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Manchester United Thread

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    it's situations like this when you need players with huge presence to shake up the defence. Man U were able to loosen formations last season. One of the problems they have is ronaldo in particular can nullified if two players are on him to prevent his 'famous' stepover or if he has one quality defender focusing on him


      The amount of injuries we've got just makes things worse.


        Could play all-day and not score on this showing.


          Meh it's gonna end 0-0. Extremely disappointing, both in Readings attitude and in our wasteful play.


            where did he get 4 minutes from?


              free kick come on

              edit: bah


                Disappointing start to the season, Reading came to defend (like most will this season), done their job well enough, we didn't do enough. 2 points dropped.


                  Bollocks, crap perfprmance all round. It just wasn't good enough.


                    Shockingly poor from us today kinda new it would happen all the hype around us thses days and was sad to see us throwing the likes of o,shea upfront to get a goal in a squad like ours and i cant see things getting an easier at pompy and then the derby at the weekend and if rooneys not fit tevez will have to be used sooner rther than later.

                    Full credit to Reading they showed fantastic togetherness,mental strength and rode there luck at times but thats what you get when u dont give up plus think kitsons red card was a bit harsh so all in all the Pompey game becomes so much bigger know..fffs only utd can do this to you.


                      Is Rooney your only striker now? Saha I suppose...


                        Tevez, you balloon


                          Disappointing, frustrating....and other words to that sentiment. This is why the Spanish league is so much better than the English league, even the lower teams go out to win a football match against the big teams. We didn't do enough to win it, yes but Reading didn't do anything attacking wise at all. Van der sar might as well have stayed at home! I would have preferred to lose with Reading going at us, rather than this pathetic excuse for a competitive football match. Can you tell I'm not happy?!


                            Originally posted by hoolak View Post
                            Tevez, you balloon
                            Oi!! get in your own thread..


                              Just think VDS got paid about 60k for doing that today.


                                shame about rooney and that we had to play on sunday and after everyone else
                                , but it makes no difference im 1000000% sure we will win the premiership and champions league this season!

