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Chelsea Thread

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    We're proving very good at breaking down solid teams. Bit of a boring game for the most part but these are the important results.

    Anelka's my captain so I'll come off of bottom of the fantasy football after today \o/


      Good result in one of your hardest games of the season. Swatted aside dismissively.


        Gonna be another game with a parked bus but we've been doing well so far. Need to keep up momentum in these games.

        With luck Arsenal and man U will draw (if either have to win I'd want Arsenal, purely because I don't think they'll keep playing like this through the season)


          1-0 Anelka right before half time. Knew having him as my FF captain was a good decision ^^

          Chelsea were dominant and deserved the goal, Burnley had a couple of counter attacks and arguably should've scored on a 1 on 1 with Cech but they weren't ambitious at all unless a chance was gifted to them.


            3-0 now, apparently a brilliant goal from ashley cole


              Chelsea have been banned from signing any players in the next two transfer windows.

              That has to hurt.


                Awwww what a shame.

                Finally something is being done about all the big clubs using underhand tactics to sign players.


                  About time, they did something similar with Mikel. Of course, Chelsea aren't the only club guilty of this by a long shot. Thing is they'll appeal, and it'll never hold up. Ah well, worth a giggle now though at least


                    They needed to do something about this a long time ago (The problem I mean, not just Chelsea). Now it'll look as though they're victimising Chelsea (Which they are, kind of) and I don't see it holding up.

                    If they now apply this logic to ALL underhand transfer dealing then we're onto a winner. Seems like anyone can mention anything at the moment in an attempt to unsettle players.


                      What the hell? Of all the clubs to do this in Europe, they not only single out an incredibly minor signing by Chelsea but give them a stupidly harsh punishment too?

                      Is it hate English club week by the governing bodies?


                      I have to say, I'm ****ing pissed off by this

                      Will Real Madrid get a ban for signing a contract with Ronaldo whilst he was still at Man U? Will Man U get a ban for giving Everton no choice but to sell Rooney? Will Man City get a ban for their attempt to get John Terry?

                      Complete and utter farce
                      Last edited by abigsmurf; 03-09-2009, 13:48.


                        Week? FIFA/UEFA seem to have had an agenda against English clubs for years now.


                          Ferguson and Benitez must be worrying how they're going to be hit now


                          Meanwhile Uefa, Europe's governing body, is keen to introduce a rule preventing the international transfer of players under the age of 18 after member associations, clubs, leagues and players agreed to the principle at a March meeting.

                          After that meeting Uefa president Michel Platini said: "The question of minors is above all a moral and ethical issue. We have a duty to take concrete steps to protect young players and training clubs."
                          Yeah banning a young player who's just getting over a broken leg is really protecting them you twat.
                          Last edited by abigsmurf; 03-09-2009, 14:08.


                            This is a funny thing. Funny odd, rather than funny haha. Like the diving thing, this looks like scapegoating a (relatively) smaller club for something that other clubs do much more often.

                            Smurf, all of your examples are misdirected as far as I understand it. Transfer fees were paid in those cases, contracts were breached but compensated for.
                            If this ruling were to be rolled out consistently, it would require transfer bans for the big 4 and beyond as far as I can see. Arsenal's fabled youth system is basically built on the concept of poaching youngsters from other clubs' youth set up and offering contracts isn't it? Manchester United had public complaints from clubs over Pique and Machieda iirc. And that does not include the English players. Chelsea have picked up a lot of youth players and I *think* Liverpool could be found to be a bit dodge with a few more recent youth teamers.


                              and because FIFA love rubbing salt into wounds:

                              Henning Ovrebo has been picked for the World Cup.

                              Great way of rewarding incompetence! Maybe he'll officiate an important England game...


                                Chelsea will appeal, and this will be overturned. The punishment must break a load of EU employment laws surely?

