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Perfect Dark Zero

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    Perfect Dark Zero


    Release Dates
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    Joanna Dark returns in the Xbox 360-exclusive ?Perfect Dark Zero,? the prequel to the international award-winning and multimillion-selling first-person shooter ?Perfect Dark? from famed game developer Rare Ltd. A secret war has begun between shadowy corporations bent on world domination. Joanna Dark and her father, Jack, are caught up in the fight for the planet?s future. A routine bounty hunting mission rips open a global conspiracy that will change Joanna?s destiny ? forever.

    Players must guide Joanna Dark on her journey to become the Perfect Agent. Featuring a compelling and captivating story, ?Perfect Dark Zero? plunges players into a world of corporate espionage and conspiracy. ?Perfect Dark Zero? merges the excitement and intrigue of its predecessor with revolutionary game design, online play and amazing graphics to deliver an experience that defines next-generation gaming and entertainment.



    Key Features
    ● Engrossing single-player action. Brought to life in startling high- definition, ?Perfect Dark Zero? challenges players to guide Joanna Dark on her journey to become the Perfect Agent. A fully interactive world, beautiful graphics and breathtaking special effects combine with Xbox Live functionality to provide players with a one-of-a-kind, single-player experience.
    ? Gripping, action-packed story line. Players assume the role of Perfect Agent Joanna Dark in a gripping story set years before the original ?Perfect Dark,? where the action in this sci-fi thriller centers on espionage, conspiracy and a mysterious global conflict.
    ? Unparalleled online play via Xbox Live. ?Perfect Dark Zero? delivers unprecedented online action and flexibility, supporting upward of 32 players online. ?Perfect Dark Zero? includes fully scalable environments and complete Xbox Live support with tournaments, rankings and more.
    ? Extraordinary variety of gameplay options. Players can choose between a story-driven single-player campaign and various multiplayer options including four-player split screen and cooperative action for infinite replayability.
    ? Massive arsenal of weapons, gadgets and vehicles. ?Perfect Dark Zero? will feature many of the classic weapons and gadgets from the original game, as well as countless additions. Combat-enabled vehicles including jetpacks and hovercrafts will also be available to players in ?Perfect Dark Zero.?

    Limited Edition
    The Limited Collector's Edition of Perfect Dark Zero is presented in a colorfully-embossed metal collector's case with a protective cover. Includes full version of the game, a bonus DVD (The Art of Perfect Dark Zero video feature, Kepi & Kat music track from the game, Perfect Dark Zero Gamer Tiles to customize your identity on Xbox Live, Perfect Dark Zero Heads-Up Display (HUD) UI Skin to customize your Xbox 360 experience, and the first chapter from the new novel, Perfect Dark: Initial Vector), plus the Perfect Dark Zero special edition comic booklet, Hong Kong Sunrise, a collectible Perfect Dark Zero Glyph Card, and a Game Manual

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    Last edited by John Beaulieu; 28-10-2005, 00:25.

    Perfect Dark Zero

    Well, this game is utter, utter rubbish! What the hell we're they thinking...

    ...nah, not really

    Really enjoying this so far although I'm not a great way in. Cutting to the chase, it you liked Perfect Dark (and Goldeneye) then you're going to love this as it feels like more of the same.

    It just feels like a Rare FPS from the offing (and to me that's a good thing).

    Graphically it looks great (in 720p at least) - I can see why people wouldn't like the graphics but I think that's more to do with the style of the game than anything else (some of the charcter models look a little chunky but Jo and Jack look great).

    The real time shadowing and lighting are top notch - I was suitably impressed when lurking behind cover around a darkened corner and the shadow of an vehicle passed along the wall in front of me, twisting as it went along the wall surface.

    Sound wise it's also good. Not just the music but the sound effects too. I don't find the comedy voices that bad so far and some of the conversations between the scientists at the start are quite funny.

    Weapons (that I've come across up to now) all feel suitably powerful and weighty (which is a big problem for most shooters - not here). I'm loving the Laptop gun already

    The controls do take a little bit of getting used to tho, but then I'm notorious for being cack handed with shooters on consoles until I get used to them (more of a mouse and keyboard man myself).

    Looking forward to playing much more of this


      Originally posted by Spatial101
      Really enjoying this so far although I'm not a great way in. Cutting to the chase, it you liked Perfect Dark (and Goldeneye) then you're going to love this as it feels like more of the same.

      It just feels like a Rare FPS from the offing (and to me that's a good thing).
      That's what I wanted to hear

      Does using the shoulder button to aim play as much a part as it did in GE/PD? In most videos i've seen people are running about and shooting from the hip.

      Also, is there an option to turn off the crosshair? (not the one activated by the shoulder button)

      Keep the impressions coming


        Originally posted by Spatial101
        Really enjoying this so far although I'm not a great way in. Cutting to the chase, it you liked Perfect Dark (and Goldeneye) then you're going to love this as it feels like more of the same.
        Excellent excellent. Perfect Dark was my favourite N64 game and so what you said right there makes me very happy


          Originally posted by Spatial101
          Weapons (that I've come across up to now) all feel suitably powerful and weighty (which is a big problem for most shooters - not here). I'm loving the Laptop gun already

          Great - one of the main things that makes PD64 stand out even today is the way all the different guns handle differently, something missing from Mouse+Keyboard FPSs and Console FPSs that should be on a PC *cough*Halo*cough*. I can already tell from vids that the characters feel like they're actually running around rather than a lame camera floating around at the same pace all the time *cough*Halo*cough*.

          I hate messers who complain about 'restrictions' such as one gun acting slower than another, or not being able to jump 8ft in the air, or having to stand still whilst fine-aiming..... Well, use your noggins you pisshouses, those are all real life problems when holding a firearm.

          Sounds good so far mother****ers. This looks like it may get the 'Clarence Bodicker Seal of Approval' afterall.

          Answer this one question.... Can you strafe at a 45' angle in order to build up a sprint?

          one more.... Do the heads of enemies bounce around like a punchball when hit by bullets? Nothing more satisfying than shooting someone in the face with a DY-357 LX at the same time as a combat boost cursing through your veins.

          I well want to review this game for NTSC-UK. I wouldn't be biased at all. The only problem would be trying to stay clear of a ranting exercise about how all other FPSs are Turkish.
          Last edited by dataDave; 29-11-2005, 17:50.


            Sounds great keep the impressions coming, if you can prize yourself away. And answer h's question, I've been interested in the whole aiming aspect as well and losing the cross hair ! Although if memory serves it was on or off in GE but always on in dark !


              You could turn it off in PD.

              //edit - and unlock both the 'classic' red GE crosshair and the Dostovei (by completing the shooting range) Then Perfect Dark became perfect


                simmy shows his amateurish knowledge of PD64


                  Yeah, it was total lunacy taking it off on PA though - you always ended up with no ammo and dying like a n00b. I couldn't play it like that anyhow, SA minus the cross-hair was enough to keep me entertained.

                  Imagine how l337 you'd look getting that Skedar in the tail with the throwing knife at the beginning of Attack Ship: Covert Assault WITHOUT a cross-hair.

                  OMG - so much gameplay on PD64, I've been playing it all week and I can't wait to get home for more!!

                  Originally posted by H-Man
                  //edit - and unlock both the 'classic' red GE crosshair and the Dostovei (by completing the shooting range) Then Perfect Dark became perfect
                  Imagine if you could unlock classic hit-detection (big blocks rather than polygon traced) too!!

                  Originally posted by H-Man
                  Does using the shoulder button to aim play as much a part as it did in GE/PD? In most videos i've seen people are running about and shooting from the hip.
                  I'm sure I've seen someone take aim on a security camera with the Falcon (is it called that yet?) on one of the vids mate, rather than running whilst strafing and taking pot-shots at it.
                  Last edited by dataDave; 29-11-2005, 19:32.


                    You ****er spatial, I nearly shat myself when I started reading that...

                    great impressions though mate, not giving to much away, just enough to get the tongue waggin, cant wait to get this on the Friday morning at about, oh, 1AM


                      Originally posted by DavidFallows
                      I'm sure I've seen someone take aim on a security camera with the Falcon (is it called that yet?) on one of the vids mate, rather than running whilst strafing and taking pot-shots at it.
                      I'll have to look through some of the vids again (taking out cameras with a pistol was always very satisfyng )

                      I've seen someone aim with the AK and noticed that the crosshair stayed the exactly the same, rather than becoming the bigger one GE and PD gave. It also seems that recoil and burst firing plays a part in the game now.


                        Originally posted by Mardigan8
                        You ****er spatial, I nearly shat myself when I started reading that...
                        Sorry, I just couldn't resist it

                        More precise aiming is possible by holding down the left trigger (but it makes you move slower). I'm pretty sure that's how they're doing it in the videos H-man is on about - but don't quote me on that as I haven't spent nearly enough time with this yet - I'm trying to sort out some kind of ventilation with my AV unit

                        Haven't had a chance to check the crosshairs options yet either . I'll get back to you on that one



                          Have you had the chance to try out the multiplayer on Xbox Live or with simulants, Spatial? Would be interesting to know how the weapons feel in multiplayer, how useful secondary/tertiary functions are, and how you like the maps and so on.


                            Had a quick blast on Live - I keep getting my arse handed to me big style. Gonna have to get lots of practice in by Friday

                            The maps aren't too bad (think there's six in total) - even on the smallest scale (as the size can be adjusted) they're quite large and will fit a large number of players with no problems (making it quite intense in parts). The graphics in mutliplayer do look a little watered down - that could be my eyes, but I'm sure its got something to do with them lowering textures to make sure it played OK?

                            Anyway, Bots are a good online substitute- certainly no worse than any others I've played against in things like Timesplitters 2.

                            As for single player, there doesn't seem to be an option to turn off the cross hair. I've been through the menus and can't find one, only one to turn off if it resizes when your over an enemy.

                            There is an option to turn on Classic PD control though, so that might keep some of you happy.

                            I'm loving this so far. The weapon animations for reloading are great, giving a real sense that Jo's handling them like a pro. The way she cocks the shotgun and flicks the mags into the rifles are nicely done and enough to put a dirty great big grin on your face.

                            Only problem I have (and I might be missing it and being a bit thick) is there's no ability to sprint. Not that it's a bad thing as far as multiplayer is concerned, but it would have been nice for singleplayer.

                            The lack of jumping is not an issue either. Cover and ducking is much better and just means you have to play it a bit more tactical, making use of what's around you. Just don't expect to hide behind crates forever as they get smashed up (as I found out to my cost).

                            Explosions are plentiful - there's much fun to be had taking out enemies by shooting barrels next to them, watching them spiral through the air as they go.

                            There's lots of little touches that are a pleasure - the way the mech fighters crash to the floor and spazz out in a shower of sparks if you peg the pilot, or how enemies will stand there and wave their hand in pain if you catch them just right.


                              I was wondering when one of you guys would get to play this so I could read your impressions, and now I'm able to. Thanks a lot! I think I'll really enjoy this, especially as I was such a big fan of both the original Perfect Dark and GoldenEye on N64. Just hope I get a 360 on friday ...

                              Oh, by the way ... I don't think the game let's you sprint, but you could try pressing up on the d-pad to holster your weapon. It should make you move a bit quicker. At least that's what I've read.

