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Chelsea Thread

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    Indeed. He has made 22 starts this season and reinvented himself as a centre midfielder to boot


      Originally posted by SharkSkin-Man View Post

      Anyway, as mentioned, this is boring.
      What gets boring is Liverpool fans moaning about money , overlooking how they were one of the richest clubs in the 80's and could buy the best players and win titles , or how much Gerard Houllier and Raffa have spent on players over their time . Liverpool spent far more than Arsenal, yet never won the Premiership , its not all about money , but buying good players , and having a good manager that understands the importance of the domestic league

      If it was down to money , Spurs and Newcastle would be in the top 4 easy, given what they've sent on players .

      Anway back on topic , I can't see anyway Chelesea are going to mess this up tonight , I hope they go all the way and win cup


        Originally posted by Team Andromeda View Post
        What gets boring is Liverpool fans moaning about money , overlooking how they were one of the richest clubs in the 80's and could buy the best players and win titles , or how much Gerard Houllier and Raffa have spent on players over their time . Liverpool spent far more than Arsenal, yet never won the Premiership , its not all about money , but buying good players , and having a good manager that understands the importance of the domestic league
        Arsenal have a bigger wage bill than Liverpool, and have had so for years now. This is a fact regardless of the anti-Rafa spin that you want to put on it.

        Man Utd were regularly outspending Liverpool in the 1980s in their efforts to catch them, whereas Liverpool spent to add to the quality that they had back then. This situation has role-reversed now - Man Utd spend big to add to an already top-quality squad, whereas Liverpool spend to catch them, albeit clearly without the level of funding. Rafa also had to rebuild Houiller's side which had a high average age and was full of players with next to no resale value, recouping whereas the others have more license to spend without such consideration.

        What's boring is your biased anti-Rafa rhetoric with scant regard for facts.

        Apologies to abigsmurf and all other patrons of the Chelsea Thread.


          Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
          Arsenal have a bigger wage bill than Liverpool, and have had so for years now. This is a fact regardless of the anti-Rafa spin that you want to put on it.
          Wage bills now ?, always excuses . If it was down to money and wages , Newcastle would be in the Champions league every year.

          Raffa spent millions and millions , . I'll give him credit for Torres, but a lot of his other buys have been questionable..
          19 million on Keane , 7 million on Crouch , 7 million on Pennant only to hardly play those players , and 5 million on beach boy is just a complete waste of dosh. Liverpool have spent plenty off money over the years , sadly on not the best players and that a large part of problem .


            Paul Doyle: For United to have five of the six player of the year nominees is ludicrous, particularly when the player of the year is not on the shortlist

            Pretty much totally agree with that article.


              Obviously you wouldnt cos the list consists of Man Utd players

              Seriously though, I think only Vidic and Giggs deserve to be nominated.


                LOL. So, who nominates the players?


                  Originally posted by Chain View Post
                  LOL. So, who nominates the players?
                  The players do.



                    So the players nominated themsleves There you go. Let's moan some more! Silly footballers

                    No doubt Torres would be in there, if he'd been playing all season. It looks to be a simple case of the voting coinciding with United rolling everyone. I imagine Giggs is hugely respected among his fellow pros for keeping up with the pace over the life of the league. Oscars often go to nostalgic winners


                      Euch and double Euch.

                      What the hell was cech doing for that first goal (didn't see the foul Lampard gave away for it and they didn't show any replays of it)? Can't fault the penalty. I think we should've had one afterwards, 'just a push' like the ITV commentators said but that's still a foul.

                      We deserve to be down though, we were sloppy, making mistakes left right and centre. Going to be a hard second half to watch.


                        Bet your bums a bit squeeky rigth now Smurfy...and rightly so..


                          cech's having a mare


                            2-1 now, back in favour of Chelsea.


                              major blunder by Reina or clever touch by Drogba

                              THE CHOICE IS YOURS

                              doesn't really change much but gives us a very slight buffer and huge confidence boost


                                Gift from Reina ..Game on Smurfy..

