_Smoke[/MENTION] too.

                              Of course, I am quite certain there will be no ban because Russia has no intention of invading. If you're sitting at your PC screen afraid, then the media and Western governments have won. They have succeeded in maintaining control over you through fear and propaganda.


                                Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                                Let’s be honest, every gov is as bad as the next for horsecrap and lies.
                                There's certainly a ring of truth to this, but there's a sliding scale.

