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    After warning others to carry their pasport when out and about.. Today I was stopped by two police cyclists (my first time after 11 months) After checking my alien residents card, they proceeded to check the bike wasn't stolen by radioing in headquarters.

    For some reason they also wanted my wifes name and birthdate and phone number - not sure why? but I gave it to them and was on my merry way...

    On reflection just realised I gave them my telephone number lol!


      lol get ready for the fun and games when they're bored at the station

      Originally posted by Ampanman View Post
      I've never had any problems either in the bug cities or where we are on Shikoku even though I'm the only non-Japanese I usually see.
      What are the bug cities like? I dunno if I'd survive, to be honest! Are there many in Japan? Trust them to think of something daft like that!
      Last edited by randombs; 03-10-2008, 16:51.


        If you want to avoid trouble with the cops you definitely want to avoid copying this guy..


          Should have just shot the idiot and be done with it.


            They use the same equipment to try and catch monkeys.


              Don't they realise that by carrying out such idiotic acts, it tars all of us with the same brush.


                Originally posted by Ampanman View Post
                Should have just shot the idiot and be done with it.
                Yeah, that sounds sensible .

                I have very little time for the Japanese police in general, but I am glad they try to arrest people, rather than just shooting them.

                I'm sure he'd be dead as a dodo if he'd done it in the USA.


                  Shooting would obviously be OTT, but they could at least use a bit more force.. I read an article about the incident on the Yomiuri site earlier that said 50 police and firemen were despatched to deal with him!


                    Originally posted by r3z View Post
                    Shooting would obviously be OTT, but they could at least use a bit more force.. I read an article about the incident on the Yomiuri site earlier that said 50 police and firemen were despatched to deal with him!
                    50 police and firemen and you think they should have used more force?

                    I know what you meant.

                    Personally I think it's great that arrested him without harming him. Of course, that will change once they get him down the station and beat a confession out of him.

                    And as mentioned a few pages back, he doesn't look like he was carrying his passport, so don't let this happen to you in Japan.


                      A silly prank perhaps but he did it in the wrong moat and the wrong country. He may well go down for this. The Sun will probably end up campaigning for his release as though Brits abroad can do no wrong.

                      EDIT: He is British, right?
                      Last edited by Richard.John; 08-10-2008, 03:55.


                        Originally posted by r3z View Post
                        Shooting would obviously be OTT, but they could at least use a bit more force.. I read an article about the incident on the Yomiuri site earlier that said 50 police and firemen were despatched to deal with him!
                        Doesn't surprise me - myself and a few friends went to a local park to eat cake, drink chuhai and celebrate a birthday last year... and within half an hour THREE patrol cars turned up, with around 8 coppers between them to try and send us packing. The police like to have superior numbers.


                          Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                          Doesn't surprise me - myself and a few friends went to a local park to eat cake, drink chuhai and celebrate a birthday last year... and within half an hour THREE patrol cars turned up, with around 8 coppers between them to try and send us packing. The police like to have superior numbers.
                          Sounds like a "neighbourly" local ratted on you, so what happened in the end?


                            We defeated the police with GAIJIN PAWAAA!... meaning we were super friendly and talkative and they became very confused and nervous. We then moved to the other side of the park and continued as before.


                              Someone did a till snatch at where the sister-in law works, the police sent something like 12 cops round!

                              One day coming out of a Seven supermarket to the car, there had been a coming together in the car park, no-one was killed or injured, there wasn't even any visible damage to any of the cars i.e. no broken glass on the ground but you would have thought a serious incident had occured.
                              The place was crawling with cops, they were taking photos, had the cop 'incident' tape out, doing measurments etc.

                              Seems like they have too much time on their hands.


                                What's a coming together? People vs Cops? Or some gang thing? Calisthenics session?

                                That video was awesome, it was in the Metro this morning, too

                                There's something rather Zelda-esque about that officer blocking his strike with his shield like that

                                I also loved the monkey in the train station, and the monkey waiters at that restaurant. I'm definitely gonna try finding that restaurant!

