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Perfect Dark Zero

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    One question about the multiplayer is there a radar ? and if so can you can you switch it off?


      Originally posted by eastyy
      One question about the multiplayer is there a radar ? and if so can you can you switch it off?
      If you can't I'll be stood outside Rare HQ next week with a massive crate of eggs, egging ****ers who go in or out.


        Originally posted by DavidFallows
        If you can't I'll be stood outside Rare HQ next week with a massive crate of eggs, egging ****ers who go in or out.
        I dread to think the consequences of this not meeting your expectations now Fallows !!


          Zen of gaming, indeed. If Microsoft was hoping that Perfect Dark Zero was going to be one of the pillar launch titles t…

          Eurogamer have their review up now.

          Originally posted by Eurogamer
          But even with some solid multiplayer gaming on offer, it still only just warrants a seven. When you've battled through all 14 single player levels, played it on co-op and worked your way through some solid multiplayer action, you won?t feel like you've played a next generation title; heck, you won't even feel like you've played the best shooter out this Christmas. It's too evident that it's a decent title designed for the Xbox and belatedly buffed up to an HD shine, and that?s really no way to go about producing a next-gen launch title. Entirely on its own merits, Perfect Dark Zero is not a bad game by any means, but in the context of being as an introduction to the next generation Perfect Dark Zero misses the mark by a disappointing margin. To release a game lacking real spark and inspiration at this stage is not good news for anyone, least of all Rare and Microsoft. Both need to think long and hard about where they go from here.


            Not arsed about that opinion. I'm not looking for next gen in PDZ - I'm looking at the game itself, no matter what console it's on.

            I wouldn't even class the 360 as next gen anyway. Seems like an Xbox with an expansion pack plugged in so far. I'm not impressed with the console IN THE SLIGHTEST, honestly. Nothing screams next gen to me, why target PDZ?

            All this negativity is making it sound like a Timesplitters game.
            Last edited by dataDave; 01-12-2005, 15:18.


              Some of the criticisms were admittedly odd. It's criticised for being too hard and Goldeneye-esque (in encouraging missions to be replayed) which I thought would be plus points for some here.


                Exactly. These geezers probably only just started playing games when Halo2 came out last year.

                Halo is so ****ing ultimately ****e compared to GE/PD. *musn't RANT*


                  Eurogamer are a useless bunch of twats in my view, they seem very anti-MS lately and seem to be hammering every game, even the 8/10 for PGR3 was mainly them slagging it off.


                    I tend to agree with a lot of the reviews that eurogamer do, I think they are definatly nintendo fans but they dont seem to give nintendo an easier time than MS.

                    Im just worried that they are right and im going to be disapointed come tomorrow.


                      What an odd review.

                      Everything they dislike about the game, I tihnk sounds really good. A hard FPS with short levels, loads of stats and online rankings? Yes please.


                        Originally posted by Concept

                        Eurogamer have their review up now.
                        I've never read a review that fails to 'get it' as much as this one. Admittedly I haven't played PDZ yet , but when the main criticisms the game receives are that it's both too hard, and that there are no checkpoints, I lose faith in their opinion - both of these aspects are what made GE and PD the stonking games they are. It's like reviewing Street Fighter and complaing the story sucks.

                        If by advanced AI they mean the offerings found in FEAR, Farcry, HL2 etc i'll take GE's simple and numerous bad guys anyday. Those games offered no challenge, had dull combat (imo), and were done and dusted in days/weeks. The ai may have been impressive, but as each encounter was over so quickly there was never a chance to see it.
                        Last edited by H-Man; 01-12-2005, 16:49.


                          Question.. does each single player level on PDZ have its own background music/soundtrack that plays constantly throughout the level like in GoldenEye on the N64? Can't remember if they did this for PD64 but I hope they've done it for PDZ!


                            I think it does.

                            So does ANYONE know if PDZ is truly 32 players?


                              Nope .. the most in one game seems to be 16; ..

                              Far better to dump any thought of getting the game and go for CoD2 instead ( just check out the poor review Eurogamer gave PDZ..)


                                I personally think think this review sounds quite honest in many ways.

                                The only part I truely disagree with is their dislike of no checkpoints but I guess that is more to do with personal taste as I like a challenge.

                                At the end of the day they haven't actually given it a bad review, just say it's not the second coming. Then I guess I was never impressed by PD, simply because I loved GE but by the time PD came out I had played Half-life and Deux Ex so PD ended up feeling like GE with a worse framerate and dodge voice acting.

                                I think that this is the problem here. There is still a lot of fun to be had with the Goldeneye formula, timesplitters has shown us that. Just that for an FPS of a new generation we were hopping for something as new and defining as GE and Halo both were in their day.

                                Now I am still going to by this when I eventually get hold of a 360 and whatever happens I think it is going to be a lot of fun. Just quit branding anyone who says that this is going to be average and not the second coming, as most reviews seem to do, as a nintendo loving F#*k who doesn't know what they are talking about.

